Termékek fertilizer (1288)

Fekete kréta - Tókréta műtrágya

Fekete kréta - Tókréta műtrágya

min. 30% CaO (according to recent studies approx. 41%) and humic acids, fulvic acids and organic carbon
NUTRIEL R - Vízben oldódó műtrágyák fertigációhoz

NUTRIEL R - Vízben oldódó műtrágyák fertigációhoz

The NUTRIEL R product line includes several water-soluble fertilizer formulations, enriched with EDTA microelements (copper, iron, manganese and zinc) to be used on all crops through fertigation. NUTRIEL R products are made with high quality raw materials in order to be totally soluble and with low salinity. Aspect:Micro-crystals Application:Fertigation
Mikronizált Barna Hínár Krém - Növekedés Serkentő - TSL29 - CE Trágya

Mikronizált Barna Hínár Krém - Növekedés Serkentő - TSL29 - CE Trágya

TSL29 es un principio activo especificamente diseñado para el tratamiento de los cultivos por via foliar, hidroponicos y/o aplicacion sobre semillas. TSL29 contiene hormonas de crecimiento, betainas, aminoacidos, oligosacaridos y todos los oligoelementos esenciales. Producto utilizable en agricultura biologica de acuerdo con el reglamento (CE) N°834/2007. Autorización de comercialización N° 1200295
Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Cink 7,5%

Folyékony Műtrágya - Biota Cink 7,5%

Biota Zinc is a concentrated single zinc fertiliser, based on lignosulphonic acid and part of our liquid organic single fertilizer line. Due to the unique production process, the nutrients are 100% present in the solution and can therefore be taken up directly by the plant. The product is fully made from plant-based materials and certified for use in organic agri- and horticulture. The ingredients are partly sourced from agricultural waste. Due to the natural origin, the nutrient content may vary. Biota Zinc is especially important for emerging crops. It provides a healthy stimulation of root growth (auxins). In soils with a high pH and a high lime content, there is often not enough zinc available. Zinc uptake is also disrupted in an acidic soil with an above-average amount of organic matter. Zinc ensures, besides other things, that the resistance to scab is increased. To be applied to perennial crops after harvest, but before leaf discoloration. Zinc (Zn) Complexed by ligno-sulphonic acids 7.5%:Colour: Dark brown pH 5.5:Specific gravity (g/cc) 1.31
Keserű Narancs Absolút

Keserű Narancs Absolút

En parfumerie fine, cette ressource est idéale pour apporter de l’opulence et de la féminité aux fragrances. Cette communelle permet d’impacter par des notes miellés et jasminées intenses qui s’accordent avec tous les ingrédients caractéristiques de cette parfumerie orientale. Ref:F1842A
Queiron Glu (Műtrágya) - Biológiai Réz

Queiron Glu (Műtrágya) - Biológiai Réz

Queiron Glu (Engrais) - Cuivres en Bio
Folyékony Műtrágya - Aminomil-V - Aminosavak enzimatikus hidrolízisből

Folyékony Műtrágya - Aminomil-V - Aminosavak enzimatikus hidrolízisből

AMINOMIL-V is a plant metabolism stimulant with immediate effect. It plays a fundamental role in plant physiology and is involved in the formation of proteins and chlorophyll. It also facilitates the introduction of macro and micronutrients into the plant. AMINOMIL-V increases plant resistance to adverse conditions such as excessive cold and heat, phytotoxicity problems, pests and diseases. The amino acids included are rapidly absorbed by the root, which results in a better channelling of water and nutrients into the plant and, consequently, a greater leaf mass. AGRONOMIC ADVANTAGES - Plant metabolism stimulant with immediate effect. - Involved in the formation of proteins and chlorophyll. - Facilitates the introduction of macro and micronutrients into the plant. - Increases plant resistance to adverse conditions. Packs of: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Free amino acids:12% p/p Total nitrogen (N) :8% p/p Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :4% p/p Organic nitrogen (N):4% p/p Organic Matter Calcination:50% p/p Organic carbon (corg):24% p/p Corg/Norg ratio:6% p/p Dry residue:58% p/p PH:6 p/p Density (gr/cc):1,25 p/p
Tetra nátrium-pirofoszfát - Pharma

Tetra nátrium-pirofoszfát - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Műtrágya Festék - Műtrágya Színező

Műtrágya Festék - Műtrágya Színező

Mor Gübre Boyası / Purple Fertilizer Paint


Oligro Eskimo - Szervetlen Folyékony Műtrágyák

Oligro Eskimo - Szervetlen Folyékony Műtrágyák

Oligro Eskimo, increases the density of sugar and minerals in the protoplasm of the cell. The plant’s resistance increases due to boosting energy. It lowers the freezing point of water and forms a layer on the plant. Thus, it provides frost protection and keeps the plant healthy in cold conditions
Műtrágyaszóró - Műtrágyaszóró, Mezőgazdasági Gépek

Műtrágyaszóró - Műtrágyaszóró, Mezőgazdasági Gépek

Dear MR/MS, Our company is a manufacturer/exporter of Agricultural Spraying Machines and Fertilizer Spreaders from Turkey and we would like to inform you about our products and our company. As we have recently received a large number of requests for our products from your country, we would like to work with you to enable your citizens to reach our products more easily and to increase our commercial volume. You can review our products on our corporate website https://payaza.com.tr/urun-kategori/makine-grubu/ or in the attached small catalogue. For all our machines, if you wish, you can change the color, model and technical features, design your own machine and place a special order. For more information about our company and our products, you can contact us at any time via export@payaza.com.tr e-mail address or 0090 532 770 77 50 Whatsapp Live Support Line. Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. It will be a great pleasure for us to meet and work with you.
Meleg Trágya-Folyadék - Cankar - Cankar

Meleg Trágya-Folyadék - Cankar - Cankar

CANKAR Liquid Fertilizer contains beneficial microorganisms which are necessary for growth and development of fertile plants, organic substances, macro and micro nutrients, amino acids, enzymes, natural antibiotics. It is easily absorbed by the plant and provides a balanced nutrition and growth of the plant. It increases in yields of products, improves vitamin content. It is 100% organic fertilizer that can be used safely in terms of health and environment. It can be easily applied with both leaf and drip irrigation systems. All details are specified in the PDF file.
Glint Növényi Trágya - 1 Liter

Glint Növényi Trágya - 1 Liter

Glint Joker Gold Bitkisel Temizleyici Türkiye de ilk defa etken maddesi reçine olan su ile çoğaltılarak her yüzeyde kullanılabilen, temizleme prensibi yüzey gerilimini düşürerek kirin, yağın yüzeyden kayarak akmasını sağlayan korozif olmayan sağlıklı ve pratik bir üründür. Evsel temizlikte,ağır sanayide, gıda sanayinde, vs. her alanda kullanılabilir, tek tip üründür. Su ile karışabilen, petrol bazlı solventlerin yerine geçecek yanmaz, uçucu olmayan biyolojik, çok güçlü bir çözücüdür. Uygulandığı alanda kir ve yağın yapısını bozarak su ile çözünmesini sağlar. Tamamen doğal ham-maddelerden formüle edilmiştir. Asit, kostik, fenol, fosfat, solvent vs. içermez. Böyle doğal olmasına rağmen inanılmaz yağ, kir çözme ve koku giderme özelliğine sahiptir. Geniş bir kullanım alanına sahip bir üründür. Birçok temizlik ürününün üstesinden gelemediği,kirleri tek başına çözebilen bir etkiye sahiptir.
Amonium-klorid - Szervetlen műtrágyák

Amonium-klorid - Szervetlen műtrágyák

Ammonium chloride, a byproduct of sodium bicarbonate production, contains 24% to 26% Nitrogen and 65% Chlorine. It is also known as Sal Ammoniac, the salt of ammonia and hydrogen chloride. In its pure form, it is crystalline salt, white, but easy to caking. To avoid this phenomenon, it can also be granulated to Granule, which is hard to caking and easy to store. This compound is highly water-soluble and mildly acidic and can be used as a nitrogen fertilization source (corresponding to 90 percent of ammonium chloride production worldwide) in crops, especially for Wheat and Rice Chemical Formula:NH4Cl Formula Weight:53.49 g/mol HS CODE:2827101000
VeraPollina - szerves természetes pellettrágya

VeraPollina - szerves természetes pellettrágya

VeraPollina è l'unica derivante da un processo totalmente artigianale con la garanzia della materia prima, sicura e tracciata. È ideale per il ripristino ed il mantenimento della fertilità del suolo poiché contiene macroelementi come Azoto, Fosforo, Potassio, Calcio, Magnesio, Zolfo, Ferro e microelementi (rame, zinco, boro, manganese, molibdeno), oltre ad una concentrazione elevata di sostanza organica. Completamente privo di antibiotici Migliora la struttura, facendola evolvere verso il tipo glomerulare e condizionando tutte le proprietà fisiche ad essa collegate (permeabilità, sofficità, porosità, ecc.) Aumenta la capacità di ritenzione dell'acqua, grazie all'elevato potere assorbente. Migliora il potere assorbente del terreno, grazie all'aumento della capacità di scambio cationico, derivato dalla presenza dell'humus, e all'assorbimento biologico, fondamentale per il mantenimento delle riserve di azoto e zolfo nel terreno.
Handy Green Műtrágyaszóró

Handy Green Műtrágyaszóró

Für den kleineren Garten, 2 l- Behälter, Streubreite ca. 2 m
Makcover - Különleges Gyökértrágya

Makcover - Különleges Gyökértrágya

Yüksek oranda serbest aminoasit ve hümik fulvik asit içeren üründür. Bitkinin kök sisteminde önemli rol alır. Fide ve fidanlarda dökme yöntemiyle, damlamadan ya da tohumdan ekimlerde tohum kaplama yöntemi ile kullanılabilir.
FOLYÉKONY TRÁGYATANKOK - Folyékony trágya tárolása

FOLYÉKONY TRÁGYATANKOK - Folyékony trágya tárolása

Liquid fertilizer storage FLEXSOL developed protective technology of weld seam - DOUBLE SEAM PROTECTION ensuring leak tightness, long-term service life and top level safety of our products. ADVANTAGES: 1. Quickly ready to use Do not require construction work and permits. Installation and ready to use in less than an hour. 2. Mobility Large storage volume but low weight and dimensions when empty. Easy transportation and installation. 3. Inertness No reaction with stored liquids. 4. Economy Much more profitable than metal or plastic containers. 5. Safety No smell, no leakage, no harm to the environment.


Özellikle yaşlı meyve ağaçlarında ve sera yetiştiriciliğinde, bitkideki ölü doku hücrelerini uyararak gençleştirici etki sağlar ve bitki gelişimini düzenler. Yüksek oranda organik materyal, aminoasit ve özel aktivatörler ihtiva eder. Bitkinin ihtiyacı olan iz elementleri içerir.İz element noksanlığının oluşmasını önler. Kaliteli çiçek ve meyve oluşmasını sağlar.Verimliliği yükseltir. Bitki gelişim sürecini hızlandırarak erkencilik sağlar. Tüm insektisitler (böcek ilaçları) , fungusitler (mantar ilaçları) ve herbisitler (ot ilaçları) ile birlikte kullanıldığında, ilacın etkinliğini artırır ve uzun süre korumasını sağlar.İlaç stresinin oluşmasını önler ve giderilmesine yardımcı olur. Bitkinin direncini arttırarak çeşitli stres koşullarının giderilmesine yardımcı olur. Düşük pH’lı (1-3) olma özelliğiyle suyun Ph’ını düşürüp bitki besin elementlerinin alınabilirliğini arttırıcı bir özelliğe sahiptir.
Pigmentek - Műtrágyák

Pigmentek - Műtrágyák

Liquid and powdered fertilizers, sowing seed NATURAL OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black BISTER SYNTHETIC IRON OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black DRAGON PIGMENTS: red, yellow, blue, green, grey A pigment is a substance that has the capacity of colouring a certain carrier (cement, plaster, synthetic fibres, paint, …). Contrary to dyes, pigments are insoluble. Therefore, pigments remain under the form of small particles and will just be dispersed in the carrier and so colouring the carrier. The colouring capacity of the pigment depends on the fineness of the particles composing the pigment. In general we can say that the finer the particles are, the higher the colouring capacity of the pigment will be. A pigment is only suitable for certain applications. The pigment shouldn’t react with the carrier. Moreover, the pigment shouldn’t oxidize under influence of oxygen in the air and shouldn’t lose its colour under influence of sunlight (UV).
Műtrágyakalk Szállítása

Műtrágyakalk Szállítása

Die Anlieferung des gewählten Düngekalks erfolgt nach Ihren Terminvorgaben. Unser Unternehmen arbeitet mit zuverlässigen Speditionen und Lohnunternehmen zusammen, damit Sie pünktlich mit Ihrem Kalk rechnen können. Nach Eingang der Bestellung wird der Düngekalk direkt vom Kalkwerk zu Ihnen transportiert. Da wir den Vertrieb mehrerer Kalkwerke in unterschiedlichen Regionen übernehmen, ist es möglich, die Transportkosten niedrig zu halten und den bestellten Kalk schnell zu liefern.
Trágya Keverő - Trágya keverő mixer

Trágya Keverő - Trágya keverő mixer

Dalgıç tipli karıştırıcı iki kantlı olarak imak edilmektedir. Özel kaide üzerine elektrikli calaska ile monte edilen karıştırıcı bu sayede kolayca yukar aşağı hareket edebilmektedir. Korozyona dayanıklı boyası 11-15 kW motor gücüyle tam istediğiniz performası vermektedir.
Falter BIO Juhgyapjú Trágya Mini Pellets - Trágya Pelletek 100% Juhgyapjúból

Falter BIO Juhgyapjú Trágya Mini Pellets - Trágya Pelletek 100% Juhgyapjúból

Der Schafwolldünger von Falter ist gelistet in der Betriebsmittelliste für den ökologischen Landbau in Deutschland. Falter Schafwolle Pellets erfüllt folgende Standards: Betriebsmittelliste Deutschland resp. FiBL-Liste Öko-Verarbeitung, Demeter International, EU ÖKO Rechtsvorschriften, Naturland Deutschland, Gäa Deutschland, Ecovin Deutschland, Bioland Deutschland, Demeter Deutschland. Nährstoffgehalt: Stickstoff (N) 9,8 % Phophat (P205) 0,2 % Kalium (K2O) 6,6 % Organische Substanz 80% Der Schafwolldünger als Pellets oder auch als Granulat ist sofort lieferbar und erhältlich im 25-kg-Papiersack auf der Palette (30 Stück) und im Big Bag mit 900 kg. Für Hobby und Garten verkaufen wir Biodünger in Kleingebinden im Biodünger-Onlineshop https://shop.falter-naturduenger.de Gesamt Stickstoff:9,8% N Gesamt Phosphat:0,2% P₂O₅ Gesamt Kaliumoxid:6,6% K₂O
Biofoszfát - Visszanyert Foszfor

Biofoszfát - Visszanyert Foszfor

ABC Animal Bone Char and biochar products
VOVY műtrágyaszóró - VOVY műtrágyaszóró szőlőültetvényekhez

VOVY műtrágyaszóró - VOVY műtrágyaszóró szőlőültetvényekhez

VOVY is fertiliser spreader machine that was developed to increase quality of product and overall yeald by increased utilisation of fertilizer. Purpose of the machine: - spreading (laying) of pellet, granular and mineral fertilizers in vineyards and/or orchards Machine properties: - Improved agronomical practice – soil is treated according to its needs - Significantly improves yield - Allows greater economy of spreading by reducing quantity of fertiliser needed – costs are being reduced directly - Ensures conditions for good health and physiological activities of the plant - Can work with little tracked tractors - Fits machines with Cat 1 and 2, 3-Point hook-up - Maximal working depth up to 100 mm - Stainless steel hopper - Spreading quantity regulated by combination of setups on electric cabin control unit, mechanical regulator and tractor moving speed - Adjustable distances between working parts - Working depth regulated by fertilizer feeder
Unico NOK 9-0-30+ME - NK Trágya Keverve

Unico NOK 9-0-30+ME - NK Trágya Keverve

“Unico NOK 9-0-30+ME” provides plants with a vital nutrient, Potassium, which is essential for the life and development of plants, along with a high concentration of Potassium in its content. Potassium plays a crucial role in the activation of enzymes and coenzymes, photosynthesis, protein formation, and sucrose transfer in plants. It enhances the coloration of fruits and supports fruit quality, contributing to the improvement of the aroma and overall quality of the fruit by promoting the development of plant tissues. Additionally, it extends the shelf life of fruits that are sensitive to storage, both on the shelf and in storage.
Pasztás Huminszerves Trágya EDAGUM ® SM

Pasztás Huminszerves Trágya EDAGUM ® SM

preplant treatment of seeds, bulbs, tubers, grafts and for foliar feeding of all agricultural crops during their vegetation suitable for all soil and climate conditions. Influence on plant is many sided Increases the yield on 10 50% depending on plant species; Stimulates plant growth and development; Removes stress from pesticides and agrochemicals Strengthens immunity to diseases Improves the ability to adapt to environmental conditions Contains a unique complex of ingredients Humic substances (mark C) more than 80% from organic matter; the sum of humic and fulvic acids is 40 50 g/L (fulvic acid fraction includes amino acids, carbohydrates, water soluble carboxylic acids), macro and microelements in bioavailable organic speciation Substance hazard category:4 (low-hazardous substance) Storage period:2 years Technical specifications:3292-001-52420467-2005 State registration number:0304-06-210-091-0-0-0-1 Packaged in:10 liters containers; 20, 50, 100, 200 and 1000 liters packages are also possible
ESSERA B - Bórtrágya

ESSERA B - Bórtrágya

Ethanolamin şelatlı ve suda kolay çözülebilen, bitkiler tarafından hızla alınabilen Bor(B) içermektedir. Meyve tutumunu arttırır ve Olgunlaşmasına yardımcı olur. Meyvelerde irileşememe problemini ve şekil bozukluklarını giderir. Bitkinin çevre koşullarına karşı olan direncini arttırır.


L'OXYGRASS®, favorise la pousse des racines du gazon (démultiplication des radicelles), une stimulation de la photosynthèse, l’assimilation des nutriments et renforce les défenses immunitaires des plants, entraînant une plus grande résistance aux maladies et aux parasites. Il est utilisé à une dose de 5g/100m2 toute les 3 semaines de Mars à Octobre. Produit utilisable en Agriculture biologique COMPOSITION 100 % poudre de roche. NFU 44-551