Vitavigne is a fertilizer high in Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Molybdenum. It supplies numerous bio-available trace elements in order to guarantee continuous and sustainable growth. It stimulates and regulates plants’ development and improves their resistance ability in times of stress (low temperatures, water deficit...). It also promotes the absorption of soil minerals by crops.
La línea de productos NUTRIEL R incluye varias formulaciones de fertilizantes solubles en agua, enriquecidas con microelementos quelatados con EDTA (cobre, hierro, manganeso y zinc) para ser utilizados en todos los cultivos mediante fertirrigación.
Los productos NUTRIEL R están hechos con materias primas de alta calidad para ser totalmente solubles y con baja salinidad.
embalaje:25 Kg
Liquid organo-mineral complex humic preparation based on vermicompost, enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in an easily accessible active form with enhanced anti-stress, immunostimulating and fungicidal properties.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
The application of the product eliminates phosphorus starvation of plants (especially in the early period of growth), gives a quick start to the formation of the root system. At the same time, plants better absorb water and nutrients from the soil and form aboveground mass faster.
Solubility in water:
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Humisol-prima NPK is compatible with most plant protection products and fertilizers and is recommended for use in tank mixtures. Before use in tank mixtures, a test mixing should be carried out. A tank mixture without clots and visible sediment is considered suitable for use.
How to use:Foliar feeding (spraying).
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Agromeks Leopard Stone Crushing Machines are superior agricultural equipment designed to create a productive agricultural environment by purifying agricultural lands from the negative effects of stones, while also enriching soils in terms of minerals . Our models with various working widths (150cm, 170cm, 200cm) enable you to grind the stones on your land and prepare the soil .
These machines can be used in a wide range of applications, such as fields, orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, beaches and non-agricultural industrial areas.
Diamond Boron Carbide (Carbide) crusher teeth offer superior performance by ensuring long-lasting and uninterrupted operation.
Hardox chassis and body maximize durability and guarantee error-free operation even under the most challenging operating conditions.
Our machines keep functionality and durability at the highest level with specially produced Italian transmissions.
Working Width:170cm
Power Requirement:Min.: 95hp
Required tractor feature:Super Creep gear
Tillage depth:Max: 20cm
Working Speed:0.3-2 km/h
Crusher blade feature:Boron Carbide
Machine interior coating:Hardox
PTO shaft speed:540rpm
Crusher blade position:Helix
machine back cover:Hydraulic
Foliar fertilizer with a high amount of mineral elements that exert a preventive action against possible deficiency states.
It can be applied from pre-flowering to post-flowering, it also provides us with a great contribution in the moments of maximum development of the crop and in those who want to recover the crop due to the negative effects caused by pests, diseases or adverse weather conditions.
Size:5 Kg
En parfumerie fine, cet extrait propose à très faible dosage des notes sirupeuses gourmandes qui rappellent les arômes cassis alimentaires. Parfaitement adapté aux accords floraux, il peut être aussi un très bon fixateur ou harmonisateur dans les chypres. Arômes L’absolue de cassis rehausse les notes fruitées et vertes des boissons gazeuses. Elle est particulièrement adaptée aux arômes de fruits.
Mejora el transito Raíz / Hoja.
Fertilizante que permite desarrollar la maduración del fruto con facilidad.
Mejora y potencia la asimilación de las mezclas fertilizantes.
Fomenta el desarrollo del fruto e intensifica su color y sabor.
Acción complejante y transportadora de micronutrientes y proteínas.
Aumenta la resistencia y recuperación de la planta frente a situaciones de estrés.
Promueve el desarrollo del sistema radicular, mejorando la nutrición de las plantas.
Facilita la síntesis de péptidos y proteínas acelerando el proceso bioquímico de la planta.
Se aconseja la utilización de AMINOBULL GOLDEN durante todo el ciclo vegetativo. Puede aplicarse en trasplantes, brotación, floración, cuaje o engorde. Está diseñado para poder aplicarse en cualquier momento de estrés (sequías, heladas, ataques de plagas o patógenos, aplicaciones de productos fitosanitarios, etc.) en el que se necesite la aportación de sus componentes.
Bitki özlerinden elde edilen özel şelatlı olup, istemik bir kalsiyumdur. İçerisinde ihtiva ettiği Aminoasitler de bitkinin yapı taşı olduğu için bitkinin gelişmesine önemli ölçüde yardımcı olacaktır. İçerisinde bulunan Bor ise kalsiyumun taşınmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Bitkilerde kalsiyumdan kaynaklanan arazları önleyen bir yaprak gübresidir. Meyvede kalsiyum miktarı yükselirse etilen gazının üretimi azalır. Böylece meyvenin depo ömrü uzar. Bitki bünyesindeki kalsiyum hücre duvarında Kalsiyum pektat oluşturur. Dolayısı ile hücre zarında sertlik meydana gelir. Bu da dayanıklık sağlar. Kalsiyum bulunduğunda calmudilin adlı protein kompleksi oluşur. Bu da bir takım enzimleri harekete geçirir. Bitkilerde diğer besin maddelerinin alınmasında bitki ve toprakta bulunan toksit maddelerin çökelmesinde regülatör görevi yapar, bitkinin sağlığı üzerinde özellikle büyüme ve gelişme noktalarında gerekli olan önemli bir besin maddesidir.
Magnesiumsulfat mit Bor
Magnesiumsulfat 12,6+25
12,6 % MgO wasserlösliches Magnesiumoxid
25 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefelsäureanhydrid
4 % B wasserlösliches Bor
- EPSO Bortop® ist sehr gut pflanzenverträglich und sichert eine effiziente Nährstoffaufnahme über das Blatt.
- EPSO Bortop® löst sich im Spritzwasser schnell und absolut rückstandsfrei auf.
- EPSO Bortop® ist ideal geeignet, um mittel bis stark borbedürftige Kulturen während der Vegetation mit Bor zu versorgen. Ein Splitting des Einsatzes von EPSO Bortop® in 2–3 Gaben erhöht die Effizienz der Maßnahme, deren Wirkung durch die gleichzeitige Ausbringung von Magnesium und Schwefel noch zusätzlich verbessert wird.
- EPSO Bortop® ist entweder einzeln oder auch in Kombination mit vielen Pflanzenschutzmitteln anwendbar (Pflanzenschutzspritze zu 1/3 Wasser mit Wasser füllen > EPSO Bortop® > Pflanzenschutzmittel). Hierfür empfehlen wir vorab die Prüfung der Mischbarkeit mit anderen Produkten.
Tree: Vigorous, Semi-erect
Fruit: Medium-Large, Juicy, Sour, Partially Thick-Skinned
Fruit Flesh: Greenish-White and Crisp
Harvest: 4th of October, 1st Week of November (180-190 Days)
Shell Color: Green Color and large lenticels
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Fuji, Gala Group
Other Features: It can be used as a pollinator variety.
VEGASTAR contiene microelementi in una formulazione stabile a base di Zinco e Manganese facilmente assimilabile per via fogliare, agisce sulla pianta fornendo energia per resistere a stress biotici e abiotici. Tale formulazione consente alla coltura una maggiore vigoria e rinforza il sistema di difesa contro qualsiasi tipo di attacco esterno.
Unico Super Wet is a specialized spreader-adhesive product. It ensures the homogeneous spreading and adhesion of plant protection chemicals and foliar fertilizers onto the leaves and branches of the plant in the form of a thin film layer. This prevents the loss of applied chemicals and fertilizers through washing, extending the time for the plant to benefit from them and increasing application efficiency. By preventing the gathering of agricultural chemicals and foliar fertilizers in large droplets, it also prevents the formation of unwanted stains on fruits and burning of leaves. Additionally, it is used for the post-application cleaning of spraying equipment.
Yucca rostrata es una planta que alcanza los 4,5 m de altura. Tiene delgadas hojas que surgen de una roseta simétrica. Las inflorescencias de pequeñas flores de color blanco aparecen en otoño.
NPK fertilizers in aqueous format (suspension) which facilitate and simplify handling since they only require dose regulation, mixing the product with water and they can be applied through sprayers or via the irrigation system.
Liquid sulfur in Elemental S form is a product used in soil improvement to regulate soil pH.. It allows the lime in the soil to dissolve. Prevents and reduces soil salinity. It facilitates the intake of macro and micro elements that the plant cannot take due to high pH It removes the sulfur deficiency of the plant and the soil.. It can be used in all kinds of fruits and vegetables and other cultivation areas. It is an effective product that can be applied to dissolve lime and salinity of the soil, increase soil acidity and reduce the pH of the soil.. In addition, it allows the soil to breathe and regulates its blood pressure, It helps to regulate the temperature of the soil in cold months.. It facilitates the intake of macro ((Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, etc.) and micro (such as zinc, iron, cobalt, manganese) nutrient elements that the soil cannot receive due to high pH..
Product details:
Actively fixes the molecular atmospheric nitrogen and enriches the soil up 60 kg/ha (average — 20 kg/ha)
Synthesizes growth-stimulating substances
Improves seed germination
Stimulates development of the root system and plants
Increases resistance of plants to stress factors
Improves nutrient absorption
Strengthens the immune system of plants
Increases crop yield
Active substance:
Azotobacter chroococcum, titer: not less than > 1,0×10^9 CFU/cm3
Organic certification:
Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany
Application methods:
pre-sowing seed treatment
foliar feeding (spraying) of plants during the growing season
root feeding, fertigation
treatment of potato tubers
Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C -10 °C
! More than 130 000 ha is treated with Azotohelp in 12 countries
! 87% of farmers have positive results, where income covers application cost
! 170 $/ha is an average additional income after Azotohelp application
• It is the most effective product in the regulation of soil pH.
• It is an important advantage that liquid sulfur can be applied in small amounts and can show its effect within 1-2 weeks, although it has to be applied in higher amounts than sulfur applied in powder form in general and the powder sulfur shows its effect in 4-5 years.
• Its application is easier than sulfur powder and it can be used at every stage of plant production from planting to pre-harvest.
• In its use, all kinds of agricultural mechanization possibilities developed for pesticide and fertilization can be used.
• It exists in the soil and facilitates the absorption of macro and micro nutrients by plants due to the high pH of the soil.
• It reduces and prevents the salinity of the soil after use.
• It breaks down the lime in calcareous and excessively calcareous soils.
• It helps to adjust the soil temperature, thus increasing the freezing resistance of the products.
El suelo puede parecer algo inerte, carente de vida, pero como ya hemos comentado, es el lugar donde conviven millones de microorganismos que cumplen una función vital a la hora de fertilizar y proteger naturalmente nuestros cultivos. Todos los tratamientos desarrollados por ECO HUMUS parten de una convicción: la mejor inversión para un agricultor es tener un suelo sano. Incluso habiendo excelentes tratamientos foliares para fertilizar y proteger las plantaciones, en ECO HUMUS creemos que la base de cualquier cultivo es el suelo, y por ello, todos nuestros tratamientos integrales van especialmente dirigidos a crear un suelo rico en nutrientes y con la capacidad de prevenir enfermedades y plagas. En otras palabras, tratamos de estimular el sistema inmunológico de la planta enriqueciendo el suelo.
Magic Leon is a Organic proprietary fertilizer specially formulated for use on most crops. Through our patented (turan) fusion technology process, organic matter, humic and fulvic acid are fused into one nutritionally balanced granule, creating a single source for balanced crop nutrition.
Magic Leon Leonardite – Soil is important to plants because it stores nutrients and serves as a medium for growth. It is an anchor for roots and also holds water needed by plants for moisture. Soil contains the air, water and food that provides a suitable place for plants to grow and without which there would be no life.
ENRAIZAL is a biostimulant that contains purine base-derivatives, amino acids, NPK and microelements.
ENRAIZAL increases the nutrient-absorbing surface due to its stimulation on the lateral roots, which increases the number of mycorrhizes and root hairs => BOOSTER EFFECT
Its application is recommended after transplantation or when it is appropriate to encourage rooting and nutrient absorption in all crops.
Ph Ácido
Líquido concentrado de Ácidos Húmicos y Fúlvicos para fertirrigación.
Procedentes de Leonardita americana natural.
Aumenta la Capacidad de Intercambio catiónico y la retención del agua en el suelo.
Mejora la estructura del suelo y su aireación.
Favorece la absorción de macronutrientes y micronutrientes.
Actúa sobre formas no asimilables de fósforo.
Mejora el sistema radicular de las plantas y la vida microbiana
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GSM TURKISH +90 555 548 06 00 SELALE CERİ
TURKISH - ENGLISH +90 506 152 48 84 NESAT CERİ
Doppelwandige Lagertanks für AHL- und ASL-Flüssigdünger
Sprechen wir heute von Flüssigdünger, ist meistens AHL (Ammoniumnitrat-Harnstoff-Lösung) oder ASL (Ammoniumsulfat-Lösung) gemeint. Flüssigdünger ist als wassergefährdender Stoff eingestuft und darf nicht in Abwasseranlagen, Gewässer oder in das Grundwasser gelangen.
Der Umgang mit Anlagen zum Lagern, Abfüllen und Umschlagen wassergefährdender Stoffe ist im Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG) vorgeschrieben:
Lageranlagen müssen so beschaffen und betrieben werden, dass Flüssigkeiten nicht austreten können
Einwandige unterirdische Lageranlagen sind unzulässig
Lagertanks müssen mit einer Auffangwanne versehen werden oder doppelwandig sein
Hier finden unsere doppelwandigen Lagertanks für AHL- und ASL-Flüssigdünger ihren Einsatz!
Sie interessieren sich für die sichere Chemikalienlagerung? Dann informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Lagerbehälter und Tanklager für Chemikalien.