Boréalg est obtenu à partir de concentré d’algues marines du Pays Bigouden. Il stimule la physiologie de la vigne et active sa nutrition grâce à l’extrait d’algues micronisées TSL292 et de Bore, Boréalg homogénéise la floraison de la vigne en stimulant sont métabolisme. Ce produit est utilisable en Agriculture Biologique conformément au Règlement Européen CE n°834/2007.
Highly concentrated humic suspension produced on the basis of vermicompost.
The product contains a natural association of cellulose-degrading microorganisms with a complex of cellulolytic enzymes from vermicompost and acts as a stubble destructor.
How to use:
Spraying stubble and crop residues immediately after harvesting
The use of the product ensures fast and effective decomposition of crop residues after harvesting, promotes humification of residues, suppresses fungal and bacterial pathogens, improves soil health and prevents its degradation.
Preparation form:
Solubility in water:
It is highly soluble in water and contains up to 10% of suspended particles.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Suspension
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
PEGO favorise et catalyse l'attachement des fruits, prévenant les problèmes de chute des fruits et stimule la floraison. Ce produit contient des algues brunes, des polysaccharides, de la propolis et d'autres substances naturelles qui attirent un plus grand nombre de pollinisateurs (abeilles et bombes) et il contient également des acides aminés qui profitent de l'absorption du calcium, du bore et du zinc qui sont des éléments cruciaux pour la floraison et la nouaison. phase.
Aspect:Liquide brun foncé
Application:Foliaire et Fertigation
emballage:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Les machines de concassage de pierres Agromeks Leopard sont des équipements agricoles de qualité supérieure conçus pour créer un environnement agricole productif en purifiant les terres agricoles des effets négatifs des pierres, tout en enrichissant les sols en termes de minéraux . Nos modèles avec différentes largeurs de travail (150 cm, 170 cm, 200 cm) vous permettent de broyer les pierres de votre terrain et de préparer le sol .
Ces machines peuvent être utilisées dans un large éventail d'applications, telles que les champs, les vergers, les serres, les vignobles, les plages et les zones industrielles non agricoles.
Les dents du broyeur en carbure de bore (carbure) offrent des performances supérieures en garantissant un fonctionnement durable et ininterrompu.
Le châssis et la carrosserie Hardox maximisent la durabilité et garantissent un fonctionnement sans erreur, même dans les conditions d'exploitation les plus difficiles.
Largeur de travail:200 cm
Puissance requise:Min. : 105 ch
Fonctionnalité requise du tracteur:Équipement Super Creep
Profondeur de travail du sol:Maximum : 20 cm
Vitesse de travail:0,3-2km/h
Caractéristique de la lame du broyeur:Carbure de bore
Revêtement intérieur de machine:Hardox
Vitesse de l'arbre de prise de force:540 tr/min
Position de la lame du broyeur:Hélix
capot arrière de la machine:Hydraulique
Zifemanova is a stable, water-soluble complex of Iron, Zinc and Manganese chelates in proportions studied for use in multiple crops.
It is the perfect solution to iron chlorosis. With its use, the nutritional status of the plants is optimal, increasing the amount of the final harvest.
Zifemanova is a wettable powder, obtained from iron chelated with ethylenediamine-di (o-hydroxyphenyl-acetic acid) (EDDHA), which contains 4.8% of chelated iron in the form of ortho-ortho (essential in biochemical processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration of plants, in carbohydrate metabolism, in the reduction of nitrogen and in the formation of numerous enzymes) and zinc and manganese complexed by Lignosulfonate that increases the flowering of the crop and stimulates the nitrogen mobility, thus achieving higher quality pollen. At the same time, it also favors fruit set.
Size:1 Kg, 5 Kg
Dans tous les modes de parfumage, cette absolue propose des notes de thé vert évolutant sur des tonalités tabac toujours bien marquées par l’effet thé. Très pertinente en association avec le bois de cèdre ou dans des eaux de Cologne fraîches, elle est plutôt bien tenace. Arômes Cet extrait amène des arômes de fruits au sein de boissons ou de thés, avec des notes de foin, florales, de miel et de tabac.
Kaliumsulfat 51 (+45)
51 % K2O wasserlösliches Kaliumoxid
45 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefeltrioxid
- KALISOP® Plus ist vollständig wasserlöslich, sodass die Nährstoffe Kalium und Schwefel direkt pflanzenverfügbar sind.
- KALISOP® Plus ist praktisch chloridfrei (max. 1 % Cl) und dadurch die ideale Kaliumquelle für chloridempfindliche Kulturen.
- KALISOP® Plus hat im Vergleich zu anderen Kaliumdüngern einen niedrigen Salzindex und eignet sich daher besonders für die Düngung wertvoller Spezialkulturen in intensiven Anbausystemen.
- KALISOP® Plus ist nicht hygroskopisch und somit gut lagerfähig.
- KALISOP® Plus ist nach der EU-Verordnung 834/2007 und der EU-Verordnung 889/2008 zum Einsatz im ökologischen Landbau zugelassen.
BAT-FOS, Toprağın organik madde ve mikroorganizmalarca zenginleştirilmesi, bitkilerin Fosfor ihtiyacını karşılaması üzerine geliştirilen Yarasa Gübresi katkılı spesifik bir sıvı gübredir.
BAT-FOS, bitki büyüme hormonlarını (oksin ve sitokin) hızlı bir şekilde uyarabilmektedir. İçeriğindeki Azotun, fosforun ve çinkonun mükemmel kombiasyonu sayesinde köklendirici ve stres giderici bir üründür. Üretimde kullanılan Yarasa Gübresi ve teknoloji sayesinde fosforun alınabilirliği yüksek ve etkilidir. Tozlaşmayı hızlandırır. Bitki metabolizmasından karbonhidratların taşınmasında etkilidir. Bitkide çiçeklenmeyi teşvik eder. Çiçek sayısını ve meyve tutumunu arttırır. Çiçekteki polen oluşumunu teşvik eder.
BAT-FOS, Yarasa Gübresinden gelen, zengin aminoasit ve mikroorganizmalar sayesinde bitkilerce alınımı yüksek bir gübredir. Uygulamalarda kısa sürede etkinliği görülmektedir. Toprak tuzluğunu ve pH'nı ayarlar. Düşük pH'lı olması sayesinde alkali topraklarda bile en iyi sonuçları vermektedir.
ProSpreader is one of the best manure spreaders ever made. It has been engineered by farmer opinions and tested under heaviest conditions.
ProSpreader 10 has 14 mm forged chain with a single drive apron gearbox & 190 bar hydromotor.
It runs with a 540 rpm rear gearbox, has a 15 degrees beater angle for widest spreading pattern. Standart production is a beater with discs only on this model. Optional flail type beater also has a by-pass function to avoid concrete or other hard materials inside the manure.
Hitch is designed with supports for carrying the weight easily.
Straight axle is run by 2 x 400/60-15.5 tires and with 6 bolts.
Front and rear shaft is made from 60 mm 4140 steel. Front chain sprockets has brass bushings inside and front shaft is fixed with 28 mm chain tensioners at the front.
FERTIAMIL est une solution stimulante d'excellente solubilité, composée d'acides polyhydroxycarboxyliques (PHC), de soufre, d'azote et d'acides aminés. Il assure une nutrition équilibrée en stimulant et en accélérant les processus naturels du métabolisme de la culture.
FERTIAMIL, en plus d'être un stimulant efficace, présente de grands avantages grâce à son contenu élevé en PHC, agissant comme agent de dessalage, agent chélateur et conditionneur de la structure du sol.
- Assure une nutrition équilibrée en stimulant et en accélérant les processus naturels du métabolisme des cultures.
- Il se caractérise par une grande rapidité d'action et une excellente compatibilité dans les mélanges pour application foliaire.
- Stimulant efficace, agit comme agent de dessalage, chélateur et conditionneur de la structure du sol.
Emballages de :
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Azote (N) total:5,8% p/p
Azote (N) organique:1,2% p/p
Azote (N) ammoniacal:4,6% p/p
Trioxyde de soufre (%SO3) soluble dans l'eau :6,75% p/p
Carbone organique (corg):6% p/p
Densité (gr/cc):1,22
Acides aminés libres:3,0% p/p
Matière organique calcination:12,5% p/p
Résidu sec:14,5% p/p
Organik Madde %30
Organik Azot (N)%3
Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)%2
Toplam Serbest Aminoasit%13
Organik Karbon%20
Wonderful tamamen organik yapıda ve bitkisel kaynaklardan elde edilmiş aminoasit, vitamin ve enzimlerce zenginleştirilmiş enzimatik hidroliz yöntemiyle üretilmiş L-Aminoasitler içeren organik kökenli bir anti stres ürünüdür. Wonderful tozlaşmayı hızlandırır fotosentez hızını arttırır vegatif aksamı geliştirir. Wonderful zengin içeriği sayesinde hücre bölünmesini arttırır, klorofil sentezi sayesinde fotosentezi hızlandırır ve verim artışı sağlar.
Olumsuz hava şartlarından kaynaklanan stres koşullarını ortadan kaldırır. Bitki metabolizmasını uyaran 19 temel L-aminoasitler içerir. İçeriğindeki yüksek oranda organik azot ve serbest aminoasitler sayesinde bitki tarafından alımı son derece hızlıdır Wonderful o zengin içeriği sayesinde tüm yetiştirme dönemlerinde rahatça kullanılacak bir üründür.
Her bitkiye yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanabilen ESSERRA Sıvı Organik Gübre, 10-15 gün arayla ortalama 3-5 defa uygulandığında meyvede, üründe veya mahsülde kalite ve lezzet artışı, erkencilik ve görsellik sağlar. Organik ve doğal olduğu için hiç bir yan etkisi ve zararı yoktur.
FEQOXIL DONNA è un integratore alimentare di Coenzima Q10, Inositolo, Acido folico, vitamine B12 e D3 e Selenio, indicato in caso di scarso apporto con la dieta o aumentato fabbisogno di tali nutrienti.
Des membranes de rétention pour une solution complète
En plus d’un grand choix d’équipements spécifiques, des membranes sur-mesure pour le revêtement des bassins de rétention (sur talus ou murets) adaptées à vos citernes / installations et au milieu agricole sont également disponibles.
Pour davantage d’informations sur les solutions de stockage agricole CITERNEO, vous pouvez consulter notre site dédié aux citernes souples pour l’agriculture.
Technologie spécifique EXOM / EXOM+
Conforme aux normes en vigueur
Résistance thermique de -30 °C à +70 °C
Capacité de stockage jusqu’à 400 m 3
Installation simple et rapide
Stockage d'engrais liquide azoté non soufré
Our Garden Force seaweed extract is especially useful in organic gardening. It contains almost every micro-nutrient in a fully chelated (immediately available) form. The algae are also full of carbohydrates, which plants use as a building block.
Numerous beneficial microorganisms also use carbohydrates as a food source.
Seeds soaked in Garden Force Boost seaweed extract germinate more rapidly, have larger root mass, stronger plant growth, and higher survival rates. Soaking plant roots in the extract also reduces transplant shock and speeds root growth.
Sıvı gübre dağıtma tankı ile organik gübre kullanarak tarladan alınan verimi en yüksek seviyeye çıkarabilirsiniz. AsilFarm Serisi yüksek pompa gücü ile hızlı bir şekilde gübreleme işlemini yapabilirsiniz.
AsilFarm ASL-B-SGT Serisi, 6 ton, 8 ton, 10 ton, 15 ton ve 20 ton depolama seçeneklerine sahiptir.
NeuGold 18-18-18 + TE - NPK Engrais
Très bonne qualité pour les séries NPK avec des oligo-éléments chelatés à 100% solubles dans l'eau avec différents types de formulation comme ci-dessous:
Formulations disponibles:
NeuGold 20-20-20 + TE
NeuGold 16-8-24 + TE
NeuGold 15-30-15 + TE
NeuGold 15-5-30 + TE
NeuGold 20-10-20 + TE
NeuGold 10-10-40 + TE
NeuGold 7-6-40 + TE
NeuGold 11-5-30 + TE
NeuGold 12-3-43 + TE
NeuGold 18-44-0 + TE
NeuGold 40-0-0 + TE
En ce qui concerne les demandes spéciales, il est possible de le formuler!
Rivasol® Organik Solucan Gübresi Nedir ?
Solucanların beslenmesi için hazırlanan çeşitli organik atıkların solucanların sindirim sisteminden geçtikten sonraki dışkısına Solucan Gübresi denmektedir.
Bitki gelişimi için gerekli olan Azot, Fosfor, Potasyum gibi macro ve micro bitki besin elementlerini, Humik ve Fulvik Asitleri doğal olarak Bünyesinde Bulundurur.
Hastalık yapıcı parazit , Ot tohumu ve ağır metaller bulundurmaz. KOKUSUZDUR.Toprağın organik madde miktarını Arttırı.
Humuslu yapısı sayesinde % 40 oranında Su tasarufu sağlar.Uygulandıgı bahçe bitkilerinde Ürüne; TAT, LEZZET, AROMA sağlar.
Rivasol® Organik Solucan Gübresi % 20 ila % 60 oranında verim artışı ve 15 güne kadar erkencilik sağlar.
Rivasol® Organik Solucan Gübresi Çim, süs bitkileri, sera sebzeciliği, peyzaj bitkileri, bağlar, meyve bahçelerinde rahatlıkla kullanılabilir.
Product details:
protects plants from pests
has a long period of effect, does not cause tolerance in pests
does not accumulate in plants and soil
time between treatment and the first signs of its effect is 1-3 days
duration of protective effect up to 14 days
Active substance: Viable cells of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, endospores - titer 1х10^9 CFU/cm3 and bacteria biologically active metabolites: protein crystals (endotoxins) and heat-stable exotoxin.
Organic certification: Product is certified by Organic Standard in accordance with the standard for the production of excipients, that can be used in organic agriculture and processing (taking into account the requirements of the Standard that is equivalent to EU Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008)
Application methods: spraying;
Rate of application: 2 - 15 l/ha;
Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C.
Das Schafwolldünger-Granulat aus reiner Schafschurwolle hat einen Durchmesser von 4 mm und eine maximale Länge von 5 mm. Das Granulat lässt sich in allen Bereichen wie Gärtnereien, Gemüsebau, Erdenwerken, Baumschulen, Umtopfbetrieben, Unterglasbetrieben und Zierpflanzenbau einsetzen und ist optimiert für Düngerstreuer, Dosiermaschinen und vollautomatische Topfmaschinen. Der Schafwolldünger von Falter ist gelistet in der Betriebsmittelliste für den ökologischen Landbau in Deutschland und erfüllt folgende Standards: Betriebsmittelliste Deutschland resp. FiBL-Liste Öko-Verarbeitung, Demeter International, EU ÖKO Rechtsvorschriften, Naturland Deutschland, Gäa Deutschland, Ecovin Deutschland, Bioland Deutschland, Demeter Deutschland.
Stickstoff (N) 9,8 %
Phophat (P205) 0,2 %
Kalium (K2O) 6,6 %
Organische Substanz 80%
Der Schafwolldünger ist sofort lieferbar und erhältlich im 25-kg-Papiersack, auf der Palette und im Big Bag.
Gesamt Stickstoff:9,8 % N
Gesamt Phosphat:0,2% P₂O₅
Gesamt Kaliumoxid:6,6% K₂O
– Paslanmaz çelik helis AISI304
– Paslanmaz çelik tıkanmaz elek AISI16
– 0,25 – 0,50 – 0,75 – 1,00 mm elek seçenekleri
– Dökme demir ana gövde
– Kapasite 20-50 m3/saat
– Motor gücü 5,5 kW
Salinity corrector with calcium and exclusive organic matter from northern European coniferous.:
- Increases soil microbial activity
- Improves the physico-chemical properties
- More cation exchange capacity (CEC)
- Moves sodium ions (Na) off the clay-humic complex
- Enables the assimilation of other soil nutrients needed by the plant
Types of interaction in the working chamber of AVS 1. Mechanical intensive dispersion of particle components with mixing of ferromagnetic particles due to the chaotic collision. 2. Destructive flows as a result of the action of the electromagnetic lens of the inductor. 3. Hydrodynamic action - expressed in high shear stresses pressure and changes in flow rate. 4. Hydroacoustic in liquid fluid. 5. Micro arcs and electromagnetic field 6. Electrolysis and ionization of water with the release of hydrogen and OH hydroxyl groups, as well as thermal effects. The devices can be effectively used in such industries as: construction - for grinding and mixing building mixtures, activating the surface layer of materials; chemical - for obtaining solutions, melts, emulsions and suspensions; agricultural - for mixing and receiving fertilizers; mining - for processing ore or sludge; machine-building - for obtaining lubricants; food - for juices, pectins, or pastes.
Humic acid suitable for all crop types, regardless of their age or state and through all irrigation systems. It is specially recommended on chalky soils, poor in organic matter or soils which salinity makes the uptake of nutrients more difficult to plants. Its use improves the physicochemical characteristics of the soil and favors microbial life.
Black Diamond Humic Acid As a whole, plants develop better their root system and dispose of more readily accessible nutrients. Generally these products are used on soils diluted in irrigation water. Its use is recommended before sowing or planting and during the first third of half of the culture. Dosage is a according to the soil and crop characteristics and whenever it is the case with the nutrient richness of the formulation.