Premium Class A 18 kgs pack
12-18 clusters
Sound and Plump
Free from any disease
Skin Clear
Fingers Minimum 7.5 (L) x 1.3 (W)
105-115 fingers per 18.14 kgs/box
Each hand of banana without stem and be washed clean
Fresh Banana shall be Green 97% min and Yellow 3% max
Not matured. Not stored or transmitted together with yellow bananas
Min10 weeks Max.14weeks old fruits
Min 38 – Max 49 calibre/finger
Fournisseur Grossiste Plants Fraisier à prix Producteur Bio et Conventionnel - Fraisiverse, fournisseur et grossiste de plants de fraisiers bio et conventionnels, propose une large gamme de variétés adaptées aux besoins des producteurs professionnels.
Bénéficiez d’un service commercial joignable et réactif 24h, avec devis gratuit et conseils personnalisés pour optimiser vos cultures. Livraison rapide dans toute l'Europe. Nos plants rigoureusement sélectionnés garantissent des rendements élevés et une production de qualité, que vous choisissiez les variétés en racine-nue, frigo, tray ou en motte. Vente en ligne à prix producteur. Faites confiance à Fraisiverse pour réussir vos cultures de fraises avec un accompagnement expert.
Site :
Fraisier Tray - 0.59 €HT Hors Transport:Variétés Françaises et étrangères
Fraisier Frigo - 0.19 €HT Hors Transport:Variétés Françaises et étrangères
Fraisier Motte - 0.29 €HT Hors Transport:Variétés Françaises et étrangères
Fraisier Plants Frais - 0.19 €HT Hors Transport:Variétés Françaises et étrangères
Fraisier Mini-Tray - 0.54 €HT Hors Transport:Variétés Françaises et étrangères
Pilot – breakfast – pear – apple – banana – vanilla is a delightful breakfast drink that combines the sweet flavors of pear and apple with the creamy taste of banana and vanilla. This drink is perfect for starting your day with a burst of energy and flavor, providing a delicious and convenient way to enjoy a healthy breakfast on the go.
Made with high-quality ingredients, Pilot – BREAKFAST is designed to deliver a satisfying and refreshing taste experience. It is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, making it a healthy choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet. Whether you're rushing to work or enjoying a leisurely morning, Pilot – BREAKFAST is sure to provide the energy and flavor you need to start your day right.
Palimex - Meyva - Grossiste aliemenaire - Grande selection de fruits déshydratés - "Ces 2 fruits exotiques sont riches en fibres pour permettre d’atteindre la satiété mais aussi de favoriser un bon transit. Chacun contient une enzyme à la propriété bien distincte la papaïne pour la papaye capable de digérer les protéines animales et la bromélaïne pour l’ananas ayant des propriétés antiinflammatoires et antithrombotiques favorisant la circulation du sang. Idéalement à intégrer ce mélange dans un petit déjeuner énergisant fromage blanc, muesli par exemple."
Jus concentré poire 65° clarifié S/25 Kg
Mini poire au sirop léger 3/1
Purée aseptique poire S/20 Kg
Purée aseptique poire William Bio F/210 Kg
Purée aseptique poire William F/210 Kg
Purée Poire William Aseptique C/6x1 Kg
Aloe vera is cactus-like plant belonging to the lily family. Dried Aloe vera slices are produced by peeling the leaves of the Aloe vera plant and then cutting them into slices. These are then mixed with sugar water and dried with care. They are firm in consistency and have a fruity-sweet aroma.
Aloe vera, sugar, anti-oxidant: sulfur dioxide
Aloe vera most likely originated on the Arabian Peninsula. Today it is grown in every tropical and sub-tropical region of the world. It is primarily cultivated around the Mediterranean, in India and Thailand as well as on the Canary Islands and in Mexico. HL:
Shelf Life Long
Suitable for Export
30x40x13 - Flea Cardboard
30x50x13 - Flea Cardboard
30x40x13 - Plastic
30x50x13 - Plastic
The Product Can Be Packed in Desired Sizes and Shapes According to Demand
Due to the presence of pectin and fiber dried apples contribute to the work of the digestive organs, cleanse the body of harmful products and promote metabolism. It is better for people with high acidity of the stomach to take dried apples, since the content of fruit acids is not as high as that of fresh apples, and the benefits for the body are obvious. The presence of iron in the drying of the apple, prevents the development of anemia, phosphorus contributes to brain activity. They also contain B vitamins that are important for metabolism and a stable state of the nervous system.
5/7/9/12 We have various calibers available
Packaging according to your market requirements – carton, plastic, carry bags.
*Prices vary depending on packaging and calibers. If there is an interest in fruits, let's discuss!
We sell our products in accordance with all quality standards and the needs of our customers:
✅Compliance with all necessary storage and transportation conditions.
✅Quality control of the goods from the time of harvest to loading.
✅Full package of documents for products and export.
✅Delivery to anywhere in the world.
Whatsapp:+90 533 031 56 42 - +90 542 458 64 42
Les noisettes utilisées sont de la variété Tonda Gentile qui est réputée pour sa douceur. L’alcool de noisette est ensuite infusé avec du cacao, de la vanille et de la fleur d’oranger. Le résultat est ensuite passé en fûts de chêne pendant au moins 6 semaines.
Turkey’s closeness to major market countries in terms of its production capability and geographical location provides a significant advantage in apple exports to these countries.
Golden Delicious: This sweet and crisp apple is a favorite for both eating and cooking. It has a yellow-green skin and is known for its juicy flesh and honey-like flavor.
Gala: This apple is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Kidd’s Orange Red. It is sweet and juicy, with a red and yellow skin. It is a good choice for eating fresh or using in salads.
Red Delicious: This apple is known for its bright red skin and sweet, crisp flesh. It is a popular choice for eating fresh and is also used in baking and cooking.
Granny Smith: This apple is a favorite for making pies and other baked goods. It is tart, crisp, and has a green
I kumquat sono una varietà di agrumi dalla pelle sottile e dal colore arancione brillante. Sono particolarmente dolci e hanno una polpa succosa e zuccherina, con una consistenza simile a quella delle olive. La loro buccia può essere consumata insieme alla polpa, a differenza di altri agrumi in cui la buccia è spesso scartata.
I kumquat sono ricchi di vitamina C, una sostanza nutritiva importante per il sistema immunitario e la pelle sana. Contengono anche potassio, calcio e fibre, tutte sostanze nutritive importanti per il nostro organismo. Inoltre, sono a basso contenuto di grassi e calorie, il che li rende una scelta ideale per chi vuole mantenere una dieta equilibrata.
In cucina, i kumquat possono essere utilizzati in molti modi diversi. Possono essere consumati freschi come spuntino, utilizzati per fare marmellate o aggiunti a insalate e piatti a base di carne o pesce per un tocco di dolcezza.
Obst Grapefruit
Optisch nicht weit von der Blutorange entfernt, hat die Grapefruit eigene Vorzüge, die sie von anderen Zitrusfrüchten unterscheiden. Obwohl es rund 20 Grapefruit Sorten gibt, ist die „Trauben Frucht“ eher säuerlich als süß und auch etwas kleiner als beispielsweise die bekannte Pampelmuse. Sie kann sogar etwas bitter schmecken. Ihr rotes Fruchtfleisch ist aber wunderbar saftig und enthält Pektin sowie Vitamin B und C. Damit ist die Frucht ein gesunder Snack, der ausgepresst auch als Saft genossen werden kann oder Desserts eine besondere Note gibt. Jetzt Obst Grapefruit für den täglichen Vitamin bedarf sichern. Ihr Obst und Gemüse Online Shop für ganz Deutschland