Petites baies rouges appartenant à la famille des myrtilles, les cranberries (canneberges en français) sont cultivées avant tout en Amérique du Nord.
Aujourd'hui, la cranberry est de nouveau étudiée pour ses vertus antioxydantes.
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - VIJAYA vous propose une mangue bio et équitable de variété Brooks, qui lui confère d’excellentes qualités gustatives et fond dans la bouche.
È una mutazione del mandarino comune o ‘Avana’, scoperto nella zona vicino Palermo. Pianta Rotondeggiante le foglie piccole, strette e lanceolate, i fiori sono bianchi, piccoli e profumati. Buccia sottile di colore arancione. La polpa è arancione-rossastra, succosa. Maturazione tra febbraio e aprile.
Come tutti gli agrumi è ricco di vitamina C quindi possiede proprietà antiossidanti. Contiene anche vitamine B1 e B2 che stimolano l’appetito, l’accrescimento, la digestione e migliorano il sistema respiratorio. Inoltre contiene betacarotene, fibre e vitamina PP. La buccia contiene il limonene, un olio che ha una azione antiossidante, combatte i radicali liberi.
I pasticcieri e gelatieri siciliani lo utilizzano in molte ricette, dalle gelatine ai gelati, dalle granite alle spremute, fino ai liquori e alla marmellata.
Contiene varie vitamine dalla C alla B1 e B2 e anche PP, il betacarotene le fibre.
*Star Ruby / Ruby Red / Rio Red Grapefruit-Season: October-November-December-January-February-March-April / Production Capacity: 1200 TON / WEEK during the season *White Marsh (Seedless) Grapefruit-Season: November-December-January-February-March-April / Production Capacity: 720 TON / WEEK during the season *Navelina Orange-Season: October-November-December-January / Production Capacity: 600 TON / WEEK during the season *Valencia Orange-Season: January-February-March-April-May-June-July-August / Production Capacity: 960 TON / WEEK during the season *Washington Navel Orange-Season: October-November-December-January / Production Capacity: 960 TON / WEEK during the season
Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgesinden ürettiğimiz kaliteli ve garantili ürünlerimiz son teknoloji paketleme ve işlem tesislerinden siz değerli müşterilerimizin adreslerine teslim ediyoruz.
Vacuum dried Rose hip powder. 100% natural without added sugar, colors and preservatives. Rose hip is a great source of Vitamin C, with amazing benefits for your skin.
We have been supplying fresh fruits and vegetables to retail networks throughout Europe for many years. We specialize in exports of apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other products.
We buy them directly from farmers with whom we sign long-term supply contracts. It enables us to ensure consignment continuity. Our products can be packed in any way according to our client's request as we own a packaging production facility.
Varieties:Golden Delicious
Availability:300 tons
Today Turkey is the market leader. Because of the quality of its product, and providing 60% of the world market needs.
People collect the Turkish dried fig and flourishes in the fertile and sun-drenched mountains. Villagers harvest the figs from the surrounding. We collect the best dried figs.
We directly collect from the surrounding location provided that all incoming raw materials should meet our strict quality standards. Only when a grower’s delivery meets the incoming standard will the fruit to process.
Fruta fresca, catalogada en tropicales y exótica.
Procedencia: Ecuador.
Cultivos propios ubicados en zona agrícola en Ecuador; cultivos y cosechas por temporadas, con exigentes control de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas.
Disponibilidad de producto: Todo el año.
Transporte y Logística: Aéreo.
Presentaciones Marítima: caja de 3kg; 1 Pieza por caja seleccionados.
Alta rotación por sus cualidades únicas y naturales.
Nos enorgullece poder ofrecerte nuestro piñón crudo nacional extra pelado en bandeja hostelería. Muy tiernos y de sabor fino, un poco dulzón, recolectados en nuestro país y que por su peculiar sabor se utilizan para sazonar alimentos o aumentar el sabor de algunos platos.
Recuerda que si eres profesional del sector puedes registrarte como socio PRO en nuestra web y tendrás un 10% de descuento en todos tus pedidos y nuestro Soporte premium de atención al cliente, adaptado a tu ritmo y al de tu de negocio.
OPA DISTRIBUTION est grossiste de fruits à coques, distributeur de fruits à coques en France, fournisseur de fruits à coques à Marseille.
Fruits à coques : Pignons de pin.
Située sur le MIN (Marché d’Intérêt National) des Arnavaux à Marseille, à proximité du port et des embranchements autoroutiers, OPA Distribution est une société d'envergure internationale spécialisée dans l’importation et la distribution de produits agroalimentaires tels que:
Les fruits secs : amandes, cerneaux de noix, noix, noisettes, pignons de pin, arachides, pistaches, pépites de courge, pépites de tournesol.
100% Frucht
süß und knusprig
reich an Vitamin B & Ballaststoffen
schonend gefriergetrocknet
bis zu 1 Jahr haltbar
Unsere Früchte sind die perfekten Snacks für zwischendurch oder zu Hause. Auch perfekt als Topping für dein Müsli oder Porridge. Zudem eignen sich unsere Früchte optimal für Infused-Water oder in deinem Smoothie.