Termékek fordító bianca (31)



Essenza Misure:5.5 | 6.3 Acciaio, acciaio giapponese, acciaio cobalto. Le forbici Pinin nascono dalla forgiatura e dalla temperatura dell’acciaio con lo scopo di realizzare uno strumento che possa durare nel tempo.
Bingo Eco Szagtalan

Bingo Eco Szagtalan

is an ideal product, fabricated with high quality European raw materials. Easy applicable, offers big capacity, quick drying and a large yield in m2 being adapted to mediterranean climatological conditions. Interior use paint, ideal for kids’ bedrooms. Offers long lasting color shades and is highly washable. Low VOC emissions make it a safe paint for family and environment. It is suitable for plaster, concrete, bricks, wood. It gives a beautiful mat finish. PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 3 LT, 9 LT COLOR:White
Tuber Aestivum

Tuber Aestivum

High quality black truffles
Tortellini Mignon

Tortellini Mignon

I tortellini mignon di carne sono un capolavoro artigianale della tradizione culinaria italiana, un emblema della cultura gastronomica dell'Emilia-Romagna. La sfoglia di pasta viene stesa a uno spessore minimo, conferendo a questi piccoli ed eleganti tortellini una leggerezza e delicatezza uniche. Il ripieno è un equilibrio di carne, prosciutto cotto, mortadella e un tocco di noce moscata. Ogni ingrediente è selezionato e dosato per garantire un gusto finale intenso e saporito.


Misto uova pastorizzate, gocce di puro cioccolato, mandorle grezze, zucchero, burro, grassi e oli vegetali, farina di mandorle, cacao amaro 22/24%, baking.
Fehér Chia

Fehér Chia

Chía blanca se refiere a una de las variedades de las semillas de chía (Salvia hispanica), que se caracteriza por su color claro, que varía entre blanco y beige. Al igual que la chía negra, la chía blanca proviene de la misma planta y tiene propiedades nutricionales muy similares, por lo que las dos variedades se consideran prácticamente intercambiables.
Nestle Nido

Nestle Nido

Producer: Nestle Categorie: Baby Formula EAN unit: 7616100377145 Description: Pieces in the carton: 24 Carton quantity on pallet: 80 Pieces quantity on Pallet 1,920 Origin The Netherlands Shelf life 24 months Label Text EN AR


Bonux is a popular brand of laundry detergent known for its effective cleaning power and fresh scent. It is specially formulated to remove tough stains and dirt from clothes, leaving them clean and smelling great. Bonux detergent contains powerful enzymes that break down stains at a molecular level, ensuring thorough cleaning results. Additionally, it is designed to be gentle on fabrics, preserving their color and texture. Bonux comes in various forms such as powder, liquid, and capsules, providing convenience and flexibility for different washing needs. With its trusted reputation and proven performance, Bonux has become a go-to choice for many households worldwide.
Alici Saláta

Alici Saláta

Selezioniamo solo le migliori alici appena pescate, le più adatte per essere lavorate secondo la tradizione artigianale, a cui la maturazione sotto sale dona il più autentico dei sapori di Cetara.
KIEGÉSZÍTŐK Fehér festék

KIEGÉSZÍTŐK Fehér festék

Protects the outdoor insulation from U.V. and inclement weather. White paint:0.75 litre
Fagyasztott Vaj

Fagyasztott Vaj

The name butter is reserved for products without vegetable fat admixtures with a specific milk fat content - at least 82% (not more than 16% water and 2% dry non-fat milk). It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. The product is rich in vitamins A, D, K.
Bivalymozzarella DOP

Bivalymozzarella DOP

Buffalo mozzarella DOP
Barilla tészta

Barilla tészta

Barilla Pasta
Sobrasada 031

Sobrasada 031

Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, para la elaboración del derivado cárnico no tratado por el calor denominado “Sobrasada”; dada la ausencia de aditivos limitantes, es susceptible de consumirse fresca, oreada y/o curada mediante un proceso de maduración-desecación. Formato: estuche 270g, bolsa 3,6Kg
Tojásos tagliatelle

Tojásos tagliatelle

Tagliatelle all'uovo, prodotte con uova fresche trafilate al Bronzo, Grano 100% Italiano- 100% Made in Italy


Paccheri trafilati al bronzo ed essiccati lentamente, grano 100% Italiano e senza conservanti aggiunti
Warda tészta

Warda tészta

Pâtes alimentaires de marque Warda, symboles de qualité et tradition tunisienne.
Serpegiante márvány

Serpegiante márvány

Serpegiante marble has the characteristics of color stability, clear and beautiful lines and radiation-free. Serpegiante Light marble is preferred for building decoration, especially five-star hotels, villas, shopping malls and home decoration
Fepa - Poliartikulált

Fepa - Poliartikulált

Nutrientes para las articulaciones. Gluconato de manganeso, Extracto de Cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L., raíz) estandarizado, antiaglomerantes (estearato de magnesio, dióxido de silicio), cápsula de celulosa. INGREDIENTES:Extracto de MEJILLÓN (MOLUSCO) de labio verde (Perna canaliculus ), Sulfato MODO DE EMPLEO:tomar 1 capsula al día con un gran vaso de agua. CONDICIONES DE CONSERVACION:consérvese en un lugar fresco y seco


Kälte- und Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit auf Basis 1,2 Propylenglykol für lebensmittelverarbeitende- und produzierende Unternehmen mit Zulassung der NSF HT1


Référence 3380390197403 Fabriqués en France dans nos ateliers. La pâte blanche arbore une couleur claire et son goût plus neutre se marie facilement avec différentes garnitures. Conseils d'utilisation Jeter les macaroni dans un grand volume d'eau bouillante salée, cuire 7 mn pour une cuisson « al dente » et 9 mn pour une cuisson fondante. Egoutter et déguster ces pâtes chaudes simplement avec un filet d'huile d'olive ou accompagnées d'une sauce de votre choix Semoule supérieure de blé dur blanche * *issue de l'agriculture biologique
Dentex Dentex

Dentex Dentex

Dentex Dentex


En conversion vers l'agriculture biologique. Vendanges manuelles et mécaniques. Egrappage total, Fermentation en cuve inox thermo-régulée, Pigeage fréquent, Bâtonnage régulier. Elevage en fût de chêne d'un vin, Elevage en cuve inox, Assemblage, Bouchon traditionnel en liège, Bâtonnage régulier. Sols argilo-calcaires. Œil Couleur pourpre, éclatante, reflets grenat. Nez Boisé, elégant, fruité. Bouche Harmonieuse, délicate, veloutée, subtiles notes de truffe noire, notes de mûre, notes de pain grillé, généreuses notes de bois, tanins fins, tanins précis, rond, légèrement minérale, corps structuré, longue persistance. Accords mets & vin Viandes rouges en sauce, Cassoulet Température de service:8° - 10° Couleur:Rouge Cépage:Grenache, Syrah De l'alcool:14,5% Contenance:75 cl (Bouteille)
Carbo Gastronatural

Carbo Gastronatural

CARBO Gastronatural is a high-quality natural dietary supplement in Vcaps capsules (vegetarian) dedicated to people suffering from frequent bloating, feeling of fullness after meals or burping. A unique composition of herbal extracts supports correct function of the digestive system and intestines. Artichoke extract stimulates production of digestive juices and function of the liver and bile ducts. Dill extract reduces bloating, while anise extract supports digestive comfort and helps to get rid of the feeling of fullness. Melissa has a beneficial effect on health of the digestive system and intestines, and also reduces burping and nervous tension in the stomach and intestines. Milk thistle extract supports bile production and regeneration of liver cells and tissues. It also regulates digestion.
Fehér kristálycukor

Fehér kristálycukor

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%
PELLET - 100% Bükk Pellet

PELLET - 100% Bükk Pellet

OFFERTA SPECIALE! PELLET 100% MISTER FAGGIO A PREZZO SPECIALE Quest'anno vuoi RISCALDARE la tua casa in modo SICURO ED ECONOMICO? ABBIAMO IL PELLET CHE FA PER TE! MISTER FAGGIO è un prodotto UNIVERSALE, SICURO , ECONOMICO e di qualità, prodotto da un'azienda CERTIFICATA ISO 9001. Il prodotto, oltre ad avere elevatissime caratteristiche tecniche, è costituito da puro legno di faggio 100% che ti garantirà risparmio e calore per tutto l'inverno. IL TUTTO CON I PREZZI PIU' BASSI CHE TU ABBIA MAI VISTO! - 3,50 ? / SACCHETTO DA 15 KG - 232 ? / TONNELLATA Ma non è finita qui! Solo per un periodo limitato di tempo, ti regaliamo il TRASPORTO GRATUITO IN CAMPANIA *I prezzi indicati sono per ordini da minimo 24 tonnellate Vuoi saperne di più? Contattaci!


Farina "00", acqua, lievito Madre (lievito naturale di farina di grano tenero tipo 0 in polvere,lievito, farina di cereali maltati ,) sale, olio di girasole, olio d'oliva, pomodori ciliegina,pomodoro, mozzarella di bufala, olio extra vergine d'oliva.
Citromos sorbet

Citromos sorbet

Sorbetto al limone Cod:VSC001


PROTEX is an excellent quality emulsion paint for interior and exterior use, with great hiding power and exist the 10 basic colour. It’s suitable for the colour mix of plastic and acrylic paints. It’s suitable for plaster, concrete, bricks and wood. It has great working and levelling properties, strong adhension and quick drying. It gives a beautiful mat finish. Information: Emulsion paint based on P.V.A-VEOVA copolymer. Applycating with brush, roller or airless and thinning with 5-10% clean water. The spreading rates are 9-12m²/Lt. on previously prepared surfaces. It drying normally on touch after 1-2 hours and recoatable after 3 hours. Times make different under cold or dump conditions PACKAGE:0,17 LT, 0,375 LT, 0,75 LT, 10 LT, 3 LT COLOR:Black, Blue
Fekete olívabogyók

Fekete olívabogyók

Black olives