Termékek fertilizer (1288)

Magnézium mész - Granulált mész

Magnézium mész - Granulált mész

30-35% CaO 15-18% MgO
NUTRICAM - Vízben oldódó műtrágyák kalciummal és magnéziummal történő trágyázáshoz

NUTRICAM - Vízben oldódó műtrágyák kalciummal és magnéziummal történő trágyázáshoz

NUTRICAM sind wasserlösliche NPK-Düngemittel, die die wichtigsten NPK-Makroelemente, EDTA-Spurenelemente sowie Magnesium und Calcium zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung von Physiopathologien enthalten, die durch das Fehlen dieser beiden Elemente verursacht werden. Diese spezielle Formulierung wird aus hochwertigen Rohstoffen hergestellt und zeichnet sich durch die säuernden Komponenten aus, die Phosphor mit Calcium kompatibel machen, was zu einem vollständig und assimilierbaren Produkt führt. Auf diese Weise werden die Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Verschluss des Tropfers oder dem Nährstoffverlust erheblich verringert. NUTRICAM garantiert eine vollständige und ausgewogene Ernährung und sorgt für maximale Wirksamkeit auch in kritischen Phasen der Pflanzenentwicklung. Aspekt:Mikrokristalle Application:Fertigation Emballage:25 Kg
Fűtrágya 27-0-0 indítás - Ascogreen

Fűtrágya 27-0-0 indítás - Ascogreen

Ascogreen special lawn 27-0-0 start is a liquid fertilizer especially manufactured for lawn. It is made up of micronized seaweed cream TSL29 and enriched with Nitrogen in different forms. It can be used for any types of lawns at any time in the year. In addition to Nitrogen input, it strengthens lawns thanks to rapidly available trace elements and the benefits of seaweeds. At the moment of operation, Ascogreen can be blended with numerous phytosanitary treatments.
Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 4-3-3

Szilárd Szerves Trágya - BeneSOL 4-3-3

BeneSOL 4-3-3 is an organic solid fertilizer that can support the plant and lead to a higher yield and a better quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Proper fertilization with BeneSOL 4-3-3 prevents deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. The organic fertilizer BeneSOL 4-3-3 induces a better fertility and an enormous increase in organic matter. The release of a diverse pattern of amino acids, fatty acids and humid acids increases the microbial activity. This nurtures a better symbiose between root and soil microbes. As a result of this, important minerals are de-blocked and therefor available for the plant more easily. By means of a gradual release pattern, the plant ingests nutrients when needed. Also, the high availability of trace elements stimulates the plant in every single physiological stage. This can result in a better and more vigorous fertilization, flower set and fruit set! Certified for organic farming in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Pellet diameter 5 mm:Density 750 kg/m3 Dry matter 88%:Organic matter 62% 4-3-3 + 1.3 MgO:pH 7


En parfumerie fine, cette absolue délivre des notes marines légèrement salées mais dévoile des odeurs cuir, réglisse et tabac brun. Elle donne également des nuances de foin, de fumée et de noix. L’absolue de Fucus peut être un ingrédient approprié pour créer une base mousse. Ref:P00548337000
EZ 33,5% - Nitrogéntrágya

EZ 33,5% - Nitrogéntrágya

Engrais azoté solide, c’est celui de plus haute concentration, de réaction neutre, conseillé dans tout type de culture, Il a une haute solubilité, car il lui faut seulement l’humidité propre d’une pluie faible ou d’un arrosage modéré pour mettre l’azote à la portée du système radiculaire de la plupart de cultures. Presenté sous forme de granulé blanc. Richesses garanties : Azote total (N) : 33,8 % Azote (N) nitrique : 17,1 % Azote ammoniacal (N) : 16,7 %
Folyékony Műtrágya - Nitrofluid-Sav - Savas nitrogén műtrágya oldat, amely PHC-val dúsított és ként tartalmaz

Folyékony Műtrágya - Nitrofluid-Sav - Savas nitrogén műtrágya oldat, amely PHC-val dúsított és ként tartalmaz

NITROFLUIDE-ACID é um produto de natureza ácida para controlar o valor de pH evitando precipitações químicas nas tubagens e emissores de irrigação localizados. Com uma forte acção desincrustante, previne e elimina precipitações de carbonato de cálcio e magnésio, fosfatos de cálcio e hidróxidos metálicos. Consequentemente, a sua acção consiste, por um lado, em prevenir a formação de obstruções químicas no sistema de irrigação e, por outro, devido ao seu elevado teor de azoto, ácidos poli-hidroxicarboxílicos (PHC) e enxofre, em melhorar a nutrição, desbloqueio, mobilização e assimilação de microelementos e nutrientes em solos calcários e alcalinos. VANTAGENS AGRONÓMICAS - Com uma forte acção desincrustante, previne e elimina as precipitações de carbonato de cálcio e magnésio, fosfatos de cálcio e hidróxidos de metal. Embalagens de: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Nitrógênio (N) total:12% p/p Nitrógênio (N) nítrico:5,5% p/p Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:6,5% p/p Trióxido de Enxofre (%SO3) solúvel em água:5% p/p pH:1-2 p/p Densidade (gr/cc):1,24 p/p
Amonium-karbonát - Műtrágya

Amonium-karbonát - Műtrágya

sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Műtrágya Festék - Műtrágya Színező

Műtrágya Festék - Műtrágya Színező

Color Palette
Műtrágyaszóró - Műtrágyaszóró, Mezőgazdasági Gépek

Műtrágyaszóró - Műtrágyaszóró, Mezőgazdasági Gépek

Dear MR/MS, Our company is a manufacturer/exporter of Agricultural Spraying Machines and Fertilizer Spreaders from Turkey and we would like to inform you about our products and our company. As we have recently received a large number of requests for our products from your country, we would like to work with you to enable your citizens to reach our products more easily and to increase our commercial volume. You can review our products on our corporate website https://payaza.com.tr/urun-kategori/makine-grubu/ or in the attached small catalogue. For all our machines, if you wish, you can change the color, model and technical features, design your own machine and place a special order. For more information about our company and our products, you can contact us at any time via export@payaza.com.tr e-mail address or 0090 532 770 77 50 Whatsapp Live Support Line. Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. It will be a great pleasure for us to meet and work with you.
Trágya Kaparórendszer - Láncos Trágya Kaparórendszer

Trágya Kaparórendszer - Láncos Trágya Kaparórendszer

Sıyırıcılar ahır içerisinde hayvanlarınızı rahatsız etmeden gübrelerinizi sessizce sıyırmaya ve temizleye imkan sağlar. Otomatik zaman ayarları - hareket durdurma sensörü sayesinde istenilen yerde otomatik durma özelliğine sahiptir.
AGRO K-33 - GARANTÁLT TARTALOM %w/w Összes Nitrogén (N) 3 Karbamid Nitrogén (N) 3 Vízben Oldható Kálium

AGRO K-33 - GARANTÁLT TARTALOM %w/w Összes Nitrogén (N) 3 Karbamid Nitrogén (N) 3 Vízben Oldható Kálium

AGRO K-33 her türlü sulama sistemleri ve aynı zamanda yapraktan uygulanabilen yüksek potasyumlu sıvı gübredir. Potasyum bitkilerin güçlü olmasını, kötü hava koşullarına ve susuzluğa daha fazla dayanmasını, meyvenin renk almasını, iri olmasını ve raf ömrünün uzamasını sağlar. Metabolizmada şeker, protein sentezi ve fotosentez enzimlerini harekete geçirmede önemli rol oynar. Mineral yağ, yağ bazlı insektisitler, kalsiyum ve asit karakterli ürünlerle karıştırılmaz. Ön karışabilirlik testi tavsiye edilir.
Nutrimel - Kapható 2,5L és 10L kiszerelésben

Nutrimel - Kapható 2,5L és 10L kiszerelésben

Nutrimel est une mélasse de sucre de betterave, énergisée par procédé spécial La forte valeur énergétique de NUTRIMEL® permet de garantir une bonne nutrition du sol et de la plante. NUTRIMEL® assure une nutrition fragmentée, à faible dose, durant tout le cycle de végétation. C’est le carburant idéal pour les bactéries. Un apport tous les 15 jours est recommandé, ayant pour effets : - d’accroitre le développement du système racinaire. - d’activer la flore microbienne et la multiplication des micro-organismes. - de réduire les mauvaises odeurs. La teneur importante en sucres de NUTRIMEL® permet d’augmenter de façon significative la tonicité de la plante et de réduire efficacement les attaques de parasites.
PowerFull +AS - NPK MŰTRÁGY KEVERVE (9-18-10+(2MgO)+ME)

PowerFull +AS - NPK MŰTRÁGY KEVERVE (9-18-10+(2MgO)+ME)

PowerFull + AS, Azot (N), Fosfor (P), Potasyum (K) bileşiminin yanı sıra özel aktivatörler ve etkili izelementlerden oluşan özel bir üründür. Bitkinin hücre duvarlarının ve vasküler sisteminin güçlü ve dirençli olmasını sağlar. Çiçeklenmeyi teşvik eder ve meyvenin kalitesini ve şeker oranını artırır. Bitkiyi meyve tutumuna teşvik eder. Bitkilerin çiçekleri, meyveleri ve yeşil kısımları için homojen bir büyüme sağlar. Hasat öncesi meyve dökümünden kaynaklı kayıpları azaltır. Bitki kökünün gelişimine katkıda bulunur.
Műtrágyaszóró - Kétszeres Lemez, Egydisk, Professzionális Típus

Műtrágyaszóró - Kétszeres Lemez, Egydisk, Professzionális Típus

Agricultural machineries for Fertilizer Spreaders. Group includes Double Disc, Single Disc, Professional Type Through our wide network in country, we have competitive prices for our customers with high quality products. One of the most important point for customers is, our flexible and customer focused operation always supports them to find proper machines for their usage or necessaries. All products are produced from high quality materials. All kind of spare parts are available for users. Products includes many variations and options in itself. For more information you may visit our website.
Vas(II)-szulfát - Szervetlen műtrágyák

Vas(II)-szulfát - Szervetlen műtrágyák

Ferrous Sulphate contains Ferrous Sulphate monohydrate and heptahydrate with the appearance of Off-white Powder and Light Green Crystal Powder or Granule, respectively, which is a byproduct when producing the Titanium Dioxide using sulfuric acid to decompose the ilmenite. It can be used in agriculture as fertilizer and feed additive to supply Micronutrients Ferrous. Chemical Formula:FeSO4•nH2O(n=1 or 7) Formula Weight:169.92 g/mol HS CODE:2833291000
Kusbaba Műtrágyák

Kusbaba Műtrágyák

Founded in 2010, Kusbaba Tarım A.S. produces and markets Chemical Products, Organic Products and Trace Elements Range Products. For this reason, we use our products in our own production areas and check their quality and then, present them to our farmers. Our top priority is to manufacture high-quality and reliable products and to increase quality and efficiency in the products of our farmers. We are satisfied with the positive results and quality that we have obtained from the products developed by us so far, and we will be producing much better products based on this satisfaction. Adopting unconditional customer satisfaction as its top priority in the services that it provides, Kusbaba Tarım A.Ş. continues to expand its service portfolio in its own operations.
AsilFarm ASL-B-GKR Automatikus Trágya Keverő - Automatikus Trágya Keverő

AsilFarm ASL-B-GKR Automatikus Trágya Keverő - Automatikus Trágya Keverő

Tip: Dalgıç tip Motor gücü: 11kw 15hp Kanat sayısı: 2 kanatlı Platform: Caraskallı ve kaldırma indirme aparatlı Malzeme: Sfero döküm veya Krom
Mezőgazdasági Tartályok: Biogáz Üzemek, Trágyatárolók, Szivárgástárolók, Folyékony Műtrágyatárolók

Mezőgazdasági Tartályok: Biogáz Üzemek, Trágyatárolók, Szivárgástárolók, Folyékony Műtrágyatárolók

Zum Schutz unserer Umwelt, kommt einer fachgerechten Lagerung der Gülle große Bedeutung zu. Unsere Behälter werden ohne Fugen - welche verpresst oder vergossen werden müssen - hergestellt, nachträgliche Abdichtungsarbeiten entfallen! Die stabile Stahlschalung macht eine Montage von Innen- und Außenschalung ohne wanddurchführende Maueranker und Abstandrohre möglich, wodurch maximale Dichtheit gewährleistet wird.
900 Lt Trágyaszóró - AGS-900 - Alkimista

900 Lt Trágyaszóró - AGS-900 - Alkimista

Chrome Double Disc Double distributor hydrolic system Openable screen 2 functional tent with mechanism that can be opened 0/180° Electric and phosphorus reflector Steel font railing bariers Shaft Brake and movable articulated wheel 18-24 disc Rear plastic tow bar


Doskonały nawóz zawierający kwasy humusowe (leonardyty) oraz mikroorganizmy
MAKOSH 18 +B, Zn - 2-5 mm szemcsék, Hatékony vízben oldódó foszfor-kálium műtrágya, CE

MAKOSH 18 +B, Zn - 2-5 mm szemcsék, Hatékony vízben oldódó foszfor-kálium műtrágya, CE

18% Total Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅) 18% Water-soluble Potassium oxide (K₂O) 26% Total Calcium oxide (CaO) 10,5% Total Sulfur trioxide (SO₃) 0,2% Total Boron (B) 0,2% Total Zinc (Zn) It is the effective phosphorus-potassium containing fertilizer, manufactured according to the European standards. Fully suitable for main and post-sowing application. Contains water-soluble potassium and phosphorus, which remain available to plants throughout the growing season. The presence of potassium, sulfur and microelements allow to realize the full potential of agricultural crops to the greatest extent. All technical data and certificates available on the website. For more information or to request prices, please use the contact form.


DATA SHEET OF LIQUID FERTİLİZER SPRAYER TANKER 6 TONNES Model:………………………………………………………………. SY-SGD 6 Capacity:…………………………………………………………… 6 tonnes Length:……………………………...……………………………….5470mm Width:………………………………………………………………..1900mm Height:…………………………………………………………….... 2900mm Tank Sheet thickness:……………………………………………… 6mm Tank Dimesions (Diameter X Length):………………………….. 1600x3170mm Weight :…………………………………………………………….. 2340kg Pump Type:………………………………………………………. Lubricated-Palette RPM: ………………………………………………………………..540/1 min Working Width:……………………………………………………… 2-14 meter Transverse Fertilizer Distribution:……………………………….. 14%CV Speed:………………………………………………………………. 4.5km/h TYRE:……………………………………………………………. 12.5 / 80 15.3
ESSERA K - Káliumtrágya

ESSERA K - Káliumtrágya

Yüksek oranlı Potasyumdan dolayı, meyvede olgunlaşma, renklenme ve kalite artması direk olarak etkilenir. Potasyumla birlikte içeriğinde bulunan diğer maddeler sayesinde olgunlaşmaya hazırlanmamış genç meyvelerin irileşmesine yardımcı olur. Zoraki olgunlaşmaya neden olmaz. Bitkilerin olumsuz koşullardan etkilenmemesine yardımcı olur, hastalık etmenlerine karşı mukavemeti arttırır. Meyvenin doğal rengini almasına olumlu yönde etki eder.
trágyázó kultivátor - trágyázó kultivátor / összecsukható kultivátor trágyával

trágyázó kultivátor - trágyázó kultivátor / összecsukható kultivátor trágyával

Rotmann Machines industrielles et agricoles , nous sommes le principal fabricant de tous les type de matériel agricole depuis 1977 à Turquie. matériel agricole , travaille du sol , préparation du sol , semoir mécanique , semoir en ligne , semoir pneumatique , Semoirs monograines pneumatiques , semoir de Semis direct , semoir fertiliseur ,semoir monograine telescopique , bineuses , bineuse avec fertiliseur , cover crop , déchaumeur à disque , déchaumeur à dents , déchaumeuse , cultivateur , charrue , charrues , charrues portées réversibles , broyeurs , pulvérisateur , pulvérisateur porté , pulvérisateur traîné , faucheuse , distributeurs d'engrais , epandeur d'engrais trainé , rouleaux , charrue à disques , charrue à dent , Fraise rotative , ratavateur , arracheuse pomme de terre , Planteuses pour pommes de terre , rateau andaineur soleil , remorque , benne agricole , équipement tracteur agricole toutes types machines ... Mail: export@rotmannsa.com www.rotmannsa.com
A | TOTALHUMUS - Kapható 0,25; 0,5; 5; 20; 200 és 1000 literes kiszerelésben

A | TOTALHUMUS - Kapható 0,25; 0,5; 5; 20; 200 és 1000 literes kiszerelésben

Pflanzenstärkungsmittel für Feld und Garten für Innen und Aussen geeignet. Rein biologischer Mikrodünger zur Steigerung der Erträge. Steigert die Abwehrkräfte der Pflanzen, fördert optimales Wachstum. Verbessert den Boden nach Kontamination mit schädlichen Substanzen. Verringert Verluste durch Bodenschädlinge und durch Frost. • Hilft, die tatsächliche Größe und das Gewicht von Blütentrauben zu vergrößern • Entwickelt einen süßen, lieblichen Geschmack im Endprodukt • Steigert die Aufnahme von Nährstoffen durch Ihre Pflanze • Die Huminsäure kann die Verfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen in der Erde verbessern • Erhältlich in Flaschen mit 250ml,500 ml,51 und 20 1, 200 l, 1000 l • Optimale Wachstum und exzellente Farbintensität in allen Blumen • nachweisliche Verbesserung der Transport von Mineralien, Vitamine, Nährstoffe und Hormone • Schnelleres Wachstum, höheren Ertrag, unglaubliche Aroma und toller Geschmack
Felszerelt Műtrágyaszóró

Felszerelt Műtrágyaszóró

Trailers Cultivators Rotary Cultivators Sprayers Seed Drill Chisel Plows Fertilizer Spreaders Disc Harrows Disc Mowers Disc Ploughs Drum Mowers Feed Mixers Field Sprayers Garden Sprayers Hay Rakes Heavy Duty Disc Harrows Offset Disc Harrows Post Hole Diggers Potato Planters Potato Harvesters Rotary Tillers Rotovators Sickle Bar Mowers Subsoilers Threshing Machine Mounted Sprayers Trailer Sprayers Turbo Atomizers Wheel Rakes Forage harvesters Stone collector Interrow cultivators Soil Tillage​,​Seed Drills​,​Fertilizer Spreaders​,​Crop Protection​, ​Sprayers​,​Mowers​,​Hay​ machinery​,Balers​,​Forage​ harvesters,​Potato ​planting,Potato harvesting machinery,farm trailers​
TŐZEG ÉS PERLIT KEVERÉK - 16 - Tőzeg Szállítók

TŐZEG ÉS PERLIT KEVERÉK - 16 - Tőzeg Szállítók

PRESTO DURPES, UAB is interested in cooperating with wholesalers only. Our company prepares peat mixes according our Customer demands. Professional Substrate Physical characteristics: Raw material: block sphagnum white peat Structure: 0-7 mm; 0-20 mm; 0-40 mm; 10-20 mm. Chemical characteristics: EC 0,8-1,3 mS/cm pH 5,5-6,5 (H2O) Wetting agent Fertilizer: NPK fertilizer 14-16-18+microelements: 1,0 kg/m3 Total-nitrogen: 140 mg/l Phosphate: 160 mg/l Potassium: 180 mg/l General characteristics: For putting and ornamental plans with longer grow period.
Mega Vega Zöld Energia

Mega Vega Zöld Energia

We have developed and are producing this miracle remedy. Whatever fertilizer you use, whatever formula you feed, whatever salts you drink - this fertilizer is very gentle and sharpened to be the first in the life of your plant! This SUPER fertilizer is a great helper in stimulating the growth of your plant. All standard three-, two-component fertilizers do not pay due attention to the leaves during the growing season, and the flowering period is considered the most important and longest, from 50 to 100 days! This is due to the fact that the veg period is very short, usually 20 days, and during this time the plant can be watered several times. Many manufacturers advise to fertilize after the 2nd week (fertilizers are designed for taller plants). An example is for mother plants. They are bushy plants with small leaf sizes. For a plant at the stage of motherhood, it is very important to penetrate more light into the middle of the plant - their small size is enough for clones, and on veg t
FERTIL COMPLET UNIVERZÁLIS ALJZAT - Egy univerzális aljzat a növényeid számára

FERTIL COMPLET UNIVERZÁLIS ALJZAT - Egy univerzális aljzat a növényeid számára

The Universal substrate FERTIL COMPLET is created for the pottering and transplantation of every kind of Garden plants, balconies and bushes. It provides a good drainage and an adequate aeration, enhancing the roots development. Presentation in 10L, 20L, 50L and 70L bags.