Termékek fertilizer (917)

Műtrágya olajos magvú növényekhez - Algo BMo

Műtrágya olajos magvú növényekhez - Algo BMo

AlgoBMo is a Biostimulant especially formulated for oilseed crops nutrition. Thanks to its unique formula, it supports the absorption of minerals which are necessary for the development of crops.
NUTRIEL - Vízben oldódó műtrágya levéltrágyázáshoz

NUTRIEL - Vízben oldódó műtrágya levéltrágyázáshoz

NUTRIEL comprend plusieurs formulations d'engrais NPK pour application foliaire et à base de matières premières de haute qualité afin d'obtenir une solubilité totale et une faible salinité. Les combinaisons des éléments contenus ont été étudiées pour fournir une nutrition équilibrée aux cultures dans différentes phases phénologiques. En plus de l'azote, du phosphore et du potassium, les formulations NUTRIEL sont enrichies des micro-éléments essentiels (Cuivre, Zinc, Manganèse, Fer, Bore, Molibdenum) nécessaires pour prévenir et guérir toute carence en micro-éléments. Aspect:Micro-cristaux emballage:25 Kg
Granulált Mészkő - Karbonát

Granulált Mészkő - Karbonát

92-96% CaCO3 min. 50% CaO
Humisol Paprikához - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposzt alapú

Humisol Paprikához - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposzt alapú

A liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties. How to use: Root nutrition (watering, fertigation), foliar feeding (spraying), soaking of planting material. Action: The use of the product increases yields, strengthens disease resistance, mitigates stress, increases the number of ovaries and improves the taste of pepper. Fully soluble in water Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 19380560.002-98 Packaging:PE bottle 0.5 l Solubility in water:Fully soluble in water
Vital Power Kalcium Plus

Vital Power Kalcium Plus

Calcium (CaO) soluble dans l'eau : 12 % Bore (B) : 0,7 % Azote total (N) : 6 % Sans chlorure : 0,5 g/L Formule Liquide Emballage Conditionnement de 1, 5, 25 et 1000 litres
Leopárd - 200 Kőzúzó Gép - Kőzúzó

Leopárd - 200 Kőzúzó Gép - Kőzúzó

Agromeks Leopard Stone Crushing Machines are superior agricultural equipment designed to create a productive agricultural environment by purifying agricultural lands from the negative effects of stones, while also enriching soils in terms of minerals . Our models with various working widths (150cm, 170cm, 200cm) enable you to grind the stones on your land and prepare the soil . These machines can be used in a wide range of applications such as fields, orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, beaches and non-agricultural industrial areas. Diamond Boron Carbide (Carbide) crusher teeth offer superior performance by ensuring long-lasting and uninterrupted operation. Hardox chassis and body maximize durability and guarantee error-free operation even under the most challenging operating conditions. Our machines keep functionality and durability at the highest level with specially produced Italian transmissions. Working Width:200cm Power Requirement:Min.: 105hp Required tractor feature:Super Creep gear Tillage depth:Max: 20cm Working Speed:0.3-2 km/h Crusher blade feature:Boron Carbide Machine interior coating:Hardox PTO shaft speed:540rpm Crusher blade position:Helix machine back cover:Hydraulic
Abonova Érés

Abonova Érés

Foliar fertilizer with a high amount of mineral elements that exert a preventive action against possible deficiency states. It can be applied from pre-flowering to post-flowering, it also provides us with a great contribution in the moments of maximum development of the crop and in those who want to recover the crop due to the negative effects caused by pests, diseases or adverse weather conditions. SKU:n/a Size:5 Kg
Páfránytrágya Koncentrátum - 100% Természetes - Koncentrált Szárított Növényi Kivonat

Páfránytrágya Koncentrátum - 100% Természetes - Koncentrált Szárított Növényi Kivonat

Le purin de fougère peut vous servir de répulsif contre les insectes, les limaces et les escargots, mais aussi comme traitement contre certaines maladies ou encore comme engrais bio. Riche en potassium et en magnésium, le purin de fougère est un bon fertilisant. Le purin de fougère a une action préventive et curative contre des maladies cryptogamiques comme la rouille et l’oïdium. Le concentré est développé par une entreprise française spécialisé dans le séchage de plante, pour différente utilisation tel que les thés ou la pharmacie. Les produits de cette gamme sont 100% naturel et sont écologique par leurs conditionnements car ils évitent les bidons en plastique, ils permettent aussi un transport plus léger, moins lourd, demandant une consommation moindre d'énergie Reference:6019
SANTAL Új-Kaledónia HE

SANTAL Új-Kaledónia HE

En parfumerie fine, en cosmétique et en aromathérapie, cette huile délivre des notes boisées raffinées évoquant le copahu et de cèdre, ainsi que des notes crémeuses caractétistiques du bois de santal Indien. Elle se combine bien dans tous les accords de parfums impactant entièrement les compositions de son élégance et de sa douceur. Parfaitement mixte, c’est un formidable ingrédient long lasting. Cosmétique L’huile essentielle de bois de santal peut être utilisée dans les bases de parfum des cosmétiques. Ref:836
EPSO Combitop®

EPSO Combitop®

EG-DÜNGEMITTEL Magnesiumsulfat mit Spurennährstoffen 13+34 13 % MgO wasserlösliches Magnesiumoxid 34 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefelsäureanhydrid 4 % Mn wasserlösliches Mangan 1 % Zn wasserlösliches Zink - EPSO Combitop® ist ein sofort wirksamer Blattdünger mit den Nährstoffen Magnesium und Schwefel sowie zusätzlich Mangan und Zink. Alle Nährstoffe liegen in wasserlöslicher Form vor. - EPSO Combitop® ergänzt den zunehmenden Bedarf an Mikronährstoffen. - EPSO Combitop® kann sofort vollständig über das Blatt aufgenommen und damit schnell wirksam werden. - EPSO Combitop® verhindert Magnesium-, Schwefel-, Mangan- und Zinkmangelerscheinungen während des Wachstums. - Bei Herbstanwendung kann die Winterhärte von Wintergerste ab Bestockungsbeginn deutlich verbessert werden. - EPSO Combitop® entfaltet seine Wirkung unabhängig vom pH-Wert des Bodens, da die Nährstoffe über das Blatt direkt aufgenommen werden.


Pure Organik, tamamen organik ve bitkisel kaynaklardan elde edilmiş bir üründür. Üretimdeki fermantasyon sistemi sayesinde mükemmel bir köklendirici ve stres gidericidir. Bitkilerdeki oksin ve sitokinin büyüme hormonlarını tetikleyen doğan hormonlarca zenginleştirilmiş enzimler, fulvik asit, amino asit ve vitaminler ihtiva eder. Pure Organik, içeriğindeki enzimler sayesinde bitkilerce hızlı bir alınıma sahiptir. Özellikle bitkilerde kılcal köklenmeyi teşvik etmesi için üretilmiş bir üründür. Mükemmel bir köklendiricidir. Bitkide kök gelişiminin yanı sıra vejetatif gelişmeyi de sağlar. Zengin içeriği sayesinde olumsuz stres koşullarına karşı direnç arttırır.
Protech - szerves sav komplex

Protech - szerves sav komplex

bu ürün ülkemizdeki bazı prosedürlerden dolayı tescil alınamayan ve Ph Regülatörü olarak pazarımızda sattığımız bir ürün. ürün içerisinde yaklaşık olarak 6 civarında organik asitler bulunmaktadır. bu asitler sayesinde bu ürün tam bir organik şelatlayıcı görevini yaparak bitkiye verdiğimiz besinlerin alınımını arttırıyor. ayrıca toprakta kilitli halde buluna besinleri açığa çıkararak bitkinin onlardan da faydalanmasını sağlamaktadır. ph 2 ve altındadır. kesinlikle yakıcı değildir. elinizi bile yıkayabilirsiniz. içerisindeki asitlerden bazıları; ascorbik asit, laktik asit, tartarik asit, sitrik asit vb. gübreler ile verilecek olursa her uygulamada 1 lt tavsiye ediyoruz. ürünü kullanınca farkını anlayacaksınız.
AGROBULL FAST BLOOM gyors virágzást serkentő

AGROBULL FAST BLOOM gyors virágzást serkentő

bioestimulante y fertilizante diseñado para potenciar la floración y optimiza - VENTAJAS DE USO Fertilizante para el polen. Brotes y flores más resistentes a temperaturas críticas. Permite desarrollar una correcta polinización y floración. Facilita la fecundación y adelanta el cuajado de los frutos. Favorece la elongación del tallo y potencia la formación de auxinas. Estimula el crecimiento vegetativo y aumenta la resistencia de brotes frente a situaciones de estrés. Se aconseja la utilización de AGROBULL FAST BLOOM en todo tipo de cultivos para favorecer, potenciar y estimular la floración y la formación de cepas. Se puede emplear para tratar todos los síntomas de carencia, ya sea por aplicación foliar o radicular en cualquier tipo de cultivos: hortícolas, frutales, cítricos, vid, florales, ornamentales, etc.
Unikey Huminsav és Fulvinsav NPK - 1l-5l-10l-20l csomag

Unikey Huminsav és Fulvinsav NPK - 1l-5l-10l-20l csomag

Features Unikey Humic&Fulvic Acid, is a fulvic acid suspension with 40 % bio-active vegetal extratcs of humic+fulvic acids. It is a water soluble high quality plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner and can be applied for agricultural and horticultural plants, fruit trees, ornamental plants, turf and pasture for soil and foliar application.
Nesil Elemi Kénpor - Nesil Elemi Kénpor

Nesil Elemi Kénpor - Nesil Elemi Kénpor

Granül kükürdün toprak pH değerini ve EC değerini pek fazla değiştirmediği buna karşılık toz edilmiş ve suda çözünebilir hale getirilmiş kükürdün toprağın pH değerinin azalttığı ve dolayısıyla toprağın EC değerini arttırdığı görülmektedir. Toprağa mineral gübre ilave edilmemesine rağmen toprağın Galleria of Watches EC değerinin artması toprakta yarayışsız formda olan besin elementlerinin yarayışlı hale geldiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bunun diğer bir anlamı ise toprağın pH değerini düşürmekle toprakta bir nevi gübreleme etkisi ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Unico Calcium - Kalcium-nitrát oldat

Unico Calcium - Kalcium-nitrát oldat

Unico Calcium solution offers several benefits to plants, primarily due to its contribution of calcium and nitrogen. Calcium Supply: Cell Wall Structure: Calcium is an essential component of plant cell walls. It strengthens cell walls, providing structural support to the plant. This is crucial for the overall integrity and rigidity of plant cells. Nutrient Uptake and Transport: Facilitates Nutrient Absorption: Calcium plays a role in the uptake and transport of other nutrients. It helps in the movement of other essential elements within the plant, ensuring proper nutrient distribution. Unico Calcium is produced to meet the calcium (Ca) needs of plants and is slightly fortified with amino acids to facilitate easy absorption by the plant. It prevents calcium deficiency in fruits while thickening cell walls to ensure firmness.


Dank BiLaTon werden Pflanzen super mit Nährstoffen und einer optimalen Wasserspeicherung versorgt! So schön blüht man nur mit BiLaTon!
OGSA MINO Növényi Folyékony Aminosav - Növényi Folyékony Aminosav

OGSA MINO Növényi Folyékony Aminosav - Növényi Folyékony Aminosav

Organik Madde %30 Organik Karbon %10 Toplam Azot(N) %3 Serbest Aminoasitler %12 PH Aralığı 5-7
Delta 9 CannaBioGen Zöld Erő

Delta 9 CannaBioGen Zöld Erő

Delta 9 CannaBioGen Purpose: stimulant Type: organic Application: pre-color, flowering Impact: increases the amount of THC received (by 25%) and the splendor of flowering plants Grow type: bioponics \ airport \ hydroponics \ soil \ coconut substrate Release form: liquid Product advantages: DELTA NUEVE has a positive effect in FOUR different DIRECTIONS: We manufacture One of the most unique and high quality flowering stimulants! 1. General biostimulation of all metabolic processes in seed hemp, as a result of the choice of mixing substances for different types of hemp. 2. Promotes and assists in the production of terpenophenol and cannabinoids (mainly granyl pyrophosphate and cannabigerolic acid (CBHA)) through the biosynthesis of THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). 3. In the enzymatic catalyst of THCA, two qualities are the function of the enzymatic cofactor for certain substrates, thus increasing the amount of produced elements. 4.
Strelitzia reginae - Strelitzia

Strelitzia reginae - Strelitzia

Strelitzia reginae, llamada popularmente ave del paraíso, es una especie herbácea originaria de Sudáfrica. Se cultiva extensamente como planta ornamental por la forma peculiar de su flor.
Almafacsemete (Fuji) - Fuji

Almafacsemete (Fuji) - Fuji

Tree: Vigorous, Semi-erect Fruit: Medium Large-Large, Sweet, Juicy Fruit Flesh: Cream Colored, Firm and Crisp Harvest: 3-4th of October. Week (165-175 Days) Shell Color: Dull Reddish Port colored on Yellow Background Pollinators: Golden-Red Delicious, Gala Group, Granny Smith Other Features: It is a variety with high commercial value and good storage resistance.
Magic Leon Leonardit - Leonardit - Talajkeverék Szabályozó

Magic Leon Leonardit - Leonardit - Talajkeverék Szabályozó

Yüksek kalitede Humik asit içeren toprak düzenleyicisidir. Leonardite doğal şelatlayıcıdır. Granüllerin 1/4’ü direk toprak organik maddesine karışabilen Humus diğer 3/4′ ise yüksek kalitede kalıcı humustan oluşmaktadır. Toprak hazırlığında, Taban Gübresi ve Toprak Düzenleyici olarak. Toprak organik maddesini arttırmak, Katyon Değişim Kapasitesini arttırarak kimyasal gübrelemenin etkinliğini arttırmak, toprak Ph’ını düzenlemek amaçlarıyla; ekim öncesi toprak hazırlığında veya ekim sonrası uygulama yapılır. Magic Leon Leonardit Toprak yapısını geliştirir, havalandırır, killi toprakları gevşetir, kumlu toprakları topraklandırarak yapısını iyileştirir. . Su tutarak bitkiyi kuraklığa karşı korur. Toprak Ph’ını tamponlayarak düzenler ve toprak tuzluluğunu azaltır. Toprak organik maddesini arttırarak erozyonu önler. Topraktaki toksik kalıntıları ve ağır metalleri bağlayarak bitkiyi korur.


I lieviti e le alghe contenute permettono una rapida sporulazione dei prodotti a base di Microrganismi (RUSTOP, MATAFLY, etc..) I componenti hanno anche un attività sulla pianta, con conseguente miglioramento della radicazione, fioritura ed ingrossamento del frutto, applicabile sia in fertirrigazione che sulle foglie.


Adjuvants high quality mixtures especially developed to improve water quality for agrochemical treatments.
Melasz - 100% Természetes

Melasz - 100% Természetes

PRODUCTO DE ORIGEN NATURAL (7.3Kg, 14,3Kg, 26,5Kg). Melaza 100% natural. Nuestro producto pertenece a la categoría de melazas NO sulfuradas: está libre de dióxido de azufre. Sin conservantes ni aditivos. Su formulación universal permite emplearla en suelos y cultivos de todo tipo: exteriores, interiores e invernaderos.
URE - N46

URE - N46

Garanti Edilen İçerik(%W/W) Toplam Azot (N) 46 Üre Azotu (N) 46 Bitkiler Hemen hemen tüm tahıllarda, meyvelerde, sebzelerde, ekinlerde kullanılabilir. Ekimle beraber, ekim öncesinde, toprak altı veya toprak üstü uygulamayla verilebilir. Ürün Özellikleri Azotlu gübreler arasında yer alan üre gübresi, pH bakımından nötr özellik taşır. Kimyasal gübreler içinde en fazla azot içeren gübredir. Üre gübresi eğer toprak yüzeyine serpilecekse, hava sıcaklığına, sulamaya dikkat etmek gerekiyor. Hatalı sulama nedeniyle gübre toprağın derinlerine inebiliyor. Güneşle beraber buharlaşıp belli oranda kaybolabilir.
Mikorrhiza "Mycofriend" - Mikorrhiza termék a gyökerek tápanyag- és vízfogyasztási képességének maximalizálására

Mikorrhiza "Mycofriend" - Mikorrhiza termék a gyökerek tápanyag- és vízfogyasztási képességének maximalizálására

Product details: Root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi Increase in the area of absorption of the root system Provision of balanced mineral nutrition Water retention Active substance: A complex of mycorrhiza-forming fungi — Glomus and Trichoderma harzianum Microorganisms supporting the formation of mycorrhiza and plant rhizosphere: Streptomyces sp., Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phosphate-mobilizing bacteria: Bacillius Megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Muciloginosus, Enterobacter sp, titer: (1.0-1.5) x10^8 CFU/ml Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: Pre-sowing seed treatment Application in-furrow Rate of application: 1,5 – 5 l/t, 0,2-0,3 l/ha Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C Product details ! More than 125 $/ha is an average additional income after Mycofriend application ! 83% of farmers have positive results, where income covers
Orgapell Calci Active - 10 Ca+B

Orgapell Calci Active - 10 Ca+B

This specially formulated product with high mixed; because of the boron element in it, helps transport calcium to the soil. Calcium creates hardness in the cell membrane, which increases durability. It helps to absorb other nutrients in plants. It is an essential nutrient especially at growth and development points. In addition, the storage life is extended with calcium supplements. Rotting and cracking occur in fruits and vegetables that do not get enough calcium. Symptoms such as mottling and bottom rot on the fruit are the result of calcium deficiency. Fruits that do not have sufficient calcium in their structure may be exposed to fungi that cause rotting during storage.
Mum - Anyanövény tápanyag

Mum - Anyanövény tápanyag

El equilibrio perfecto de npk junto con el aporte de calcio y un extenso y balanceado contenido de micronutrientes, hace que sea un fertilizante indispensable a la hora de aportar todo lo que necesitan nuestras plantas mas preciadas -Menor distancia internodal -Mayor numero de brotes -Ramificación frondosa, sin carencias -Rapida recuperación del estrés en plantas Un producto único el el mercado por su composición y equilibrio
Portic Humus Basic - Kaliforniai Féreghumusz

Portic Humus Basic - Kaliforniai Féreghumusz

El Humus de Lombriz es una enmienda orgánica sólida obtenida por medio de la transformación de la materia orgánica gracias a la acción de la lombriz roja californiana (Eisenia foetida). Humus de Lombriz 100% a base de estiércol de vaca y oveja. Metales pesados por debajo del límite legal correspondiente a la Clase A, según RD 506/2013.