Asco Mn prevents, corrects Manganese deficiencies and stimulates plants growth. Asco Mn is a Biostimulant for agriculture application made with our micronized seaweed extract TSL292 and implemented for the performance of crops which suffer from manganese deficiencies.
Algael is a formulation made with three types of seaweeds: Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria and Fucus. This product is rich in alginates, amino acids, vitamins, betaine, auxins, gibberellines and cytokinesis
Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid
Application:Foliar and Fertigation
Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
A liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties.
How to use:
Root nutrition (watering, fertigation), foliar feeding (spraying), pre-planting soaking.
The use of the product increases yields, strengthens disease resistance, mitigates stress, increases the number of ovaries and improves the taste of potatoes.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 19380560.002-98
Packaging:PE bottle 0.5 l
Solubility in water:Fully soluble in water
Branch Collecting and Shredding Machine Agromeks Pars Branch Collecting and Shredding Machine offers an important solution in the maintenance of orchards.
Thanks to this innovative machine, it becomes possible to effectively collect and process diseased and unnecessary branches in orchards.
Additionally, the materials obtained during this process can be used to produce fertilizer and bioenergy. With its 200 cm working width, the machine allows easy collection of pruned branches in orchards, greenhouses and other agricultural lands.
The collected branches are then processed and stored, reducing their volume and making them easier to transport. Agromeks Pars Branch Collecting and Shredding Machine provides environmental benefits by encouraging the recycling of collected materials and also allows economic gain.
These materials become a valuable resource for pellet mills and bioenergy production facilities.
Working Width:200cm
Machine width:215cm
Machine length:300cm
Machine height:177cm
Machine Working Height:265cm
machine weight:1450kg
PTO Output:540rpm
Rotor Operating Speed:1800-2000rpm
Tractor Working Speed:5-10km/h
Engrais liquide naturel pour Rosiers et Bougainvilliers, Lauriers Fleurs - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire.Bouchon doseur.
Calmag Amino Force, an amino acid added calcium magnesium solution, is used in all periods of plant growing, especially in soils with low pH.
It allows beneficial microorganisms to work more effectively in acidic soils. It contributes to the formation of a healthier and stronger root system of the plant.
The amino acids contained in it accelerate the food uptake and promote the basic metabolic activities of the plant.
Technology: NOCH
En parfumerie fine et en cosmétique, cette absolue délivre des notes uniques ambrées qui rappelle l’encens. Très tenace, la finale propose aussi des effluves minérales boisées et ambrées, parfaites pour la création d’accords orientaux.
Kaliumchlorid 60
60 % K2O wasserlösliches Kaliumoxid
- soluMOP® ist in allen Chlorid unempfindlichen Kulturen (u.a. Raps, Getreide, Mais, Zuckerrüben) anwendbar und dabei sehr gut pflanzenverträglich.
- soluMOP® kann problemlos mit EPSO-Produkten (Magnesiumsulfat und Spurennährstoffe) kombiniert werden.
- soluMOP® eignet sich hervorragend für die Anwendung in Fertigationssystemen (Beregnungs- und Tropfbewässerungsanlagen)
- soluMOP® eignet sich auch sehr gut als Blattdünger zum Ausbringen mit Pflanzenschutzspritzen.
- soluMOP® ist anwendbar im Freiland und im geschützten Anbau (boden- und substratbasierte Kulturen).
- soluMOP® ist entweder einzeln oder auch in Kombination mit vielen Pflanzenschutzmitteln anwendbar (Pflanzenschutzspritze zu 1/3 Wasser mit Wasser füllen > soluMOP® > Pflanzenschutzmittel). Hierfür empfehlen wir vorab die Prüfung der Mischbarkeit mit anderen Produkten.
Product details:
Protection of plants from soil pests
Entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana are able to germinate through the skin of pests, affecting adipose tissue and internal organs where they decompose chitin and form a cottony growth of mycelium on the body pests, causing disruption of all body functions
Due to the content of spores, endo- and exotoxins in its composition, produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis, the drug causes intestinal dysfunction, paralysis nervous system, muscle tissue and respiratory organs
Active substance:Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and bacteria:
Bacillus pumils, Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis.
Titer: 2×10^8 - 1×10^9 CFU/ml
Organic certification: Product is certified by Organic Standard in accordance with the standard for the production of excipients, that can be used in organic agriculture and processing
Unico Zinc Bor is a mixture of trace elements chelated with organic acids. Since it is organically chelated, it is quickly absorbed by the plant and acts quickly. This is %100 water Soluble. It is applied to plants during the flowering period. It is very effective on the number of flowers and bloom. It is used to eliminate Boron and Zinc deficiency in plants.
AlgaZee, soğuk kuzey denizlerinden çıkarılan deniz yosunu ve tamamen seçilmiş bitkisi ekstrelerin karışımından elde edilmiş sıvı bir gübresidir. İçerdiği en önemli maddelerden Alginik asittir. Alginik asit bir toprak ve bitki kondisyonlayıcıdır. Bir çok fito hormon (Gibberelik ve sitokinin) içermektedir.
AlgaZee, uygulaması ile birlikte, besin elemenlerinin bitkinin yüksek gereksinim duyduğu dokulara iletimi optimize edilir. Bitkilere canlılık verir ve yeşil aksamın hızla gelişmesini sağlar. Tüm bu sürecin birer sonucu olarak, çok daha kuvvetli kök yapısı meydana gelir. Yaprak, yaprak yüzeyleri genişler, daha yüksek fotosentez aktivitesi sağlanır ve beslenme artar. Çiçek dökümü azalır, çiçek yapısı kuvvetlenir ve dolayısı ile meyve tutumu artar. Yüksek verim ve kalitede meyve oluşur.
Magic Leon is a Organic proprietary fertilizer specially formulated for use on most crops. Through our patented (turan) fusion technology process, organic matter, humic and fulvic acid, NPK with trace elements and sulfur are fused into one nutritionally balanced granule, creating a single source for balanced crop nutrition. Our products can be used in agricultural products, garden plants, fruit trees, ornamental plants, seeds and grains, as well as application from foliar and soil.
Product Uses: Soil, base fertilization and micro element deficiencies during the growing season.
Bad Weight: 25 kg pp bags and 1 ton bigbags
MATAFLY contiene spore di funghi naturalmente presenti nel suolo concentrati in un substrato organico, una volta applicato il prodotto inizia la sporulazione e la competizione nei confronti degli organismi target, come avverrebbe in natura ma in modo più rapido e massale, creando in tal modo un equilibrio tra parassiti delle piante e antagonisti naturali.
%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
Fertilizante para la mejora de suelos.
Mejora la absorción del fósforo y nitrógeno.
Reduce altamente efectos negativos vegetales, como el escamado de las plantas.
Aumenta la resistencia de los cultivos a situaciones de estrés y temperaturas críticas.
Actúa como agente lixiviante de macroelementos en los suelos, desbloqueando suelos saturados.
Fortalece el mecanismo de defensa natural de las plantas y cultivos frente a ataques de bacterías, hongos e insectos.
Se aconseja la utilización de AGROBULL SHIELD durante todo el ciclo vegetativo en todo tipo de cultivos para fortalecer los mecanismos de defensa naturales de la planta. Se puede emplear mediante aplicación foliar o radicular en cualquier tipo de cultivos: hortícolas, frutales, cítricos, vid, florales, ornamentales, etc.
HUMICUM è humus di lombrico, un ammendante 100% naturale ottenuto dal compostaggio ad opera dei lombrichi, di letame bovino, ovino ed equino maturo non proveniente da allevamenti industriali.
HUMICUM, grazie alla presenza di un’elevata quantità di sostanza organica umificata, migliora le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche del terreno risultando ideale nel sostenere un migliore sviluppo di tutte le colture.
Gold Sulf Elementel Sıvı Kükürt tün En Büyük Avantajı:
Diğer Gold Sulf Elementel Sıvı Kükürt lerden faklı olarak, formülasyonunda bulunan kükürdün SO3 değil S formda olmasıdır. Toprakta PH’yı düşürmek tuzluluğu ve kireci gidermek için SO3 değil, S formda kükürtler kullanılmalıdır.
BRIDGE (PURE MOSS): It is pure high organic matter and, due to the rich minerals it contains, it encourages the formation of worms by feeding biological creatures in the soil used. Due to the non-volatile organic nitrogen, the plant roots take maximum advantage of nitrogen in the development process and have a perfect root development and super fruit setting. used with sprinkler. Iron, which will be given to the roots rapidly by expanding the soil volume, is carried to the plant thanks to the strong fringe roots produced by potassium, phosphorus and other fertilizers, increasing the brix values of the products of tuber plants (such as potatoes, beets, carrots) and potassium to be taken. It provides a high tonnage harvest. It is both good to fill the fruit and the formation of new saplings rapidly thickens, and by making fruit set in citrus in the 2nd year and in peanuts in the 7-8th year, excellent quality harvest is obtained.
Obtenus grâce au processus de compostage du fumier animal et des fractions organiques, nos amendements organiques sont parfaits pour améliorer les sols agricoles. Il est également utilisé pour la production de terreaux
Organic fertilizer based on worm compost Volume: 500 ml. Hazard Class: IV (low hazard substance) 100% accessibility by the plant. CROP: CONIFERS Used for soaking roots; leaf watering/spraying. Stimulates the process of photosynthesis, gives a bright color; helps to survive frosts/drought; promotes rapid survival at replanting. Homogeneous, homogeneous suspension, from dark brown to black; the presence of inclusions (stones and other foreign objects) is not allowed; not volatile; flocculates when interacting with acids, water-soluble. Amino acids:
eliminate nutrient deficiency
accelerate the transport of nutrients to plant cells
Fulvic acids:
have an antioxidant effect
accelerate plant development
COMPOSITION: mass fraction of organic matter is not less than 15 g/l, humic acids – not less than 30 g/l, fulvic acids - not less than 4 g/l, microelement complex. Consumption Rate Methods and Terms of Application: Spraying – 1 to 100 solution is prepared (for example: 100 ml of AgroVerm
Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids)
We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters:
Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00%
Organic matter - 90,00 %