Termékek fertilizer (1288)

Műtrágya Kalcium - Karbonát

Műtrágya Kalcium - Karbonát

92-96% CaCO3 included min. 50% CaO
PEGO - A virágzás és gyümölcsfejlődés biostimulátora

PEGO - A virágzás és gyümölcsfejlődés biostimulátora

PEGO promotes and catalyzes fruit attachment preventing fruit falling issues and it stimulates blooming. This product contains brown seaweed, polysaccharides, propolis and other natural substances that attract a greater number of pollinators (bees and bombs) and it also contains amino acids that benefit the absorption of calcium, boron and zinc which are crucial elements on flowering and fruit setting phase. Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid Application:Foliar and Fertigation Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Speciális citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Speciális citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Fructicitrus est une solution d’engrais foliaire NPK à base d’extrait d’algues micronisées, stabilisées et concentrées, TSL292. Fructicitrus est riche en sels minéraux et oligo-éléments d’origine naturelle. Il est absorbé par voie foliaire et racinaire.
Folyékony szerves trágyázó - BeneLIQ 3-0-7

Folyékony szerves trágyázó - BeneLIQ 3-0-7

BeneLIQ 3-0-7 is a liquid organic fertilizer, composed of 100% natural products that can increase the plant’s yield and the quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Due to the nature of BeneLIQ 3-0-7, a quick effect on the soil can be noted. This strong effect on soil microbiology leads to a great diversity in beneficial bacteria and fungi. These organisms compete with negative soil microbes and, on their turn, result in more fertility. The interaction with the root surface brings about a healthier plant which is less sensitive to diseases. The chain of processes in the soil creates a better availability of important minerals and trace elements. The BeneLIQ 3-0-7 is particularly suitable for crops that demand a high rate of potassium and trace elements, with a strong stimulation of flowering and fruit setting. It can be used as a foliar application as well as in an irrigation application. Certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Liquid:1,25 kg/liter Dry matter 60%:Organic matter 39% Viscosity 150 cps at 20°C:pH 6-8
Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of grain crops. How to use: Foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Wheat, oats, barley, rye, triticale, rice, millet, sorghum, etc. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Black Up

Black Up

Extrait humique total : 22 % Acides humiques : 11 % Acides fulviques : 11 % Potassium (K2O) soluble dans l'eau : 4 %
Ecetsav - etánsav

Ecetsav - etánsav

Acetic Acid 50%, 80% and 99% systematically named ethanoic acid, is an acidic, colourless liquid, organic compound with the chemical formula (CH3COOH) Vinegar is at least 4% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water and trace elements It is an important chemical reagent, used primarily in the production of cellulose acetate for photographic film, polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, and synthetic fibres and fabrics In households, diluted acetic acid is often used in descaling agents In the food industry, it used as an acidity regulator and as a condiment Industries: Household chemicals, Fertilizers Properties: CAS number 64-19-7 WE number 200-580-7 Chemical formula CH3COOH Molar mass 60,05 g/mol Customs tariff code 29152100 ADR UN2789 pH <1 Melting / freezing point -20°C (1013 hPa) Boiling point range 92°C (1013hPa) Relative density 1,057 g/cm3 @25°C Solubility in water 602,9 g/l/ @25°C
Jaguar - 140 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Jaguar - 140 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting Machines are considered as one of the indispensable tools that play a critical role in making stony lands suitable for agriculture in the global arena of the agricultural sector. This machine is designed to process your soil while collecting stones from the surface to a depth of 35 cm with a special drum system and spring sieve . Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting machines are used to clean coasts and beaches in many industrial areas such as the tourism sector as well as agricultural lands . With its ability to collect stones from 3 cm to 45 cm in diameter , the spring sieve and drum system prevents soil and mud from collecting . The fact that our machine is produced with a special steel alloy material that offers long blade life guarantees durability and efficiency. The specially designed pad and transmission system ensures trouble-free operation and long life as long as regular oil maintenance is performed. Working Width:140cm Storage capacity:Max. 4500kg Required Tractor Power:50 - 65 HP Stone diameter it can collect (min., max.):3-35cm Working Depth (max.):35cm Weight:2800kg Length:520cm Road Width:225cm height:250cm Warehouse Height:260cm


Originaire d’Asie mineure, le cyprès commun est une plante appartenant à la famille des Cupressaceae. Cette plante donne un arbre qui a été acclimaté dans tout l’hémisphère nord, et plus précisément autour du bassin méditerranéen. Ref:B340
KALISOP® Plus max. 1,0 % Cl

KALISOP® Plus max. 1,0 % Cl

EG-DÜNGEMITTEL Kaliumsulfat 51 (+45) 51 % K2O wasserlösliches Kaliumoxid 45 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefeltrioxid - KALISOP® Plus ist vollständig wasserlöslich, sodass die Nährstoffe Kalium und Schwefel direkt pflanzenverfügbar sind. - KALISOP® Plus ist praktisch chloridfrei (max. 1 % Cl) und dadurch die ideale Kaliumquelle für chloridempfindliche Kulturen. - KALISOP® Plus hat im Vergleich zu anderen Kaliumdüngern einen niedrigen Salzindex und eignet sich daher besonders für die Düngung wertvoller Spezialkulturen in intensiven Anbausystemen. - KALISOP® Plus ist nicht hygroskopisch und somit gut lagerfähig. - KALISOP® Plus ist nach der EU-Verordnung 834/2007 und der EU-Verordnung 889/2008 zum Einsatz im ökologischen Landbau zugelassen.
Alma palánta (Red Chief) - Red Chief

Alma palánta (Red Chief) - Red Chief

Tree: Weak, Semi Upright Fruit: Medium-Large, Sweet, Juicy Fruit Flesh: Creamy White Harvest: 4th of September, 1st Week of October (145-155 Days) Shell Color: Bright Red on Yellow-Green Background Pollinators: Gala Group, Fuji, Granny Smith, Braeburn Other Features: High Commercial Value. It produces well-colored fruits.


BAT-FOS, Toprağın organik madde ve mikroorganizmalarca zenginleştirilmesi, bitkilerin Fosfor ihtiyacını karşılaması üzerine geliştirilen Yarasa Gübresi katkılı spesifik bir sıvı gübredir. BAT-FOS, bitki büyüme hormonlarını (oksin ve sitokin) hızlı bir şekilde uyarabilmektedir. İçeriğindeki Azotun, fosforun ve çinkonun mükemmel kombiasyonu sayesinde köklendirici ve stres giderici bir üründür. Üretimde kullanılan Yarasa Gübresi ve teknoloji sayesinde fosforun alınabilirliği yüksek ve etkilidir. Tozlaşmayı hızlandırır. Bitki metabolizmasından karbonhidratların taşınmasında etkilidir. Bitkide çiçeklenmeyi teşvik eder. Çiçek sayısını ve meyve tutumunu arttırır. Çiçekteki polen oluşumunu teşvik eder. BAT-FOS, Yarasa Gübresinden gelen, zengin aminoasit ve mikroorganizmalar sayesinde bitkilerce alınımı yüksek bir gübredir. Uygulamalarda kısa sürede etkinliği görülmektedir. Toprak tuzluğunu ve pH'nı ayarlar. Düşük pH'lı olması sayesinde alkali topraklarda bile en iyi sonuçları vermektedir.
Chamaerops humilis

Chamaerops humilis

Chamaerops humilis, la única especie del género Chamaerops, se conoce popularmente como palmito o palmera enana.​ Diferentes tamaños y litrajes.
Tojás héj, műtrágyák, organikus, takarmány - takarmány-kiegészítők, összetevő építőanyagokhoz

Tojás héj, műtrágyák, organikus, takarmány - takarmány-kiegészítők, összetevő építőanyagokhoz

die innovative Kalziumquelle Nichts ist nachhaltiger als die Natur - gibt es zum Beispiel eine perfektere Verpackung als die Schale eines Hühnerei´s? Ein Hühnerei besteht zu 15% aus Schale, 58% aus Eiweiß und zu 27% aus Eigelb. Im Rahmen unserer Eiproduktenherstellung fallen täglich Unmengen an Eierschalen an. Sie bestehen zu 90% aus Calciumcarbonat, aus 27 Mikronährstoffen und Asche. Nutzen Sie diese wertvolle Eierschale als Calciumcarbonatquelle. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren: Einzelfuttermittel bei erhöhtem Kalziumbedarf Ergänzungsfuttermittel Düngemittel Baustoffe (Zementherstellung) Kunststoffe E170 Zusatzstoff Wandfarben ( Kalk absorbiert Wasser und beugt Schimmelbildung vor) Einstreu im Stall ( zur Verwendung in Liegeboxen an Stelle von Kalkstein) Elektroden ??? Hausmittel Schneckenschreck Polen: Säcke 25 kg 600 kg: Big Bags
Kézi Műtrágyaszóró Handy Green II

Kézi Műtrágyaszóró Handy Green II

Mit dem Düngerstreuer gehen Sie einen Schritt weiter, wenn es um die Pflege von Ihren Garten geht. Bestreuen Sie mit Leichtigkeit auch große Flächen und verlassen Sie sich dabei auf die präzise Genauigkeit der Maschine, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Queiron K folyadék - Folyékony Műtrágya

Queiron K folyadék - Folyékony Műtrágya

QUEIRON K LIQUID c’est un engrais NK 3.5-0-31, très riche en potasse avec une dose appropriée d’agent quelatant.Il est conseillé pour utilisation en foliaire comme appliqué direct au sol, comme complément de l’amendement de fond pendant l’étape de maturation du fruit pour améliorer son calibrage, aspect et qualité. Richesses garanties: Azote total : 5,2 % p/v : 3,5 % p/p Azote d'urée : 5,2 % p/v : 3,5 % p/p Oxyde de potassium (K2O)(soluble dans l’eau): 46,5 % p/v : 31 % Autres fonctionnalités: Agent chélateur EDTA : 1,5 % p/v : 1 % p/p Densité: 1:1,50 Faible teneur en chlore
PROSPREADER 19 trágyaszóró

PROSPREADER 19 trágyaszóró

ProSpreader is one of the best manure spreaders ever made. It has been engineered by farmer opinions and tested under heaviest conditions. ProSpreader 19 has 14 mm forged chain with optional dual drive apron gearbox & 190 bar hydromotor. It runs with a 540 rpm rear gearbox, has a 15 degrees beater angle for widest spreading pattern. Flail type beater also has a by-pass function to avoid concrete or other hard materials inside the manure. Hitch is designed with supports for carrying the weight easily. Tandem axle is run by 4 x 400/70-20 tires and 20" hubs has 8 bolts. Flotation tires are also optional. Front and rear shaft is made from 60 mm 4140 steel. Front chain sprockets has brass bushings inside and front shaft is fixed with 28 mm chain tensioners at the front.
Fitoreguláló hormonok

Fitoreguláló hormonok

Las hormonas fitoreguladoras de Mediterránea de agroquímicos son productos especializados diseñados para regular el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Estas hormonas incluyen auxinas, giberelinas, citoquininas y ácido abscísico, cada una desempeñando un papel crucial en diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de las plantas. Al utilizar estas hormonas, los agricultores pueden mejorar la calidad de sus cultivos, optimizar el crecimiento de las raíces y aumentar la resistencia de las plantas a las condiciones de estrés. Estos productos son especialmente útiles para mejorar la floración, el cuajado de frutos y el desarrollo general de las plantas. Al integrar las hormonas fitoreguladoras en sus prácticas agrícolas, los agricultores pueden lograr un control más preciso sobre el crecimiento de sus cultivos, lo que resulta en una mayor productividad y calidad de los productos agrícolas.
PP Szőtt Műtrágyazsákok

PP Szőtt Műtrágyazsákok

The PP woven bag-making machine is a bespoke piece of kit designed to transform PP raw materials into plastic woven bags. This sophisticated equipment, also referred to as a PP woven bag production line, incorporates a comprehensive suite of machinery to facilitate the entire manufacturing process. The machine undergoes a series of processes to convert PP raw materials into woven bags, including extrusion, circular weaving, cutting, bag sewing, and packaging. The finished woven bags have a broad range of applications across various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and logistics.
Királynő Méhészet - Arnietta Megtermékenyítéshez

Királynő Méhészet - Arnietta Megtermékenyítéshez

Telaini in plastica (n. 3 pezzi). - Escludiregina presente nella griglia posta nella parte inferiore dell'arnietta. - Griglia d’aerazione nella parte inferiore dell'arnietta. - Nutritore interno per candito o sciroppo. INTRODUZIONE DELLE API: -Utilizzazione della regina feconda. -Custodia della regina nell'arnietta. - Mettere con cura l’arnietta sottosopra ed aprire per 2/3 il fondo. - Le api (senza fuchi), precedentemente scrollate in un piglia sciame, devono essere ben spruzzate con acqua, come l’interno dell’arnietta. - Bisogna introdurre circa 100 gr di api (1 bicchiere) nell’arnietta e richiudere il fondo. Riposizionare delicatamente l’arnietta nella posizione normale. - Tenere l’arnietta in luogo tranquillo e buio, ma non freddo per una clausura di 3-5 giorni. - Controllare se la regina è nata ed è tutto in ordine. - Adesso portare l’arnietta alla stazione di fecondazione e aprire la porticina di volo. Codice Prodotto:922
Amonium-klorid - Műtrágya

Amonium-klorid - Műtrágya

sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Folyékony műtrágya tárolótartály - Mezőgazdasági

Folyékony műtrágya tárolótartály - Mezőgazdasági

BIEBER Industrie fabrique et commercialise une gamme large de cuve de stockage. La contenance est variable de 2 000 litres à 70 000 litres. Nos atouts Une expérience de longue date Un produit à la fiabilité éprouvée Une fabrication sur mesure Un ensemble d’accessoires adaptés aux besoins
Műtrágya Elválasztó - Műtrágya Elválasztó

Műtrágya Elválasztó - Műtrágya Elválasztó

Koçaksan Gübre Seperatörü sıvı ve katı gübrelerin ayrışması için geliştirilmiş mükemmel makinedir. Paslanmaz çelik ve dökme demir çeşitleri mevcuttur. 20 Metre küp kapasite 5.5 Kw motor gücüyle inanılmaz işler çıkarmaktadır.
Folyékony műtrágya - Ful-K - Kálium-adipát oldat, gyümölcsbeállító és zsírosító stimulátor

Folyékony műtrágya - Ful-K - Kálium-adipát oldat, gyümölcsbeállító és zsírosító stimulátor

FUL-K is a fertiliser solution rich in chloride-free potassium, with a high percentage of humic acids which, in addition to inducing all the benefits of applying organic acids to a soil, facilitates the assimilation of this potassium. Due to its high content of potassium adipate, FUL-K has ideal characteristics for both foliar and root application in any type of crop, both in greenhouses and in outdoor crops. AGRONOMIC ADVANTAGES - Optimum potassium concentration (chloride free). - Maximum synergy and penetration. - Special anti-blocking agent. - Nitrogen free, maximising its effectiveness. - Total solubility and superior to other salts. - Neutral pH, so when applied with other products it does not cause alkaline hydrolysis in its mixtures. - Chloride free. - Accelerates the formation of sugars and fats. - Improves and increases fruit ripening and fruit set. Packs of: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water:18% p/p Chloride (CI):<0,3% p/p PH:8 p/p Density (gr/cc):1,25 p/p
LAKTO Trágyaszivattyú - Magas hatékonyságot biztosít a trágyakezelésben!

LAKTO Trágyaszivattyú - Magas hatékonyságot biztosít a trágyakezelésben!

Gübre yönetiminde yüksek verim sağlayan LAKTO gübre pompası, gübre ve yoğun çamurun transferi için en uygun çözümdür. Neden LAKTO Gübre Pompası? Piyasadaki sıkıştırmalı tip gübre pompalarının aksine loblu tip olan LAKTO gübre pompası, kolay temizlenebilir yapıdadır. Korozyona ve aşınmaya karşı dayanıklı olması sayesinde partikül içeriği yüksek sıvıların transferinde performans kaybı olmaksızın uzun yıllar boyunca çalışır. Nerede ve Nasıl Kullanılır? LAKTO gübre pompası %17'ye kadar kuru madde içeren gübre ve çamuru 5 bar basınca kadar pompalayabilir. Traktör kuyruk mili tahrikli ve elektrik motoru tahrikli olmak üzere 2 ana modeli bulunmaktadır.
Bloom A&B a PRO-XL-től - Bloom A&B, PRO-XL virágzó műtrágya

Bloom A&B a PRO-XL-től - Bloom A&B, PRO-XL virágzó műtrágya

#Bloom #A&B 500 ml - #PRO-XL #nutrientes esenciales para un optimo desarrollo y #rendimiento del #cannabis Bloom A&B de PRO-XL es un fertilizante de floración. El bloom a&b aportará y potenciará a tus plantas para una gran absorción de nutrientes, llevandolas a un desarrollo completo, vigoroso, con un excelente rendimiento que se apreciará en el mmomento de la cosecha. Contiene los nutrientes necesarios para tus plantas,y además ha sido pensado y creado con una medida proporción que consigue el punto perfecto. Para con este conseguir un aumento en el rendimiento y producción de las plantas. Un abono de floración concentrado, muy completo, fácil de usar.


– Paslanmaz çelik helis AISI304 – Paslanmaz çelik tıkanmaz elek AISI16 – 0,25 – 0,50 – 0,75 – 1,00 mm elek seçenekleri – Dökme demir ana gövde – Kapasite 20-50 m3/saat – Motor gücü 5,5 kW
Szilárd Trágyák Elosztó Gépe - AKGD - Alkimista Trailer

Szilárd Trágyák Elosztó Gépe - AKGD - Alkimista Trailer

Thanks to the Solid Fertilizer Distribution Trailer, the fertilizer is distributed more homogeneously over a wider area. Thus, it prevents soil compaction by providing less trampling of the soil, and our producer saves time and fuel. Wet manure, medium wet (moist) and solid manure can be thrown with the solid manure trailer. This saves labor and ensures that the appropriate fertilizer is applied according to the plant to be grown. This type Solid Fertilizer is designed for you to easily distribute solid manure inside the field.


Die Gesundheit der Pflanze ist sehr stark davon abhängig, wie sich die Pflanze an ihre Umwelt anpasst und wie die Pflanze gegenüber ihrer Umwelt behauptet. Dieses ist entscheidend für die gesamte Vitalität der Pflanzen, wie Fruchtbildung, Nährstoffverwertung/Nährstoffaufnahme sowie Selbstschutz gegenüber Parasiten. Dieses Vermögen der Pflanzen wird positiv beeinflusst durch „NATURAL GROWTH“. Hormone kennen wir als Botenstoffe, die uns glücklich machen, leiden lassen oder unser Wachstum steuern. Erstaunlicherweise besitzen auch Pflanzen einen Hormonhaushalt, der für eine geregelte Entwicklung der Pflanze und ihrer Organe sorgt. „NATURAL GROWTH“ regt die Bildung der Schlüs-selhormone an und fördert vielfältige Prozesse wie Zellbildung, Blüten oder Samenbildung, Steuerung der Nährstoffaufnahme und die Inte-raktion mit Parasiten.
Tört búza

Tört búza

Blé concassé