Termékek fertilizer (1281)

Magnézium Meszet - Műtrágya

Magnézium Meszet - Műtrágya

CaO 30-35% MgO 15-18%
EC műtrágya gyümölcsök, zöldségek és szőlő számára - Algi BZn

EC műtrágya gyümölcsök, zöldségek és szőlő számára - Algi BZn

Algi BZn is a fertiliser formulated from a brown seaweed extract, TSL292, enriched in Boron and Zinc. Its meticulous in-house formulation ensures 100% solubility and excellent roots and leaves uptake. Especially designed for fruits, vegetable crops and vine, Algi BZn contains essential minerals and trace-elements. This product can be applied directly on the soil but also sprayed on leaves. This product is approved for organic agriculture in compliance with regulation (EC) N°834/2007.
ALMAQ - Ellenállás induktor

ALMAQ - Ellenállás induktor

ALMAQ is a formulation that stimulates plants to develop endogenous defense mechanisms, making them more resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. Due to the presence of nitrogen and phosphorous, the product prevents and cares nutritional deficiencies and reinforces the tissues which will be more resistant to physical and mechanical stress agents. In addition, specific plant extracts stimulate the plants to produce phytoalessine, which are natural endogenous substances that create unfavorable conditions to fungine and bacteria. The formulation is particularly recommended for vine crops. Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid Application:Foliar and Fertigation Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Humisol-plus Olajos Növények - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposztra alapozva

Humisol-plus Olajos Növények - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposztra alapozva

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of oil crops. How to use: Foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Sunflower, rapeseed, mustard, flax, essential oil crops, etc. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota 7-2-3

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota 7-2-3

Biota 7-2-3 is unique because of it being the highest concentrated liquid biological single fertilizer on the market. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. It can be used as a quickly accessible source of nitrogen, during maximum vegetative development and to recover from nitrogen deficiency. Another unique feature of Biota 7-2-3 is its low content of chlorine, sodium and sulfur. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and approved for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Can be used as a supplement to nitrogen in the soil or as a replacement if the soil contains at least 3% organic matter. Repeated applications of Azotobacter nitrogen fixating bacteria can be reduced by using Biota 7-2-3. Nitrogen (N total) 7%:Liquid Phosphate (P2O5) 2%:Specific gravity 1,12-1,15 kg/liter Potassium (K2O) 3%:Organic matter 7% Sodium (Na2O) <0,1%:pH 4-5


Bore (B) soluble dans l'eau : 0,25 % Fer (Fe) soluble dans l'eau : 0,40 % Fer (Fe) complexé par l'acide lignosulfonique : 0,40 % Manganèse (Mn) soluble dans l'eau : 0,25 % Manganèse (Mn) complexé par l'acide lignosulfonique : 0,25% Zinc (Zn) soluble dans l'eau : 1,10% Zinc (Zn) complexé par l'acide lignosulfonique : 1,10% Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 20 et 1.000 litres
Ecetsav - Etánsav

Ecetsav - Etánsav

Το οξικό οξύ 50%, 80% και 99% με συστηματική ονομασία αιθανοϊκό οξύ, είναι μια όξινη, άχρωμη υγρή, οργανική ένωση με χημικό τύπο (CH3COOH) Το ξύδι περιέχει τουλάχιστον 4% οξικό οξύ κατ' όγκο, καθιστώντας το οξικό οξύ το κύριο συστατικό του ξιδιού εκτός από το νερό και τα ιχνοστοιχεία Είναι ένα σημαντικό χημικό αντιδραστήριο, που χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως στην παραγωγή οξικής κυτταρίνης για φωτογραφικό φιλμ, οξικού πολυβινυλίου για κόλλα ξύλου και συνθετικών ινών και υφασμάτων Στα νοικοκυριά, το αραιωμένο οξικό οξύ χρησιμοποιείται συχνά σε παράγοντες αφαλάτωσης Στη βιομηχανία τροφίμων, χρησιμοποιείται ως ρυθμιστής οξύτητας και ως καρύκευμα Βιομηχανίες: Οικιακά χημικά, Λιπάσματα Ιδιότητες: Αριθμός CAS 64-19-7 WE αριθμός 200-580-7 Χημικός τύπος CH3COOH Μοριακή μάζα 60,05 g/mol Κωδικός δασμολογίου 29152100 ADR UN2789 pH <1 Σημείο τήξης / πήξης -20°C (1013 hPa) Εύρος σημείου βρασμού 92°C (1013hPa)
Jaguar - 200 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Jaguar - 200 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting Machines are considered as one of the indispensable tools that play a critical role in making stony lands suitable for agriculture in the global arena of the agricultural sector. This machine is designed to process your soil while collecting stones from the surface to a depth of 35 cm with a special drum system and spring sieve . Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting machines are used to clean coasts and beaches in many industrial areas such as the tourism sector as well as agricultural lands. With its ability to collect stones from 3 cm to 45 cm in diameter , the spring sieve and drum system prevents soil and mud from collecting . The fact that our machine is produced with a special steel alloy material that offers long blade life guarantees durability and efficiency. Working Width:200cm Storage capacity:Max. 8500kg Required Tractor Power:80 - 90 HP Stone diameter it can collect (min., max.):3-35cm Working Depth (max.):35cm Weight:3850kg Length:520cm Road Width:280cm height:250cm Warehouse Height:260cm


Originaire de Madagascar, cette ressource propose une belle typicité du géranium bourbon : notes vertes menthées associées aux notes florales métalliques, elle propose aussi des effets thé et feuilles de menthe froissée. Cosmétique En cosmétique, on retrouve les extraits de géranium bourbon dans des produits utilisés pour le soin des peaux irritées, des peaux grasses et des peaux sensibles. Ref:B445F


EG-DÜNGEMITTEL Magnesiumsulfat 16+32,5 16 % MgO wasserlösliches Magnesiumoxid 32,5 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefelsäureanhydrid - EPSO Top® löst sich sofort und rückstandsfrei in Wasser und ist daher bestens geeignet zum Ausbringen mit Pflanzenschutzspritzen als Blattdünger bzw. zum Einspeisen in Bewässerungssysteme („Fertigation“). - EPSO Top® ist als Ergänzungsmaßnahme zur Bodendüngung vor allem in Mangelsituationen in allen Kulturen einsetzbar. - EPSO Top® ist entweder einzeln oder auch in Kombination mit vielen Pflanzenschutzmitteln anwendbar (Pflanzenschutzspritze zu 1/3 Wasser mit Wasser füllen > EPSO Top® > Pflanzenschutzmittel). Hierfür empfehlen wir vorab die Prüfung der Mischbarkeit mit anderen Produkten. - EPSO Top® ist nach der EG-Verordnung 834/2007 und der EG-Verordnung 889/2008 zum Einsatz im ökologischen Landbau zugelassen.
Alma Facsemete (Korai Piros) - Korai Piros

Alma Facsemete (Korai Piros) - Korai Piros

Origin: It is the mutation of Red King Delicious obtained in America. Tree: Standard type and strong, very productive and fruitful early. Fruit: Homogeneous, dark red in color and can become very dark and dull in some environments. Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji Harvest: 3-4th week of September.
Yucca rostrata

Yucca rostrata

Yucca rostrata es una planta que alcanza los 4,5 m de altura. Tiene delgadas hojas que surgen de una roseta simétrica. Las inflorescencias de pequeñas flores de color blanco aparecen en otoño.
OGSA LOWER S-65 Folyékony Kén - S-65 Folyékony Kén

OGSA LOWER S-65 Folyékony Kén - S-65 Folyékony Kén

Toprak Islah Edici + Ph Düzenleyici


NPK fertilizers in aqueous format (suspension) which facilitate and simplify handling since they only require dose regulation, mixing the product with water and they can be applied through sprayers or via the irrigation system.
Orgapell Active S 800

Orgapell Active S 800

Liquid sulfur in Elemental S form is a product used in soil improvement to regulate soil pH.. It allows the lime in the soil to dissolve. Prevents and reduces soil salinity. It facilitates the intake of macro and micro elements that the plant cannot take due to high pH It removes the sulfur deficiency of the plant and the soil.. It can be used in all kinds of fruits and vegetables and other cultivation areas. It is an effective product that can be applied to dissolve lime and salinity of the soil, increase soil acidity and reduce the pH of the soil.. In addition, it allows the soil to breathe and regulates its blood pressure, It helps to regulate the temperature of the soil in cold months.. It facilitates the intake of macro ((Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, etc.) and micro (such as zinc, iron, cobalt, manganese) nutrient elements that the soil cannot receive due to high pH..
Canna Cannacure 1 Liter Koncentrátum

Canna Cannacure 1 Liter Koncentrátum

Vorbeugendes Schädlingsbekämpungsmittel Cannacure hält biologisch Mehltau, Spinnmilben, Blattläuse, Wollläuse und weiße Fliege durch physische Einwirkung unter Kontrolle. Cannacure ist kein Bekämpfungsmittel. Cannacure hält Schädlinge und Mehltau unter Kontrolle oder beugt diesen auf natürliche Weise vor. Cannacure kann von Beginn der Wachstumsphase bis hin zur Ernte angewandt werden. Zur Vorbeugung gegen Schädlinge wird Cannacure einmal wöchentlich gespritzt. - Nicht giftig - Hält Schädlinge wie Spinnmilben, Blattlaus, Wolllaus und weiße Fliege unter Kontrolle - Hält Mehltau durch physische Einwirkung in Grenzen, indem die Sporen umschlossen werden und Wasser ferngehalten wird, so das sich Mycel erst gar nicht entwickelt Ein Liter Konzentrat ergibt vier Liter Sprühlösung.


Max Power 50, enzim ve vitaminlerce zenginleştirilmiş bitkisel kaynaklı organik bir üründür. İçeriği potasyum bakımından zengindir. Organik madde içeriği oldukça yüksektir. Topraktaki faydalı mikroorganizmaları arttırır. Zengin içeriği sayesinde toprak faaliyetlerini hızlandırır. İçeriğindeki potasyumun organik kaynaklı olması sebebi ile bitkilerce alınımı çok yüksektir. Max Power 50, Bitki gelişimin düzenlerken meyvenin renk ve kalitesine etkisi yüksektir. Meyve renklendirinin daha canlı şekillerinin daha dolgun olmasını sağlar.
Azotobacter alapú termék 'Azotohelp' - Azotobacter alapú termék, amely extra nitrogén tápanyagot biztosít a növényeknek

Azotobacter alapú termék 'Azotohelp' - Azotobacter alapú termék, amely extra nitrogén tápanyagot biztosít a növényeknek

Product details: Actively fixes the molecular atmospheric nitrogen and enriches the soil up 60 kg/ha (average — 20 kg/ha) Synthesizes growth-stimulating substances Improves seed germination Stimulates development of the root system and plants Increases resistance of plants to stress factors Improves nutrient absorption Strengthens the immune system of plants Increases crop yield Active substance: Azotobacter chroococcum, titer: not less than > 1,0×10^9 CFU/cm3 Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: pre-sowing seed treatment foliar feeding (spraying) of plants during the growing season root feeding, fertigation treatment of potato tubers Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C -10 °C ! More than 130 000 ha is treated with Azotohelp in 12 countries ! 87% of farmers have positive results, where income covers application cost ! 170 $/ha is an average additional income after Azotohelp application


BENEFITS OF LIQUID SULFUR • It is the most effective product in the regulation of soil pH. • It is an important advantage that liquid sulfur can be applied in small amounts and can show its effect within 1-2 weeks, although it has to be applied in higher amounts than sulfur applied in powder form in general and the powder sulfur shows its effect in 4-5 years. • Its application is easier than sulfur powder and it can be used at every stage of plant production from planting to pre-harvest. • In its use, all kinds of agricultural mechanization possibilities developed for pesticide and fertilization can be used. • It exists in the soil and facilitates the absorption of macro and micro nutrients by plants due to the high pH of the soil. • It reduces and prevents the salinity of the soil after use. • It breaks down the lime in calcareous and excessively calcareous soils. • It helps to adjust the soil temperature, thus increasing the freezing resistance of the products.
Ökológiai Humusz - Folyékony humusz és szilárd ökológiai humusz

Ökológiai Humusz - Folyékony humusz és szilárd ökológiai humusz

El suelo puede parecer algo inerte, carente de vida, pero como ya hemos comentado, es el lugar donde conviven millones de microorganismos que cumplen una función vital a la hora de fertilizar y proteger naturalmente nuestros cultivos. Todos los tratamientos desarrollados por ECO HUMUS parten de una convicción: la mejor inversión para un agricultor es tener un suelo sano. Incluso habiendo excelentes tratamientos foliares para fertilizar y proteger las plantaciones, en ECO HUMUS creemos que la base de cualquier cultivo es el suelo, y por ello, todos nuestros tratamientos integrales van especialmente dirigidos a crear un suelo rico en nutrientes y con la capacidad de prevenir enfermedades y plagas. En otras palabras, tratamos de estimular el sistema inmunológico de la planta enriqueciendo el suelo.
Magic Leon Leonardit - Talajjavító

Magic Leon Leonardit - Talajjavító

Magic Leon is a Organic proprietary fertilizer specially formulated for use on most crops. Through our patented (turan) fusion technology process, organic matter, humic and fulvic acid are fused into one nutritionally balanced granule, creating a single source for balanced crop nutrition. Magic Leon Leonardite – Soil is important to plants because it stores nutrients and serves as a medium for growth. It is an anchor for roots and also holds water needed by plants for moisture. Soil contains the air, water and food that provides a suitable place for plants to grow and without which there would be no life.
Enraizal - Gyökérfejlesztő

Enraizal - Gyökérfejlesztő

ENRAIZAL is a biostimulant that contains purine base-derivatives, amino acids, NPK and microelements. ENRAIZAL increases the nutrient-absorbing surface due to its stimulation on the lateral roots, which increases the number of mycorrhizes and root hairs => BOOSTER EFFECT Its application is recommended after transplantation or when it is appropriate to encourage rooting and nutrient absorption in all crops.
Tik Tok - Előfizetés

Tik Tok - Előfizetés

 Ph Ácido  Líquido concentrado de Ácidos Húmicos y Fúlvicos para fertirrigación.  Procedentes de Leonardita americana natural.  Aumenta la Capacidad de Intercambio catiónico y la retención del agua en el suelo.  Mejora la estructura del suelo y su aireación.  Favorece la absorción de macronutrientes y micronutrientes.  Actúa sobre formas no asimilables de fósforo.  Mejora el sistema radicular de las plantas y la vida microbiana


Rasendüngung und Ballspielen, das geht mit MALTaflor gleichzeitig! Der natürliche Langzeitdünger, ohne Sorge um Kind und Tier!


We have 46 urea many types of chemical and petroleum fuels sales. Minimum 10,000 tons. I am looking for serious buyers. Loi wants you to send her. We look forward to your positive response. VENUSCE ITHALAT IHRACAT SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI http://venusce.com.tr Info@venusce.com.tr venusceIhracat@gmaIl.com venuscexport@gmaIl.com GSM TURKISH +90 555 548 06 00 SELALE CERİ TURKISH - ENGLISH +90 506 152 48 84 NESAT CERİ
Bandırma BAGFAS Műtrágyagyár

Bandırma BAGFAS Műtrágyagyár

Bandırma BAGFAS Fertilizer Factory
Folyékony Műtrágya Tárolótartály

Folyékony Műtrágya Tárolótartály

Doppelwandige Lagertanks für AHL- und ASL-Flüssigdünger Sprechen wir heute von Flüssigdünger, ist meistens AHL (Ammoniumnitrat-Harnstoff-Lösung) oder ASL (Ammoniumsulfat-Lösung) gemeint. Flüssigdünger ist als wassergefährdender Stoff eingestuft und darf nicht in Abwasseranlagen, Gewässer oder in das Grundwasser gelangen. Der Umgang mit Anlagen zum Lagern, Abfüllen und Umschlagen wassergefährdender Stoffe ist im Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG) vorgeschrieben: Lageranlagen müssen so beschaffen und betrieben werden, dass Flüssigkeiten nicht austreten können Einwandige unterirdische Lageranlagen sind unzulässig Lagertanks müssen mit einer Auffangwanne versehen werden oder doppelwandig sein Hier finden unsere doppelwandigen Lagertanks für AHL- und ASL-Flüssigdünger ihren Einsatz! Sie interessieren sich für die sichere Chemikalienlagerung? Dann informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Lagerbehälter und Tanklager für Chemikalien.
Állati Takarmány & Műtrágya

Állati Takarmány & Műtrágya

- Protein Feed Ingredients - High Protein Feed Ingredients - Energy / Dietary Fiber Feed Ingredients - Special Feed Ingredients - Fertilzers
Folyékony Trágya Tartály és Táska

Folyékony Trágya Tartály és Táska

Les solutions de stockage pour engrais liquides soufrés et azotés à l'aide de citernes souples représentent une très bonne démarche en terme de coût d'investissement et de facilité de mise en place. Ces solutions peuvent être aménagées à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment tout comme en extérieur.