Riche en silice, en oligo-éléments et sels minéraux (notamment potassium, calcium, soufre, cuivre, phosphore…) le purin de prêle est reminéralisant et restructurant. Il contribue à la prévention de nombreuses maladies et attaque d’insectes en renforçant les défenses immunitaires des plantes.
Conditionnement : BIB de 1 L 5 concentré à diluer dans l’eau
Comment l’utiliser ?
Le purin de prêle est employé dilué à 10% (1 litre de purin pour 9 litres d’eau)
Incorporé au terreau des semis et au repiquage
En arrosage à la plantation ou en pulvérisation puis toutes les 2 semaines
En pulvérisation pour les rosiers, potagers et fleurs ;
Pour l’entretien des vivaces, arbres et arbustes
A l’Automne et au printemps : 10 % en pulvérisation ou en arrosage (Après la récolte et au démarrage de la végétation).
Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement CEE N°2092/91 du 24/06/91 modifié
POIDS:2 kg
DIMENSIONS:20 × 15 × 20 cm
Descubre los Beneficios de la Fibra de Coco
La fibra de coco, también conocida como coir, es un material natural derivado de la cáscara del coco. Este recurso sostenible y renovable ha ganado popularidad en diversas industrias debido a sus múltiples beneficios y aplicaciones.
Camelina vegetable oil is extracted from the seeds of the Camelina sativa plant, also known as golden flax or false sesame. This essential oil is appreciated for its nutritional profile, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties make it a natural moisturizer for the skin, helping to calm irritation and improve skin elasticity. Additionally, camelina oil is known for its ability to strengthen and soften hair, providing shine and manageability. It is also used in cooking due to its mild flavor and high content of healthy fatty acids, contributing to a balanced diet.
CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
INCI:Camelina sativa seed Oil
"Wellicht al net zo oud als de piramides
Knoflook (Allium sativum) is een knolgewas uit de narcisfamilie en familie van de ui, prei en bieslook. De oudste vermeldingen van het gebruik van knoflook dateren van 1500 vC, uit Egypte.
Gezonde eigenschappen van Knoflook
Knoflook heeft een bewezen cholesterol- en bloeddrukverlagende werking. Ook werkt het bacteriëndodend vanwege de aanwezigheid van allicine in knoflook. Er worden nog meer andere werkingen toegeschreven aan knoflook, maar daarvoor ontbreekt afdoende bewijs. Knoflook is rijk aan vitamine B6, vitamine C en de mineralen Mangaan en Fosfor.
Het gebruik van knoflook
Knoflook is een populair kruid in de mediterrane en Midden-Europese landen en wordt zowel vers als in poedervorm (gedroogd en gemalen) toegepast. Knoflook granulaat is prima te gebruiken in salades. Ook kun je het toevoegen aan de olie in de pan wanneer je vlees, vis, wild of gevogelte braad/bakt. Knoflook is een kruid met een d…"
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - VIJAYA vous propose une graine de sésame blanc complet, facile à incorporer dans vos préparations salées ou sucrées, pour la fabrication de vos pains spéciaux ou pour les pâtisseries orientales...
It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.
We sell high-quality frozen elderberry gathered in ecological region of Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. Delivery directly to your warehouse. Packing according to your needs and EU standards. Please contact us to get more information.
This term is applied to a variety of small seeds originally cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans and still part of the human diet in China, Japan, and India, though in Western countries it is used mainly for birdseed.
The genus is termed Panicum. The small seed is normally about two millimeters long and nearly two millimeters broad. The term proso is one of several alternative names. Japanese barnyard millet is a well-known variety.
C'est un coproduit d’extraction de l’huile à partir des graines de tournesol, pour la nutrition animal.
En France, il est fréquemment utilisé en alimentation animale pour sa teneur en protéines, notamment pour les ruminants.
Notre produit est certifié, c'est un produit destiné aux éleveurs.
We export millet seeds.
Delivery is possible on a self-delivery basis, or by our delivery to the buyer, by road and rail. By agreement, various packaging options are possible: bags of 20, 25, 40 kg, big bags of 1000 kg, euro pallets.
Maltit - kalorienreduzierter Zuckerersatz
Maltit (E965) ist ein kalorienreduzierter Zuckeraustauschstoff, der ähnlich wie Zucker schmeckt. Mit einer Süßkraft von etwa 90% wie Zucker kann Maltit nahezu 1:1 gegen Zucker ersetzt werden.
Der Verzehr von Maltit bewirkt einen nur sehr geringen Anstieg des Blutzucker- und Insulinspiegels und enthält nur etwa halb so viele Kalorien wie Zucker.
Maltit wird u.a. verwendet für die Herstellung von Bonbons, Keksen, Schokolade, Desserts aller Art, Speiseeis, Marmeladen, Kaugummi, etc..
Bei Tagesdosen von mehr als 30-50 g für Erwachsene kann eine abführende Wirkung auftreten. Deshalb wird ein täglicher Verzehr von max. 30-50 g empfohlen.
Millet is one of the most ancient cultivated plants in Eurasia. Millet firstly began to be cultivated about 7000 years ago, and this is a valuable cereal crop. Grain (called millet) is used to make soups, cereals and other culinary products; is a valuable feed for poultry. The growing season is from 60 to 120 days. The plant is thermophilic and resistant to drought, as well as to salinization of the soil, but does not tolerate acidic soils. The yield of 1417 centners per hectare. Straw and green mass are used as livestock feed. In Russia, it is cultivated mainly in the arid regions of the Volga and Central Black Earth regions. Virtually gluten free, therefore, it can be recommended for people suffering from celiac disease, a congenital disease caused by protein intolerance to some cereal crops. Millet stimulates blood formation. Millet porridge is indicated for hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Safflower – an ancient oil and dye culture. It is used as an oilseed, the oil is used in the production of margarine. Products that are made of safflower dyeing, safflower oil is especially appreciated in cosmetology. It is saturated with linoleic acid (about 80%), which is not synthesized in the body. Linoleic acid gives elasticity to blood vessels, regulates important processes of the body, has a moisturizing effect, high penetrating ability. Safflower oil has a softening, strengthening and nourishing effect on the skin, normalizes cellular functions, improves blood circulation, has an antiinflammatory effect, high waterholding and moistureregulating ability. In addition, safflower oil dye serves as an active conductor of other components of cosmetics in deeper layers of the skin.