Liquid injection for capillary humidity.
Product for injection into walls and walls with humidity due to capillary rise. Microemulsion for the injection of walls against humidity by capillary action. Forms a horizontal barrier, resistant to moisture.
Cadre fin simple et épuré par excellence,
peut convenir à tous les sujets et à tous les intérieurs.
(Baguette : 15 mm de largeur visible x 20 mm de profondeur)
Disponibles en PVC transparente, givrée, cristal armure carrée. Ces produits sont adaptés à la fabrication de capotes de bateau, de protection aux intempéries pour les terrasses de restaurants, etc.
Épaisseur:du 30 au 100/100ème, ignifugé ou non
Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A.
Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Corn starch is often used in ketchup, mayonnaise, various sauces and puddings, as well as pie fillings. This product can also help if you need to make the dough less glutenous and give it some tenderness and softness. Corn starch has slightly more calories than potato starch. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries.
Weight:400 g
Le caramel au beurre salé... A tartiner ou napper les dessert, c'est tellement bon !
valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
énergie(kcal)= 437
matières grasses(g)= 30 dont acides gras saturés(g)=19
glucides(g)=40 dont sucres(g)=40
protéines(g)=1.2 sel(g)=0.3
INGREDIENTS:Sucre, Crème fraîche 35 % MG, beurre* demi sel 18% , chocolat au lait BARRY
Poids net:210 g
Frozen cauliflower ( = Dondurulmuş Karnabahar)
IQF Karnabahar (Cauliflower) 20 - 40 mm
IQF Karnabahar (Cauliflower) 40 - 60 mm
We guarantee that you, our valued customers, will be satisfied with our most delicious vegetables produced in the most fertile soils.
Siz değerli müterilerimiz için en verimli topraklarda üretilen en lezzetli sebzelerimizden memnun kalacağınızın garantisini veriyoruz.
Combine all the traits you love about fresh cauliflower including fresh flavour, color, nutrients and vitamins, with the convenience and longer shelf life of frozen products and get that with Frosty Foods’ IQF Cauliflower.
Keep Frozen Below -18° C
Packing Types
Desde la llegada de sus productos a la fábrica, la recepción, etapa donde comienza el proceso de tratamiento, es un elemento clave en el rendimiento de su línea de producción. De hecho, las tolvas de recepción deben adaptarse a su sistema de descarga y esta primera etapa contribuye enormemente al ajuste de los flujos en la línea de preparación.
Las soluciones de recepción que ofrecemos están destinadas a realizar la descarga del producto procedente del campo evitando pérdidas de materia prima y conservando la integridad de esta última, al tiempo que se garantiza un flujo continuo y controlado en la línea Tolvas soterradas o no con un sistema de elevadores, tolvas con carga manual (…), nuestra gama de máquinas de recepción nos permite adoptar la solución más adaptada al medio de descarga utilizado (camión, saco, volquete, contenedores…).