Termékek fertilizer (63)

Kén - Elemi

Kén - Elemi

Sulfur is one of the most important agricultural and industrial raw materials and is considered a strategic product. Sulfur is an odourless, tasteless and polyvalent nonmetal which is mostly in the form of yellow crystals and is obtained from sulphide and sulphate. Sulphur occurs naturally in the environment and is the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It can be mined in its elemental form, although this method has declined over the last decade to less than 2% of world production. Today most elemental sulphur is obtained as a co-product recovered from oil and gas production in sweetening process. Despite this, our company can offer both, sulfur obtained as a by-product, and sulfur mined in its elemental form. Depending on the needs of the client, we sell it in liquid or granular form, or in the form of a lump. Sulphur is the primary source in the production of sulphuric acid, the world’s most widely used chemical.
Kén Bentonit Műtrágya - Granulált

Kén Bentonit Műtrágya - Granulált

Agro S ist ein einfacher fester anorganischer Makrodünger, der eine Mischung aus elementarem Schwefel (90 %) mit Bentonit (10 %) ist, ein granulierter Mineraldünger für die Pflanzenernährung. Bilden:Granulat Schwefelgehalt:90 ± 2 Bentonitgehalt:10 ± 2
Termékeny Tojások - Baromfi Tenyésztés/Állattenyésztés

Termékeny Tojások - Baromfi Tenyésztés/Állattenyésztés

Fertile Chicken Eggs for sale. Boxes of 360 eggs/12 trays of 30 eggs. All cracked, dirty, deformed, marked, abnormally sized and misshaped eggs are removed.