Cone is realized in zinc-coated steel sheet. Thickness of sheet steel from 8/10 to 15/10 with Ø from 80 mm to 1000 mm. Available in plain and borded version.
Product category
5-spaces grounded-based bike rack in galvanized steel, silver color abd black pvc caps.
dimensions: 138 x 42 cm h. 38 cm
SKU:Art-1005 EC-B
Weight:7 kg
Dimensions:147 × 43 × 41 cm
5 spaces grounded-based bike rack in a cold-dip galvanized steel, silver color with black PVC caps. Upper curve is a patented system designed by ANDRYS Ltd in order to set even the disk brake bikes. Bike rank system high and low in order to avoid handlebars to get wedged each other with mounting bracket for floor anchoring.
Size:140 x 42 cm h 41 cm
SKU:Art. 1205 B
Weight:9 kg
Dimensions :147 × 43 × 41 cm
Studiata specificamente per quei particolari meccanici a struttura complessa come fori ciechi o pezzi di piccole dimensioni.
Lavora costantemente sottovuoto per cicli di lavaggio più rapidi e distillazione sottovuoto in continuo con strippaggio finale automatico dei residui.
La vasta gamma di impianti che oggi Union produce è in grado di risolvere qualsiasi problematica di lavaggio superficiale.
Tutti gli impianti possono essere utilizzati indifferentemente con solventi clorurati o solventi alternativi come gli idrocarburi o Alcool modificati semplicemente selezionando dal PLC il tipo di solvente più idoneo.
Ogni modello può inoltre essere personalizzato per permettere l’utilizzo di una ampia gamma di cestelli con varie tipologie di foratura in funzione del pezzo da trattare, con coperchi fi
Premixed, fibre-reinforced, breathable plaster, based on hydraulic lime, for coating and repairing internal and external walls and masonry, for new buildings, existing buildings, ecological building interventions, in new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments.
Intosana is a product made up of hydraulic lime, metakaolin, light aggregates, siliceous aggregates, Vichy salt and special mineral additions with pozzolanic activity. These light-coloured pozzolanic materials, substantially consisting of kaolins of very fine particle size, increase the mechanical performance of the plaster and have very positive effects on its durability, preventing the development of undesired reactions between the hydraulic binders and the salt compounds that are usually present in the masonry (sulphates), or they can come from particularly aggressive exposure environments (chlorides, nitrates). Intosana has been specially formulated to have low water absorption values and very high water vapour breathability at the same time, in addition to a lower density compared to traditional plasters. The particular balance between breathability, absorption, mechanical performance, durability, resistance to chemical attacks, makes the use of Intosana particularly recommended on: buildings attacked by marine aerosol; urban environments attacked by acid rain; damp walls. Intosana does not contain portland cements, resins, solvents and radioemissive elements.
Plastering and repair of internal and external masonry, brick, stone or mixed.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, and gradually add Intosana and the water still required, continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. The mixing water indicatively necessary is equal to 16-18% by weight (4-4.5 litres per 25 kg bag).
Apply by hand, with brick trowel and plaster trowel, or with plastering machine (PFT model G4 or similar).
It is advisable to apply the plaster after application of a suitable adhesive rendering. The rendering can be realised with Intosana slightly more liquid than normal, or by application of the specific product Untersana. They must both be applied by "spraying", and they must provide a rough, corrugated surface, designed to promote the bonding of the subsequent plaster, which must be applied no later than 2-3 days. For thicknesses in excess of 20 mm improve the anti-cracking attitude, by inserting fibreglass plaster-holding.
Approximately 15 kg/m² of Intosana for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1500 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Roll leggero e versatile per lo stoccaggio e il trasporto delle vostre merci. La base in plastica è rinforzata con delle lame metalliche per una maggiore resistenza.
Peso:21 kg
Dimensioni esterne:720 x 810 x h. selezionata
Capacità interna:2 sponde: 660 x 800 x h. selezionata, 3 sponde: 660 x 780 x h. selezionata, 4 sponde: 660 x 750 x h.
Caratteristiche:Antello lato corto
Impieghi:GDO e Punto vendita, Industria, Lavanderie, Rifiuti, Riciclo, Trasporto, Movimentazione interna
Famiglia:Roll Container
Zincatura:Elettrolitica Biancazzurra (su richiesta tropicalizzata gialla)
Maglia della rete:105/155 x 380/395 mm
Ottimizza la spedizione:Un collo ha 5 pezzi
New bucket made with sturdy steel structure and high load capacity which makes it suitable for handling materials such as rubble, earth, sand, gravel, snow, fertilizers, grains etc., using a forklift.
The automatic tipping is practical and safe, in fact, without getting off the elevator, the operator can operate the spring release system using a practical rope.
- Thick blade, welded on the bottom
- Sturdy shovels for forking by forklift or vehicles equipped with forks
- Two spring clips to cushion strong blows during unloading
- Two-component acrylic water-based painting Red Ral 3000
Capacity:500 liters
Max load:Kg. 900
Dimensions (L x P2 x P1 x H):mm. 1200x950x1450x700
Tare:Kg. 170
Full load weight:Kg. 1070
Sono stampate con acciaio di qualità per le normali applicazioni o con acciai inossidabili AISI 304, 316 per applicazioni speciali:
• Realizzate per durare nel tempo garantiscono robustezza e solidità abbinata ad un’ ottima resistenza all’usura ed alle sollecitazioni meccaniche.
• Il profilo parabolico permette di guidare il getto del prodotto verso lo scarico evitando dispersioni che ricadano nel piede dell’elevatore causando diminuzioni di portata.
• Le superfici liscie e arrotondate permettono Io scarico rapido e totale della tazza e la sua pulizia immediata.
• Sono particolarmente indicate per il lavoro intenso, per trasporti gravosi anche delle grosse granulometrie.
• Le tazze vengono prodotte con lamiera di spessore standard come indicato nelle tabelle o con spessori maggiori secondo le Vostre esigenze.
• I fori sono bombati per garantire una perfetta tenuta del bullone la cui testa si inserisce completamente nella cinghia.
Material grade: TPU polyester base
Quality: repro pellets
Color: Transparent with some black spot
Hardness: Shore A92 +/-3
Form: pellets
Quantity: 8500 kg
Packing: Big Bag
Loading Place: 10060 Airasca (Turin), Italy
Availability: one time
Se non hai spazio in frigo....niente problema!! Siamo l'unica azienda a produrre e commercializzare Pinsa Romana a temperatura ambiente con shelf life 6 mesi!
Prezzo interessante spedizione in tutto il mondo!
5 spaces ground-based bike rack in galvanized steel, silver colour with caps and mounting bracket for floor anchoring.
Size:140 x 42 cm h 40 cm
SKU:Art-1005 B
Weight:9 kg
Dimensions :147 × 43 × 41 cm
Le gocce orali rappresentano una forma farmaceutica versatile e altamente assorbibile, ideale per chi cerca un dosaggio personalizzabile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti. Questa tipologia di integratori è particolarmente adatta per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole, offrendo un'alternativa pratica e efficace. Le gocce sono prodotte in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, tra 5 e 30 ml, in materiale PET o vetro, garantendo una scelta flessibile del packaging. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori.
Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti vegetali fluidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che le gocce siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in forma di gocce sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un dosaggio flessibile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti.
Powder preparation, ready-to-use, based on hydraulic lime, for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of grout for masonry reinforcement, injectable and castable, high performance in terms of sliding, strength and stability, for ecological building interventions and the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. In the Sanafluens mixtures, the water is completely and stably incorporated from the hydration reaction of lime; conversely, in traditional mixtures, a very high part of added water, is free, and evapourating, it leaves gaps in the walls. Sanafluens is based on natural hydraulic lime, sodium gluconate, kaolin, aluminates; it does not contain cement, resins, solvents and radioemissive aggregates. Consolidation through injections of brick, stone or mixed masonry, "bag" structures, masonry damaged by the earthquake. Consolidation of masonry affected by capillary rising damp and soluble salts. Consolidation of plasters detached from the masonry support, even with frescoes or of historical and artistic value. Consolidation of foundation structures, pillars, vaults and arches.
Clean the application surfaces by spraying abundantly with water. If there is a lack of plaster, apply a suitable render of hydraulic lime and sand (such as Untersana) to close as much as possible the escape routes of the grout once it has been injected. Trace, from bottom to top and from left to right, a 50 cm square grid. On the intersection of the squares, drill the masonry with a rotary drill, with a bit of suitable diameter (depending on the type of masonry to be injected; diameter usually between 12 and 24 mm), to a depth of at least 3/5 of its thickness, tilting the drill downwards by about 10 - 20°. Once all the holes have been drilled, they will be sucked up, blown with compressed air and sprayed with water, to remove the dust inside them produced by the drilling. Insert in the holes for a depth of about 5 cm, transparent meshed rubber tubes, with a total length of at least 30 cm (therefore with about 25 cm external). Properly seal the perimeter of the pipe with Anchorsana Fix accelerated setting grouting mortar to prevent the injected product from escaping. Inject the grout always keeping it lightly mixed and operating a continuous flow, without interruptions.
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer. Gradually add Sanafluens and the water still required, continue to mix until a fluid, homogeneous, lump-free grout of the desired consistency is obtained. The mixing water indicatively necessary is equal to 22-24% by weight (5.5 - 6 litres per bag). Reinforcing backfills and fills can be carried out both by gravity and using manual or automatic pumps, depending on the type of application. To verify the effectiveness of the reinforcement, the grout will come out of the pipes adjacent to that in which it is injected.
Approximately 1500 kg of Sanafluens for each cubic metre of volume to be filled.
L’incontro dei funghi prataioli ed olive con il tartufo nero ha dato vita ad un’ottima crema dal sapore forte e deciso. La sensazione di bosco non appena si apre il vasetto pervade l’ambiente circostante.
Ingredienti: funghi prataioli coltivati (agaricus bisporus), olive, tartufo nero estivo (tuber aestivum Vitt.).
Consigli: consigliamo la Nostra Crema Tartufata con carni, sia bianche che rosse, con uova, deliziosa su fette di pane tostato , tartine e cracker. Può essere utilizzata anche come ripieno per tortellini e ravioli.
Base universale per tutti i tipi di neve e condizioni fredde. Perfetta per la cura quotidiana degli sci e per mantenere in vigore la soletta.
Cod. Art:GLW900
Ean Code:8022937436754
Temperatura aria:0C°... -6C°
Umidità aria:H° ---
Tipo di neve:tutti i tipi
Umidità neve:poco umida
Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 130C°
Tipping container made of sturdy polyethylene and forkable steel base with forklift truck, it allows the transport and unloading of scraps and scrap operating in safe conditions.
The bucket is secured to the forks of the forklift truck by means of the supplied chain and to carry out the overturning it is sufficient to operate the release lever directly from the driver's seat of the forklift truck (by means of a rope) and therefore to operate in maximum safety. The tipping container is complete with polyurethane wheels with brake and gas shock absorbers to control the tipping speed
- Rotational molded monobloc container (robust, handy and light)
- Double wall with cavity, smooth interior and rounded edges
- Reinforced base with ribs
- Forked structure built with galvanized steel
- N° 2 gas shock absorbers and end-of-stroke device for progressive tipping
- N° 2 fixed wheels and 2 swivel wheels with brake
Description:Tiltable bucket 1000 liters
Dimensions (mm) LxWxH:1190x1650x1080
Load:Kg. 800
Capacity:1000 Lt.
I ponteggi a perni GBM sono la soluzione più adatta per chi necessita di un ponteggio sicuro, dall’utilizzo rapido e semplice: il collegamento tra i telai avviene tramite correnti e diagonali in tubo aventi alle estremità dei fori di diametro idoneo all’inserimento dei perni saldati sui montanti dei telai stessi.
Le bottiglie con rubinetto dosatore offrono un modo innovativo e preciso per assumere integratori alimentari liquidi. Questo sistema di dosaggio consente di misurare esattamente la quantità di liquido da assumere, garantendo un'integrazione accurata e personalizzata. Ideali per chi desidera un controllo preciso sulla propria integrazione, queste bottiglie sono una scelta pratica e moderna.
Sanaxil I
Natural, protective, decorative, breathable, pigmented, non-toxic, anti-mold plaster, with stabilized potassium silicates, for interiors and exteriors. Substantially mineral formulation which, thanks to the natural alkaline pH of potassium silicate, develops a strong antibacterial and anti-mold action. Sanaxil I is a versatile and valid product in various application fields: in green building interventions, in new constructions and in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The product does not form a film, thus avoiding detachment and flaking phenomena and, while ensuring excellent water repellency, ensures high values of permeability to water vapor thanks to its porous and microcrystalline structure, perfectly compatible with mortars, plasters and all other common elements of the body masonry. Physical-mechanical performance and durability are coupled with a vast choice of colors that cannot be altered over time; characteristics which, combined with the ease and practicality of application, make the product extremely versatile and adaptable to any project requirement.
Restoring protective coatings based on stabilised potassium silicates, for vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Existing paints (washable, organic, solvent-based etc.) must be removed.
Homogenise the surfaces by applying the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Spread SANAXIL in two coats: the first, for simple deposition, with steel trowel, the second, for spreading and finishing, with sponge float. The application of the second coat must be carried out, when the first coat starts to dry, under one of two suggested conditions: with dry trowel, for smooth surfaces; with moistened trowel, for antique-effect surfaces.
Sanaxil I is dry to the touch after 4 hours, it can be overcoated after 2-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 16-32 hours.
Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanaxil I available:
1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.25 -1.40 kg/m²;
1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.40 -1.55 kg/m²;
2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.85 -2.15 kg/m²;
2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.00 -2.30 kg/m².
The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test.
Pail 5 kg - Pail 25 kg
Sanafarbe I
Natural, protective, decorative, breathable, pigmented, non-toxic putty coat, naturally mildewcide, based on hardened lime putty and botticino marble dust, for indoors and outdoors. Formulation prepared according to the traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments.
Product based on lime putty and natural pigments.
SANAFARBE putty coat has a high breathability, a remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial capacity. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances in general.
Embodiment of putty coat finishing, protective and decorative, internal and external masonry building, in ecological building interventions and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments.
The application supports will be free from fouling, powder, non-adhering parts, etc.; existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc.) must be removed.
Spread Sanafarbe I, into two coats: the first, by simple deposition, with steel trowel, the second for laying and finishing, with sponge float. The application of the second coat must be carried out, when the first coat starts to dry, in one of two conditions suggested: with dry trowel, for smooth surfaces, with moistened trowel, for antique-effect surfaces. SANAFARBE-I is dry to the touch after 4 hours, it can be overcoated after 2-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 16-32 hours.
Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanafarbe I available:
1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.6 -1.8 kg/m²;
1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.8 -2.0 kg/m²;
2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.4 -2.8 kg/m²;
2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.6 -3.0 kg/m².
The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test.
Pail 5 kg - Pail 25 kg
Base for the closure of only the funds of boxes by means self-adhesive tape.
Structure of the machine body made of sheet steel bent, bolted and painted, the movement of the cartons is done by two side drive belts driven by a single motor, adjustments for the different formats are made through flywheels. The machine is equipped with 4 wheels with brakes.
The taping bases can be used both in semi-automatic lines with operator and in automatic lines or with box formers.
The GEM B52 model is available in the version without guards for semi-automatic use or with side guards for insertion in the line.
On the other hand, the B670F and B820F versions are only available with side protections for use in automatic lines or in combination with an automatic box former.
The GEM B52 models can also be made of stainless steel.
Example model:GEM B52
Boxes width min.:100 mm with 50 mm head/150 mm with 75 mm head
Boxes width miax.:500 mm
Boxes length:Min. 150 mm - max. unlimited
Boxes height:Min. 100 mm - max. 500 mm
Tape width:50 mm (75 optional)
Poco spazio nel frigo? ...Niente paura! Siamo l' unica azienda sul mercato a commercializzare e produrre basi di pizza e pinsa artigianali a temperatura ambiente shelf life 6 mesi.
We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: WhatsApp:+393478157955
Syntech Pavidamp
A three-component formulation, with a fluid epoxy resin base in aqueous emulsion (A + B) to be mixed with the third component (C) consisting of white cement and micro-quartz, specially designed to be used as a primer for cementitious surfaces in the presence of humidity and in conditions of hydraulic counter-thrust. Generally referred to as “wet-bonding”, it is particularly suitable as an anti-humidity barrier for the subsequent laying of parquet.
Building connection layers and smoothing cement surfaces; bottom layers for resinous coatings of floorings in the presence of damp subbases; anti-humidity barriers in concrete, brick and stone masonry; surfacings of porosity, cracks and superficial irregularities. As protection from rising damp for bases where operations with polyurea resins SYNTECH POLYUREA will be carried out.
The support on which the resin system is to be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilatations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. Apply by roller, brush or spray from 150 to 200 g / m2 of Syntech Primer EP-W to consolidate the substrate and facilitate the adhesion of the subsequent coating. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion.
Prepare the mixture of the 2 liquid components (A+B), pouring the contents of the component B in the container of the component A. Mix with drill for about 2 minutes. Add the pre-dosed hydraulic binder (high resistance white cement) to the mixture A+B, and mix with a mixer drill. To disperse the product optimally, pour the powders (component C) a little at a time, continuing to stir with drill, until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained.
If it is used as a base: dilute with 10-15% by weight of clean, soft water and apply with a roller or brush. Indicative consumption: 0.4-0.5 kg/m² on regular supports, 0.7-0.9 kg/m² on irregular supports.
If it is used for fine finishing coats: load the system A+B+C diluted with 10-15% of fresh clean water, with 60-70% spheroidal quartz (0.04-0.25 mm). Apply with steel trowel or plastering trowel. Indicative consumption: 1-2 kg/m².
If it is used for medium finishing coats: load the system A+B+C diluted with 10-15% of fresh clean water, with 70-80% spheroidal quartz (0.1-0.5 mm). Apply with steel trowel or plastering trowel. Indicative consumption: 3-4 kg/m².
From 0.50 to 0.60 kg of SYNTYECH PAVIDAMP for each square metre of surface to be covered.
Pail 3.8 kg [A] - Pail 1.2 kg [B] - Pail 5 kg [C] - Kit: 1 Pail 3.8 kg [A] + 1 Pail 1.2 kg [B] + 1 Pail 5 kg [C]
RC-CC2640 is designed based on CC2640F128 Bluetooth Smart (BLE4.1) System-on-Chip, fully supports the single mode Bluetooth Low Energy operation.
The module provides the ability to either put your entire application into the integrated ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller, or use the module in Network Processor mode in conjunction with the microcontroller of your choice.
Gli integratori alimentari liquidi in spray offrono un metodo di somministrazione rapido ed efficace, ideale per chi cerca un assorbimento immediato dei nutrienti. Questa forma farmaceutica è progettata per garantire che i principi attivi raggiungano rapidamente l'organismo o l'area trattata, prolungando la loro azione nel tempo. Gli spray sono prodotti in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, tra 5 e 30 ml, in materiale PET o vetro, offrendo flessibilità nella scelta del packaging. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, garantendo una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori.
Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti vegetali fluidi, vitamine, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che gli spray siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da utilizzare. Gli integratori in forma di spray sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un assorbimento rapido e un'azione prolungata dei nutrienti.
Gli spray integratori alimentari offrono un modo rapido e conveniente per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questo formato innovativo consente un'assunzione diretta e veloce, ideale per chi ha uno stile di vita attivo e necessita di un'integrazione immediata. Gli spray sono facili da trasportare e utilizzare, rendendoli una scelta popolare per chi è sempre in movimento.
Semi-permanent nail polish base that protects the natural nail. Its formulation will allow you to create fantastic stretches (like a reconstruction gel)
Gemini: technology and personalization. The multi- layer in resin-coated beech wood frame create elegant finiture. The slats support and the TSS increase the beauty of this bed frame.
All the slats support can be regulate in two different firmness. In the shoulder area and back zone of the bed, the TSS allow 360° oscillation and an indipendent effect for each single element.
Many slast are covered by melamine paper and their particular texture results in less conctact between the mattress and the slats, increasing ventilation.
he shoulder and back area is equipped with TSS, an independent and adjustable suspensions system that allow you to customize the rigidity and to follow the need of the body. Firmness adjustment: In the lumbar region the bed frame is made with a special system of double slats and slider that work to regulate the hardness.