Bei RPWORLD erfüllt die CNC-Bearbeitung die vielfältigen Anforderungen von Kunden, angefangen von Einzelteilen bis hin zur Produktion in geringen bis mittleren Stückzahlen. Unsere CNC-Maschinen laufen rund um die Uhr und gewährleisten somit, dass Ihre hochpräzisen Teile mit komplexen Geometrien in so kurzer Zeit wie 3 Tagen geliefert werden. Wir verfügen über 3-Achs-, 4-Achs- und 5-Achs-Maschinen, Bohrmaschinen, Drehmaschinen und EDM, die für die Herstellung komplexer Formen mit hoher Präzision konzipiert sind. Die hochmodernen Maschinen bieten enge Toleranzen DIN ISO 2768 medium (fein) und einen breiten Bearbeitungsbereich von 1 mm bis 1600 mm.
Angewandte Branchen:
- Herstellung von medizinischen Geräten
- Automobilindustrie
- Wissenschaftliche Instrumente
- Maschinenbau
- Robotik
- Design
Materialien:Wissenschaftliche Instrumente
Materialien:medizinisches Gerät
Front part in TTR green colour: Trilaminate with total anti-viral and anti-bacterial barrier, permanent water-repellent, in compliance with UNI EN 13795.
Back part in reinforced cotton white colour: long fibre cotton Crayons coupled with a special polyester fibre easy iron.
PPE 2nd CAT.
Guaranteed for minimum 100 sterilisation cycles at 134°.
Os conta-gotas em plástico LDPE podem ser o que procura, se um dispensador controlado de líquidos for a sua necessidade.
São conhecidos mundialmente como droppers e utilizados em inúmeras atividades como farmácias, laboratórios, veterinários, clínicas, cigarros eletrónicos, indústria química, etc.
Produzidos em polietileno, estes conta-gotas têm capacidades de 5ml; 10ml; 15ml; 20ml; 30ml; 50ml; 60ml; 100ml; e 125ml.
Encontram-se disponíveis na cor branca ou translúcida.
Estão ainda disponíveis como opcionais as tampas conta-gotas com ou sem proteção para crianças, bem como dois tipos de pipetas.
Das VR-Therapie Expositionssystem ermöglicht Konfrontations- und Verhaltensübungen mit hoch immersiver virtueller Realität für ambulante therapeutische Einrichtungen oder Praxen.
BIOXEL uses fine laser beam to minimize skin damage by heat and to shorten the recovery and rejuvenation period. Treatment time can be shortened by adjusting spot size and the beam density, which is beneficial for both of the operator and the patient.
Fractional Mode & General CO2 Mode & Dental Mode & LVR Mode
Reduced Pain & Excellent Effectiveness
Three Patterns : ARRAY, GRID, RANDOM
Smart & Various Protocols for User’s Convenience
Max 4489 dots to an area of 20x20mm
Various scan shapes: Square, Hexagon, Triangular, Circular
Fractional Hand Piece
Skin tightening, Wrinkles, Large Pore, Skin Resurfacing, Acne scar,
Stretch Mark, Laser Peeling, Age Spot, Pudenda, etc.
General Hand piece (50mm or 100mm)
Mole, Wart, Freckles, Birthmarks, Tumor elimination, Condylom, Syringoma, Snoring.
Brand Name:AMI INC
Origin:South Korea
Different complexity, different size, different needs, one solution
PLUSONIC series ultrasonic & steam cleaners offer you wide range of cleaning devices in one solution. First step of the sterilizing process is cleaning medical instruments. PLUSONIC is the best solution for medical professionals to protect medical personnel and patients from infection. PLUSONIC uses advance technology which provides you to clean more complex medical surfaces such as micro-instruments, dental instruments and endoscopes without any damage.
PLUSONIC Ultrasonic Cleaners:
• Ultrasonic Cleaners ranging from 4 L to 80 L
•User friendly digital control unit
•Programmable cleaning time and heating control
•Temperature control of 25°C to 90°C in 1°C increments
•Time control of 0 to 99 min. in 1 min. increments
•28 – 30 kHz ultrasonic frequency for up to 28 L
•25 kHz between 40 – 80 L for extra durability
L’Eleuthérocoque est un arbuste que l’on trouve sur les terres de Sibérie et dans le nord de la Chine. Le « buisson du diable » ou « ginseng sibérien » comme il est parfois appelé est de la même famille que le ginseng, mais pas du même genre botanique. D’ailleurs il supporte beaucoup mieux les climats froids que son « cousin ».Ses tiges sont plutôt fines et douces au toucher. Mais il ne faut pas s’y fier l’arbuste présente aussi des épines ! Ses fleurs sont violettes et jaunevert. Ses fruits ressemblent à des baies noires et charnues.
Conseils d'utilisation
3 à 6 gélules/jour à avaler avec un grand verre d'eau
à prendre en supplémentation d'une
alimentation variée et équilibrée.
Ne pas dépasser la dose quotidienne recommandée.
Ne pas laisser à la portée des jeunes enfants.
Conserver à l'abri de la lumière, de la chaleur et de l'humidité.
Comme avec tout supplément nutritionnel, consultez un professionnel de santé avant
de le consommer.
3 in 1 Probenentnahme: Vorderer Nasenabstrich, Nasopharyngeal, Rachen- oder Speichelabstrich. Testergebnis in nur 15 Minuten. Einfachste Handhabung in nur 3 Arbeitsschritten.
BfArM gelistet für den professionellen Gebrauch in Deutschland und die Selbstanwendung in Österreich.
• 3 in 1 Probenentnahme: Vorderer Nasenabstrich, Nasopharyngeal, Rachen- oder Speichelabstrich.
• Einfachste Handhabung in nur 3 Arbeitsschritten.
• Testergebnis in nur 15 Minuten
SAATTE SADECE 0,2° ISI KAYBI İLE KATEGORİSİNİN EN İYİSİ. YTÜ ONAY VE RAPORLU - •İnsülin buz çantası diyabet hastalarının kişisel eşyaları için idealdir. Kapasite: altı insülin enjektörü (boyutlar: 25x15x10 cm) çanta içine takılabilir. Çantanın içine standart buz kartuşu veya buz jel paketi koyulabilir.
•Buz paketi olmaksızın 8 saate kadar ya da buz paketi ile 18 saat soğuk muhafaza sağlar
•Bu diyabet seyahat çantası için, dondurucuda ön soğutma yapılmasına gerek yoktur. Uzun bir süre boyunca taşıyacaksınız, kolaylıkla buz aküsü ya da jel buz paketleri ile kullanabilirsiniz. Soğutucu çantanız, diyabet için gerekli olan malzemeleriniz ile yola çıkmaya hep hazır. İlaçlarınızı soğuk tutan ve buz paketinin soğutma etkisini arttıran iç köpük panelleriyle mükemmel yalıtım etkisine sağlayan Büyük Boy İnsülin Enjektör Kılıfı. Herhangi bir akü ya da harici enerji kaynağına gerek yoktur.
Lasers that emit light in a series of pulses of duration (τ) at a repetition rate (R) with peak power Ppeak. Mostly used to achieve high peak powers and/or retrieve temporal information.
- Diode & Semiconductor Lasers
- Optically-Pumped Solid State Lasers
- Fiber Lasers
- Dye Lasers
- Special Laser Systems
- Frequency-Converted & OPO Lasers
- Gas Lasers
For industrial, research, biomedical, material processing applications.
Pulsed Lasers from TRUMPF, Monocrom, PicoQuant, Amplitude, Thorlabs, Frankfurt Laser Company, Optogama, Edmund Optics, Menlo Systems, TOPTICA, Hamamatsu, Optogama, Litilit, Radiant Dyes, Stuttgart Instruments, APE and more.
After 30 minutes working with Westergren method; 30 and 60 minutes sedimentation test results, after 1 hour study, it gives a 2-hour sedimentation test result.
They are analyzers that can load 40 patient sample tubes at the same time and have a rate of 80 tests/hour.
It has built-in integrated barcode reader and thermal printer, LIS/HIS connection can be made with RS232.
Tratamiento de hernia, pinzamiento de nervio, escoliosis y otras enfermedades - Cordus Pro es una decisión efectiva de tratamiento de hernia del disco intervertebral, de escoliosis, de dolores en la zona lumbar, de listesis, de corrección de hueso sacro, de dolores de cabeza y de otras enfermedades en las condiciones de casa. La tecnología de tratamiento está basada sobre el método de autogravedad. Este método de tratamiento relaja los músculos profundos de columna vertebral y elimina la compresión (apriete) del disco intervertebral. El dispositivo tiene tres lados con los vértices pares de masaje de acupresión anatómicamente comprobados y destinados para inmersión en los músculos profundos de cada sección de columna vertebral: cervical, torácica y lumbar. Parámetros de las saliencias de masaje de acupresión: la altura y distancia entre estas y los radios de los vértices están determinados por la anatomía de columna vertebral, así como son resultado de pruebas de muchos años (de 2008 a 2015).
AMETEK EMC can provide packaging solutions for every need, with capabilities for applications such as:
sealed pouches,
anti-static bags,
custom boxes,
multi-material packaging,
shock and vibration sensitive packaging,
target component protection, and
packaging for sterilization.
ISAS Counting Chamber es toda una línea de cámaras de recuento desechables especialmente diseñadas para muestras de semen, válidas para uso tanto en veterinaria como en humana.
Las cámaras están diseñadas sobre un portaobjetos, lo que las hace muy rentables y fáciles de usar. Su estructura permite una distribución perfecta de los espermatozoides a través del portaobjeto, asegurando un análisis repetible y preciso. Además, su composición de vidrio sin borosilicato, permite verificar la motilidad y otras evaluaciones sin dañar los espermatozoides.
ISAS Counting Chamber está disponible en varias profundidades y con diferentes formatos de cámara, adaptándose así a las distintas necesidades de tu laboratorio.
– Die Schere gibt es mit spitzen und stumpfen Blättern
– Präziser gleichmäßiger Schliff der Schneiden für die perfekte Kontrolle des Schnittes
– Leichter Gang, für ein authentisches Schnittgefühl
Die Scheren sind alle in normaler und Supercut-Ausführung zu erhalten
Product Group BYGOWN
Product Code & Name BY1020 - Disposable Patient Gown
Fabric PP (Polypropylen)
Directive 93/42/ECC Medical Device Regulation (Class I)/
Product Spesification
Water Repellent, Non-Woven Fabric
Antiallergic , Air Permeable
Long Sleeves, Zero Collar, Open Back Side
The waist tie that binds at the side
Elastic Cuff , Overlock Seam
Does Not Contain Latex ,Fiberglass
Single Use, Disposable
Applicable Standards
EN 13795-1
EN 15223-1
EN ISO 14791
EN ISO 10993-1
Storage Store in dry,clean conditions in original packaging away from solvent
Shelf Life 5 years after production
1. The disposable use of ordinary plastic microtips leads to the need for constant replacement, which is time-consuming and costly;
2. PFA plastic pipette tips, low blank value of metal elements (lead and uranium content less than 0.01ppb), suitable for ICP-MS analysis, trace analysis and other experiments;
3. PFA plastic pipette tips can be customized in various sizes, suitable for different types of pipettes;
4. PFA plastic tips do not need to be replaced frequently, and its superior and stable performance enables it to be used for a long time, multiple times, and repeatedly, thereby reducing the number of replacements and effectively saving costs;
5. Professional manufacturers customize PFA plastic tips, fine craftsmanship, no burrs, smooth and easy to clean
Eppendorf-Kevorkian-Tischler-Mini Townsend Cervical Biopsy & Specimen Forcep With Complete Detechable Handle
Art No: GN 01036
Eppendorf-Kevorkian-Tischler-Mini Townsend
Cervical Biopsy & Specimen Forcep
With Complete Detechable Handle
& Multi Shaft . Single piece & complete set available .
Made in German stainless steel.
Reuseable ! Yes
Wir bereiten Ihnen gerne ein Angebot. Die Spezifikationen können wir individuell für Sie anpassen (siehe unten).
Farbe für Spunbond (außen) ist nach Kundenwunsch anpassbar, teilen Sie uns gerne Ihre Anforderungen mit. Wir beziehen Materialien ausschließlich von geprüften Partnerunternehmen, die ihre Produkte nach strengen Qualitätsstandards herstellen.
einfach, schnell und sicher - nur 3 Komponenten: Testkassette, Tupfer (dick) und Extraktionsröhrchen mit Puffer. Sonderzulassung zur Selbsttestung des BfArM
HIGHTOP Antigen Schnelltest mit Sonderzulassung des BfArM - schnell, einfach und sicher. Nur 3 Komponenten erleichtern den Gebrauch wie auch die Schnellanleitung mit vielen Bildern. Dicker Tupfer ist angenehm in der vorderen Nase. Schnelles und zuverlässiges Ergebnis durch einen verlässlichen Test, der in Österreich bei Massentests zum Einsatz kommt.
Covid 19 Schnelltest, Corona Schnelltest, Schnelltest Corona, Laientest, Corona Laientest, Corona Schnelltest, SARS-CoV-2 Schnelltest
Inhalt: 5 Testkits - Gebrauchsanweisung - Schnellanleitung
Gewicht: 100 g
GTIN: 4260732790105
Haltbarkeitsdauer: 2 Jahre
Abmessungen: 22,3 x 7 x 32,5 cm
Fantástico producto que nos ayudará a proteger al usuario de manchas originadas por alimentos, bebidas, etc. No dude en probarlo, seguro le gustará.
Babero sanitario fabricado en rizo de 100% algodón y capa impermeable PVC para una rápida absorción y retención de los líquidos, evitando así que se nos manche la ropa. Buena absorción, confort e higiene.
Composición:Rizo 100% Algodón + PVC
Estilos:Sanitario baberos
vidan®2 video colposcope, mobile
Mobile system with integrated computer and 21.5” touchscreen monitor, can be wheeled on base with 5 locking castors, Ø 100 mm, 815 × 660 mm, video
colposcope with LED lighting on free-moving swivel arm, 900 mm long. Tilting, inclinable monitor with three height settings, total height 1,700 mm. Mobile base powder-coated in RAL 9006 white aluminium and RAL 7016 anthracite grey, swivel arm powder-coated in RAL 9006 white aluminium,
monitor in grey/anthracite, with network interface, WLAN, USB port and HDMI input. Includes pre-installed SCHMITZ vidan®2 software for viewing and archiving with a pen and comment function for annotating images.
Images and videos are archived via LAN connection or USB
port; an optional connection by DICOM, GDT or HL7 port is possible.
The vidan®2 can be flexibly positioned around the treatment chair, making it comfortable and efficient to use.
L’albatros ® Coveralls - Virasafe are designed to provide the maximum protection to the user.
Introducing a product that has not only met but exceeded all rigorous tests, securing the highest market share. Our relentless dedication has refined this product to new heights!
Carefully assessed in AITEX laboratories, this product surpasses type 5/6 classification requirements. Engineered with overlock weighted seams and premium materials, it epitomizes excellence.
Crafted with precision using classical methods and needle number 9, each item is meticulously produced with a sewing technique closely resembling overlocking. Offering complete protection due to tight seam spacing, these disposable items are antimicrobial, antistatic, and remarkably resilient to water and splashes. Elevate your standards with our superior-quality product.
A highly conductive adhesive electrode contact paste. It is used as a fixing agent and conductive contact medium when installing electrodes on the surface of the head and body during the following electrophysiological transmissions: electroencephalography (EEG), evoked potential (EP) registration of the brain, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies, polysomnography, conducting biofeedback (BFB) for EEG and EMG, etc. Unipaste is used for normal EEG and EP transmissions (up to an hour) as well as for prolonged monitoring studies and polysomnography (up to a day). Unipaste ensures reliable fixation of the electrodes, possesses high current-conducting properties, lowers the electrical resistance of the skin, does not damage the electrodes, and is easily rinsed off with warm water.
Specific conductivity:0.4 - 1.0 S/m
Acoustic impedance:1–2 kOhm
Shelf life:2 years
Packaging:bundle - 6 jars (120 g each)