Apples contain some vitamins A and C. These vitamins help keep your bones and skin healthy. Apples also contain a lot of B vitamins. Dried Apples, which supplies half a cup of dry apple, 8% of the daily iron requirement of men and 3% of iron required by women. Eating dried apples and even smelling dried apples can lower blood pressure.
Il panettone è un tradizionale dolce natalizio italiano, originario di Milano. Caratterizzato dalla sua forma alta e a cupola, è realizzato con un impasto lievitato dolce, arricchito con frutta candita, uvetta e scorza d’arancia. La sua preparazione richiede diversi giorni per la lavorazione e la lievitazione naturale, che conferisce al dolce la sua consistenza soffice e il sapore distintivo. Il panettone è spesso associato al periodo natalizio ed è apprezzato sia in Italia che a livello internazionale come simbolo della tradizione e dell’artigianalità italiana.
confezioni da 12, 1 pallet = 10 confezioni, scadenza 30/04/25
Minimo ordine : 30 pallets
Ağaca yaklaşarak kolaylıkla meyve toplanmasını sağlamak amacıyla üç ayaklı üretilmişitir. Üçüncü ayağındaki çivi sayesinde toprakta güvenli bir şekilde tutunması sağlanmaktadır. Ayaklar arasında gergi ipi ve çelik gijonlar kullanılarak sağlamlığına katkıda bulunulmuştur.
Taşıma kapasitesi 135 kilogram
Yüksekliği 2.90 metredir.
Malatya ‘nın dünya markası olan sarı kuru kayısı. Özel ambalajı sayesinde uzun süre tazeliğini korur. Katkı, koruyucu içermez.Sarı kayısı da gün kurusu da aynı kayısıdan elde edilir. Tek fark birisi doğal yöntemlerle güneşte kurutulmuştur, diğeri ise daha dayanıklı olması için kükürt işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Sarı kayısı kükürt işlemine tabi tutulduğu için dış görünüşü de daha güzeldir. Gün kurusuna oranla daha diri görünür, pörsümesi az olur. Uygun koşullarda birkaç sene saklanabilir.
Granada Pomegranate
Estimated counts of measurements of pomegranate fruits per carton boxes)
Counts: 8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18 fruit per box
Size: 250: 500
Packing available:-
5 kg standard open top cartons
171 carton box/pallet/3420 boxes/container
Pallet net. Weight 855 kg
Container Capacity:
Tons per container: 18 Tons.
Pallets per container: 20 Pallets
Cartons per container: 3400 cartons
Cartons per pallet: 170 Cartons
Maturity & Quality:-
The red color in juice is equal to or darker of color 12/5-rs according to the color list mussel- ph is less than 1.85%
Divide the fissures, wounds, bruises and rot The color of the skinned fruit is red Flavor depends on the ratio of sugar to acidity and it differs according to the types preferable, the proportion of tads is higher than 17%
Optimum temperature
Storing on 50 for two months. In case of storing for more time, it stores on 7.2 to avoid damage cooling
Optimum relative humidity
HS Code:08109010
Counts:8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18 fruit per box
Size:250: 500 Gram
100% Concentrated Juice
Net: 33.8 fl. oz. / 1 Lt ℮
Net: 6.76 fl. oz. / 200 ML ℮
Ingredients: Orange Juice from concentrated juice.
Made In Austria & Made In Turkey
Jestem producentem warzyw i owoców w Polsce.Posiadam szeroki asortyment, wysoka jakość i duże ilości. Posiadam certyfikat Global Gap oraz własny transport. Szukam Firm chętnych do współpracy.
Die DFA 10 von IMA Ilapak ist eine erstklassige Einstiegs-Mehrkopfwaage, die für eine breite Palette von Produkten und Anwendungen konzipiert wurde. Mit ihrem robusten Design und der hohen Präzision bietet sie eine zuverlässige Lösung für Unternehmen, die ihre Verpackungsprozesse optimieren möchten.
Hauptmerkmale und Vorteile:
Vielseitigkeit: Die DFA 10 ist ideal für verschiedene Branchen wie Bäckerei, Trockenfrüchte, Süßwaren, Snacks und viele weitere Märkte geeignet.
Einfache Reinigung: Die Produktkontaktteile sind leicht abnehmbar, was eine schnelle und gründliche Reinigung ermöglicht und somit die Hygieneanforderungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie erfüllt.
Flexibler Betrieb: Die Waage kann sowohl im Wiege- als auch im Zählmodus betrieben werden, wodurch sie sich an unterschiedliche Produktanforderungen anpassen lässt.
Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Dank einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche ist die Bedienung der DFA 10 unkompliziert, was den Schulungsaufwand für das Personal reduziert.
Kompaktes Design: Mit ihrem platzsparenden Design lässt sich die DFA 10 problemlos in bestehende Produktionslinien integrieren, ohne viel Raum einzunehmen.
Technische Spezifikationen:
Wiegebereich: Abhängig von der spezifischen Konfiguration und den Anforderungen des Produkts.
Genauigkeit: Hohe Präzision, um konsistente Portionen sicherzustellen und Produktverluste zu minimieren.
Kapazität: Entwickelt, um den Anforderungen von Produktionslinien mit mittlerem bis hohem Durchsatz gerecht zu werden.
Material: Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien, die den strengen Standards der Lebensmittelindustrie entsprechen.
Die DFA 10 ist besonders geeignet für:
Bäckereiprodukte: Präzises Wiegen von Brot, Brötchen, Gebäck und anderen Backwaren.
Trockenfrüchte: Effiziente Handhabung von Nüssen, Rosinen und getrockneten Früchten.
Süßwaren: Genaues Portionieren von Bonbons, Schokolade und anderen Süßigkeiten.
Snacks: Wiegen von Chips, Crackern und ähnlichen Produkten.
Thank you for visiting Frutas Dolkin, with a presence in the market for more than 25 years, Frutas Dolkin S.L. is an exceptional exporter with quality in a wide variety of products.
Over the last few years, marketing has been aimed at both community countries (Italy, Germany, Poland, France, United Kingdom, Holland, etc.) and Eastern European countries (Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Croatia, etc.). The brand is strongly established in several countries and continues to expand. If your company is interested in collaborating with Frutas Dolkin, do not hesitate to contact us.
Among the most notable products are Orange in varieties such as Navelina, Navel, Navelate, Lane-late, Valencia-late, from October to July. Also Primofiori and Verna lemon from September to June. Some grape varieties, such as Superior (white seedless), red Crimson seedless, Autun-Royal black seedless, Italiana, Napoleon and Sunday from July to December-January.
Shipments can adapt the packaging to the needs of the consumer/buyer in any country.
Among other products there is a wide variety of vegetables such as Romaine lettuce, Baby, Curly and smooth cabbage, Red cabbage, Celery, Parsley, Cauliflower, Trocadero and Iceber, Yellow and green Lyon chard. In summer during the months of June-July and August there is a supply of melon and watermelon from the Cartagena countryside. There is also collaboration with farmers who grow red, green and yellow paprika.