Gel viscoelastico a base di polinucleotidi, progettato per infiltrazioni intradermiche. Grazie alle sue proprietà biochimiche, viscoelastiche e idratanti, PLINEST® migliora il turgore, l’elasticità e la tonicità della pelle.
Polinucleotidi: 20 mg/ml
Sodio cloruro
Sodio fosfato monobasico diidrato
Sodio fosfato bibasico dodecaidrato
Acqua per preparazioni iniettabili
Indicazioni d'Uso
Miglioramento del turgore, dell’elasticità e della tonicità cutanea
Rimodellamento di aree con tessuto fibroso, come strie e cicatrici
Indicazioni d'Uso
Miglioramento del turgore, dell’elasticità e della tonicità cutanea
Rimodellamento di aree con tessuto fibroso, come strie e cicatrici
Dispositivo medico: PLINEST® è un dispositivo medico per uso intradermico.
Chez LG Tec, nous proposons des fonds bombés spécialement conçus pour la fabrication de braséros. Ces pièces métalliques, issues de notre expertise en chaudronnerie, apportent solidité et élégance à vos créations. Nos fonds bombés s’adaptent parfaitement aux braséros en extérieur, grâce à des finitions précises et une résistance aux conditions extrêmes.
Capacité 2 16 pizzas
Un seul brûleur à l'intérieur de la chambre de cuisson
Interface tactile à utiliser des fonctions du four, pour le double mode de fonctionnement automatique / manuel
Lampe extérieure orientable
Disponibles en 6 tailles
Model volcan base
Edelmetall-Legierung auf Silberbasis vorgesehen für metallkeramischen Zahnersatz oder als Dentalgusslegierung, Typ extra hart, gem. DIN EN ISO 22674
Farbe: weiß
Weitere Informationen zur Zusammensetzung; zu technischen Details oder zur Verarbeitung entnehmen Sie bitte der Gebrauchsanweisung im unteren Bereich.
Dieses Modell ist eine preiswerte Alternative zu dem Modell 3500 Premium, bietet aber dennoch den gleichen Grad an Präzision beim Schneiden.
Bei der Säge „3500 Base“ bildet ein Nutentisch die Grundlage für die Probenhalterung, die vielseitig und flexibel gestaltet werden kann. Der an einer präzisen Führung befestigte Sägemechanismus bewegt sich durch die Schwerkraft bedingte Neigung des Unterbaus in Richtung der Probe. So wird der Vorschub gewährleistet. Er erfüllt so auf sichere und einfache Weise die Funktion des Vorschubs in Form eines variablen Anpressdruckes.
Der Arbeitsbereich lässt sich an die Größe der Probe, zwischen Rollenachse und Trommelachse anpassen, der durch verschiedene Farben erkennbar ist. So kann die Säge optimal ausgenutzt werden.
Gypsum-based mortars, formulated with Calcium Hydroxide (slaked lime) or solely based on gypsum, are commonly used to level interior walls and ceilings in manual or machine construction methods. Adding Vitalcellulose® cellulose ether and starch ethers guarantees excellent mortar adhesion to various substrates and ensures optimal workability.
21M07 product is specially designed for plastering gypsum. It provides excellent water retention even with low additive amounts and imparts superb thixotropic properties to the gypsum mortar. It increases the coverage rate of the gypsum mortar, thereby reducing construction costs. The wall surface becomes fine, smooth, and dust-free, with high strength and no shrinkage. It offers an elegant appearance, is odorless, does not cause efflorescence, and remains crack-free.
• Hand Plaster Gypsum Base
Technical Specifications:
• Appearance: White or light yellow powder
• Viscosity (2%, mPa·s): 10000–20000
• Level of Modified : Medium
• Particle Size:Fine
• Water Retention: excellent performance
• Constructability:excellent performance
• Anti-Slip:excellent performance
Standard packaging: 25kg bags
Storage and Transportation:
• Store in a dry, clean environment, away from heat sources, and in original packaging. Although Lignocellulose Fiber W500 is hydrophilic and stable, poor storage conditions can lead to gradual water absorption. It is recommended to follow the first-in, first-out principle to ensure optimal use.
Product Safety:
• According to legal regulations concerning hazardous substances and preparations, this product is non-hazardous. Dust formation and accumulation should be avoided. For detailed information, contact our service team.
For more info or samples, contact us:
WhatsApp: +49 1520 4735165
Gli integratori alimentari in forma di gocce offrono un metodo di assunzione rapido ed efficiente, ideale per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole. I componenti attivi contenuti nelle gocce vengono assorbiti più rapidamente dall'organismo, garantendo un'efficacia immediata. Questa forma farmaceutica permette un dosaggio personalizzabile, adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Le gocce sono disponibili in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, realizzati in materiale PET o vetro, per garantire la massima qualità e sicurezza del prodotto. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano.
La formulazione delle gocce include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti vegetali fluidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo le gocce, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Sanaxil I
Natural, protective, decorative, breathable, pigmented, non-toxic, anti-mold plaster, with stabilized potassium silicates, for interiors and exteriors. Substantially mineral formulation which, thanks to the natural alkaline pH of potassium silicate, develops a strong antibacterial and anti-mold action. Sanaxil I is a versatile and valid product in various application fields: in green building interventions, in new constructions and in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The product does not form a film, thus avoiding detachment and flaking phenomena and, while ensuring excellent water repellency, ensures high values of permeability to water vapor thanks to its porous and microcrystalline structure, perfectly compatible with mortars, plasters and all other common elements of the body masonry. Physical-mechanical performance and durability are coupled with a vast choice of colors that cannot be altered over time; characteristics which, combined with the ease and practicality of application, make the product extremely versatile and adaptable to any project requirement.
Restoring protective coatings based on stabilised potassium silicates, for vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Existing paints (washable, organic, solvent-based etc.) must be removed.
Homogenise the surfaces by applying the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Spread SANAXIL in two coats: the first, for simple deposition, with steel trowel, the second, for spreading and finishing, with sponge float. The application of the second coat must be carried out, when the first coat starts to dry, under one of two suggested conditions: with dry trowel, for smooth surfaces; with moistened trowel, for antique-effect surfaces.
Sanaxil I is dry to the touch after 4 hours, it can be overcoated after 2-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 16-32 hours.
Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanaxil I available:
1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.25 -1.40 kg/m²;
1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.40 -1.55 kg/m²;
2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.85 -2.15 kg/m²;
2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.00 -2.30 kg/m².
The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test.
Pail 5 kg - Pail 25 kg
Marjoram essential oil can be used for toothaches, muscle pains, inflammation, and even against symptoms of common colds. It also aids in muscle spasms. Marjoram essential oil can also be used to treat internal and external infections such as mumps, measles, pox and other internal viruses. Common Uses Marjoram essential oil should be added to one’s daily diet as it is a great natural supplement for brain functioning. It can be added in a cup of tea for easy consumption. A cup of tea with some drops of marjoram oil will also relieve headaches, arthritis and rheumatism. In fact, Marjoram essential oil is one of the best to take daily as it also results in a healthy gut. The oil can be applied to feet to treat fungal infections on the nails. Open wounds also heal quicker when one applies diluted Marjoram oil to those wounds. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Modulbau ist eine innovative Bauweise, die es ermöglicht, Gebäude schnell und effizient zu errichten. Diese Methode nutzt vorgefertigte Module, die in einer kontrollierten Umgebung hergestellt werden, um die Bauzeit erheblich zu verkürzen. Modulbau bietet eine flexible Lösung für verschiedene Anwendungen, sei es für Wohngebäude, Büros oder öffentliche Einrichtungen. Mit der Möglichkeit, verschiedene Module zu kombinieren, können Sie maßgeschneiderte Lösungen schaffen, die Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen entsprechen. Unsere Modulbau-Lösungen sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch ästhetisch ansprechend und bieten eine hohe Qualität, die auf jahrelanger Erfahrung und Expertise basiert. Egal, ob für temporäre oder dauerhafte Lösungen, Modulbau bietet Ihnen die Flexibilität und Effizienz, die Sie benötigen.
Produktinformationen "Deye GB-LBS / Controller und Grundplatte"
Die Deye Hochspannungs-Batterie-Cluster-Steuerbox GB-LBS ist eine hochmoderne Steuereinheit für Batteriecluster des Model GB-LM4.0 mit hoher Spannung. Sie wurde entwickelt, um eine effiziente und zuverlässige Verwaltung der Hochspannungsbatterien zu ermöglichen und ist die perfekte Lösung für verschiedene Anwendungen, darunter erneuerbare Energiesysteme und industrielle Energiespeicherlösungen.
Mit einer beeindruckenden Betriebsspannung von 120 bis 750 VDC bietet die Deye GB-LBS Steuerbox eine breite Palette von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Sie verfügt über einen nominalen Lade- und Entladestrom von 40 A und einen maximalen Ladestrom/Entladestrom von 50 A. Dadurch können Sie Ihre Batterien effizient aufladen und entladen, um den Energiebedarf Ihrer Anwendung zu decken.
Abmessungen (mm):540 x 385 x 110
Base de maquillaje superventas n1 especialmente diseñada para pieles sensibles y alérgicas. La fórmula, que contiene ingredientes hipoalergénicos, garantiza su máxima seguridad. Además, tiene una cobertura completamente natural, no se asienta en los poros y las arrugas.
La base de maquillaje Delfy Foundation es una base de maquillaje con doble cobertura, es de larga duración y además es resistente al agua. Es muy fácil de aplicar y cubre y suaviza todas las imperfecciones de la piel de una manera muy natural.
Modo de empleo: preparar previamente la piel. Para obtener resultados ideales, se recomienda utilizar Delfy Super Primer, que hidrata profundamente la piel. Aplica una fina capa de base con una brocha de maquillaje (por ejemplo, N5, N6 o N12) o una esponja. Si es necesario, agregue a las zonas deseadas.
Cortec VpCI® 645 is a versatile corrosion inhibitor that protects metal components during storage and shipping.
Leveraging Cortec's VpCI® technology, it vaporizes to form a protective layer on all metal surfaces, including hidden areas.
Unlike traditional methods, this offers complete and self-repairing protection. Effective on various metals, it is environmentally friendly, easy to apply, and leaves no residue. Ideal for automotive parts, electronics, hydraulics, military equipment, and more.
Apply by spraying, dipping, coating, or fogging. Protects for up to 2 years, resists moisture, salt, and other corrosive elements. Safe, non-flammable, and compliant with military standards.
Supports blanc en carton alimentaire pour poser vos pâtisseries.
Vous pouvez l'utiliser comme support de crêpe, pâtisserie, gaufre ou de part à pizza.
Utilisé régulièrement par les spécialistes de la vente à emporter.
Très faciles d’utilisation, empilables et ne prenant que très peu de place en stock, vous n’aurez aucun mal à plier leurs côtés.
Dimensions:170 x 170 (L x l en mm)
WATER BASED COATING PAPER CUP PLASTIC FREE100% BIODEGRADABLE CUSTOMIZABLE - These eco-friendly cups, do not contain any plastic, have a water-based coating.
Plastıc free.
Eco-friendly cups.
100% biodegradable.
Available in all sizes.
Les bustes de mannequin en tissu, sans têtes et avec bras en bois articulés, sont idéaux pour promouvoir votre image et vos vêtements les plus tendances.
Même sans vêtements, ce buste est parfait pour présenter vos accessoires tels que sacs à main, bijoux ou foulards.
Nos bustes coutures peuvent être facilement intégrés à l'agencement de votre magasin.
Différents tissus et designs sont disponibles pour ce bustier sur mesure, qui vous permettra de présenter vos dernières collections dans vos magasins, showrooms et vitrines.
The Big Red Base system is a foundation for expanding your line of sports, games and activities such as tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball... The system’s design allows you to start small and expand as your program requirements and budget dictate. The Big Red Base can be filled with sand or water (maximum 20kg) for more stability and optimal use. The high quality, plastic constructed base is incredibly strong and tough. 12cm wheels have been added to make moving the base extremely easy even when filled. Post not included.
Découvrez nos pieds de table métalliques, parfaits pour apporter une touche de modernité et de robustesse à vos créations de table. Fabriqués à partir de métal de haute qualité, chaque pied de table assure une stabilité et une durabilité exceptionnelles tout en ajoutant une esthétique contemporaine à votre espace.
Nos pieds de table métalliques sont idéals pour les tables de salle à manger, de cuisine, de bureau ou même les tables basses. Disponibles en diverses finitions et designs, ils s'adaptent à tous les styles de décoration, du moderne au industriel.
En choisissant nos pieds de table métalliques, vous optez pour un produit durable et facile à entretenir. Leur conception soignée garantit une longue durée de vie et une résistance aux éléments, faisant de ces pieds un choix idéal pour des meubles à la fois fonctionnels et élégants.
Bathtub, base and mat in one product.
Easy folding and safe storage.
Innovative design.
Two wheels for easy movement.
Soft changing table with fall prevention system.
Baby bathtub with anatomical seat.
Storage areas for sponge and soap.
Plug with drain pipe.
Dimensions:23.5×50.5×81.5 cm
Lattenroste, Großhandel für Wiederverkäufer, ca. 1778 St., versch. Größen, A-Ware, Restposten
Verschiedene Grössen
Sehr hochwertige Marken
Volumen: 3 LKW
Anteilige Abnahme LKW-weise möglich. 1/3 der Position.
‼️ Lattenroste: kein Verkauf unter den Markennamen in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Niederlande, Belgien, Luxemburg.
Verkauf nur an Gewerbetreibende!
Wir akzeptieren folgende Zahlungsarten:
Barzahlung vor Ort
Spedition, Selbstabholung oder DHL
Die Versandkosten sind im Preis nicht enthalten.
Unsere Verkaufsmanager sprechen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Ukrainisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Griechisch und andere Sprachen.
Live-Video Besichtigung des Lagers und der Ware (per Video WhatsApp)
Besichtigung vor Ort
Über 10.000 m2 Lagerfläche
Une base de vie peut servir lors d' un chantier de courte ou de longue durée ou bien s’utiliser comme bâtiment préfabriqués, structure modulaire en guise de logement d’urgence. Dans certains contextes, elle est également utile pour les chercheurs qui opèrent dans des zones encore inhabités.
Base de vie sur mesures
Selon vos besoins 1001 Containers peut vous proposer des structures modulaires suivant les dimensions qui correspondent à vos attentes. L’entreprise est également en mesure de mettre à votre disposition de ses clients une base de vie aménagé mono bloc ou modulaire qui offre le confort essentiel pour bien y vivre (électricité, eau courante, mobiliers, TV, bureau…). L’avantage d’une construction modulaire, c’est qu’il est pratique surtout si le nombre des occupants est assez conséquent, car vous pourrez organiser la structure selon vos besoins.
Isolation et climatisation
Ces portemèches en métal sont indispensables si vous souhaitez utiliser des mèches en bois. Ils s'adaptent avec toutes nos mèches en bois. Ces portesmèches sont stables, robustes et sont réutilisable après combustion de votre bougie.
Pour utiliser ces portemèches, il vous suffit de coincer une mèche dans le socle.
Ce type de support permet que la mèche puisse se consumer jusqu'à la base du verre.
Compatible avec:Compatible avec les mèches en bois taille 1 à 4
Diamètre:17 mm
Hauteur:0 3 mm
Conditionnement:Lot de 10 Lot de 100
Famille accessoires:pour mèches
Control valves and directional valves clear, block or change the flow direction of the medium used. They control the direction of the volume flow, i.e. the exit direction of a cylinder, and through start-stop commands the travel distance of the stroke. Our product range includes manual, pneumatic and electro-pneumatic actuated valves in 3/2-, 5/2- and 5/3-directional design. Directional valves acc. to NAMUR, supply units, base plates, logistics modules and two-handed safety control valves add to the assortment.
Natural arginine to L-type, the product crystallized from water containing two crystal water molecules, the crystallization in ethanol is anhydrous. Because the presence of guanidine, arginine is alkaline, easy to form a salt with the acid reaction.Natural materials abound in the protamine,it is the basic components of proteins, so there is very extensive.
Other Name:L-Arginine
Spec./ Purity:98.5-101%( Other specifications can be customized)
CAS Number:74-79-3
Appearance:white crystals or crystalline powder
Main function:Nitric Oxide Production
Test Method:USP
Character:White crystals or crystalline powder
Identification:Match with the standard
Specific rotation:26.3°~+27.7°
Loss on drying:NMT0.5%
Residue on ignition:NMT0.3%
Any individual impurity:NMT0.5%
Total impurities:NMT2.0%
Heavy Metals:NMT15ppm
Una formulazione sviluppata con l'utilizzo di tensioattivi vegetali ed ecosostenibili come
Coco-Glucoside e Capryl/Capramidopropyl Betaine, consigliati e utilizzati in verde
cosmetici. Dal gradevole profumo ipoallergenico di agrumi, è un gel ideale per la pulizia non aggressiva del viso. Contiene un tensioattivo
derivato da cocamide (miscela di ammidi e acidi grassi da olio di cocco) e da
betaina (un amminoacido presente negli alimenti vegetali e soprattutto negli
barbabietola). L'Idrogel unisce alle proprietà detergenti naturali quelle antinfiammatorie e
azione drenante della Centella Asiatica.
INCI:Acqua, capril/capramidopropil betaina, glicerina