Termékek fertilizer (917)

Műtrágya Kalcium - Karbonát

Műtrágya Kalcium - Karbonát

92-96% CaCO3 included min. 50% CaO
PEGO - A virágzás és gyümölcsfejlődés biostimulátora

PEGO - A virágzás és gyümölcsfejlődés biostimulátora

PEGO promotes and catalyzes fruit attachment preventing fruit falling issues and it stimulates blooming. This product contains brown seaweed, polysaccharides, propolis and other natural substances that attract a greater number of pollinators (bees and bombs) and it also contains amino acids that benefit the absorption of calcium, boron and zinc which are crucial elements on flowering and fruit setting phase. Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid Application:Foliar and Fertigation Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Speciális citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Speciális citrus műtrágya 5-7-6 - Fructicitrus

Fructicitrus est une solution d’engrais foliaire NPK à base d’extrait d’algues micronisées, stabilisées et concentrées, TSL292. Fructicitrus est riche en sels minéraux et oligo-éléments d’origine naturelle. Il est absorbé par voie foliaire et racinaire.
Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Humisol-plus Gabonafélék - Folyékony szerves biostimulátor, vermikomposz alapján

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of grain crops. How to use: Foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Wheat, oats, barley, rye, triticale, rice, millet, sorghum, etc. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Black Up

Black Up

Extrait humique total : 22 % Acides humiques : 11 % Acides fulviques : 11 % Potassium (K2O) soluble dans l'eau : 4 %
Jaguar - 140 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Jaguar - 140 Kőgyűjtő gép - Kőgyűjtő

Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting Machines are considered as one of the indispensable tools that play a critical role in making stony lands suitable for agriculture in the global arena of the agricultural sector. This machine is designed to process your soil while collecting stones from the surface to a depth of 35 cm with a special drum system and spring sieve . Agromeks - Jaguar - Stone Collecting machines are used to clean coasts and beaches in many industrial areas such as the tourism sector as well as agricultural lands . With its ability to collect stones from 3 cm to 45 cm in diameter , the spring sieve and drum system prevents soil and mud from collecting . The fact that our machine is produced with a special steel alloy material that offers long blade life guarantees durability and efficiency. The specially designed pad and transmission system ensures trouble-free operation and long life as long as regular oil maintenance is performed. Working Width:140cm Storage capacity:Max. 4500kg Required Tractor Power:50 - 65 HP Stone diameter it can collect (min., max.):3-35cm Working Depth (max.):35cm Weight:2800kg Length:520cm Road Width:225cm height:250cm Warehouse Height:260cm
Koncentrált Narancsvirág Víz

Koncentrált Narancsvirág Víz

Dans la parfumerie fine ou la cosmétique, elle propose une alternative olfactive entre la note de l’absolue et l’hydrolat. A faible dosage, elle permet de booster ou d’harmoniser les notes de têtes Cosmétique En cosmétique, on retrouve les extraits de fleur d’oranger dans des produits utilisés pour tous les types de peaux, pour les peaux normales, peaux sèches, peaux délicates et peaux matures. Ref:F1853
Folyékony Trágya - Nitrofluid - Biostimulátor Rügyek Törésére és Virágzásra

Folyékony Trágya - Nitrofluid - Biostimulátor Rügyek Törésére és Virágzásra

NITROFLUIDE, uma solução de acção rápida e eficaz com elevado teor de azoto, complementada com ácidos poli-hidroxicarboxílicos (PHC), enxofre e aminoácidos, cujo efeito estimulante sobre as plantas é ajudá-las a superar situações adversas. Devido à sua formulação especial, NITROFLUIDE é considerado como um apoio directo e importante na nutrição foliar, melhorando as fases de desenvolvimento dos botões, germinação e floração, bem como o desenvolvimento vegetativo. Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas com uma poupança de energia para a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. VANTAGENS AGRONÓMICAS - Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas (aminoácidos, proteínas) com um efeito de poupança de energia sobre a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. - Efeito estimulante sobre as plantas que ajuda a superar situações adversas. Embalagens de: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Nitrógênio (N) total:18% p/p Nitrógênio (N) orgânico:0,8% p/p Nitrógênio (N) ureico:14,1% p/p Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:3,1% p/p Trióxido de Enxofre (SO3) solúvel em água:4,3% p/p Carbono orgânico (Corg):4,2% p/p pH:4,8 p/p Densidade (gr/cc):1,23 p/p Aminoácidos livres:2,04% p/p Matéria orgânica calcinação:8,5% p/p Residuo seco:10% p/p


Mezőgazdasági Permetező Gépek, Permetező - Mezőgazdasági Permetező Gépek, Permetező

Mezőgazdasági Permetező Gépek, Permetező - Mezőgazdasági Permetező Gépek, Permetező

Dear MR/MS, Our company is a manufacturer/exporter of Agricultural Spraying Machines and Fertilizer Spreaders from Turkey and we would like to inform you about our products and our company. As we have recently received a large number of requests for our products from your country, we would like to work with you to enable your citizens to reach our products more easily and to increase our commercial volume. You can review our products on our corporate website https://payaza.com.tr/urun-kategori/makine-grubu/ or in the attached small catalogue. For all our machines, if you wish, you can change the color, model and technical features, design your own machine and place a special order. For more information about our company and our products, you can contact us at any time via export@payaza.com.tr e-mail address or 0090 532 770 77 50 Whatsapp Live Support Line. Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. It will be a great pleasure for us to meet and work with you.
Baktériumos összetétel 'Organikus egyensúly' - Baktériumos összetétel, amely serkenti a növények immunrendszerét és a stresszel szembeni ellenállásukat

Baktériumos összetétel 'Organikus egyensúly' - Baktériumos összetétel, amely serkenti a növények immunrendszerét és a stresszel szembeni ellenállásukat

Product details: Increases resistance of plants to stress factors: biotic, anthropogenic, climatic, edaphic Increases germination, provides seedling uniformity and vigor Provides plant balanced nutrition, improved development Increases the crop yield Active substance: Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Azotobacter Chroococcum Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: Pre-sowing seed treatment Spraying of plants during the growing season Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C - 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C - 15 °C ! More than 100 000 ha treated with Organic-balance in 11 countries ! 89% of farmers have positive results, where income covers application cost ! 120 $/ha is an average additional income after Organic-balance application ! Product was tested in more than 325 trials
Foster-650 - Folyékony Tengeri Hínár

Foster-650 - Folyékony Tengeri Hínár

GARANTİ EDİLEN İÇERİK(w/w) Organik Madde 20% Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)2% Alginik Asit 1% Foster 650 betainler, proteinler, amino asitler, doğal büyüme faktörleri (sitokinin, auxin) enzimler ve vitaminler gibi aktif kaynaklı bileşenlerden oluşan hazır ve tamamen çözünebilir bir konsantredir. Ascophyllum nodosum familyasına ait deniz yosunlarından elde edilen bu bileşenler, üretimde verim artışı sağlarken aynı zamanda optimal ve dengeli bir üretim sağlayacak şekilde özenle işlenmekte ve birleştirilmektedir.


Garanti Edilen İçerik(%W/W) Toplam Azot (N) 32 Amonyum Azotu (N) 8 Nitrat Azot (N) 8 Nitrat Azot (N) 16 Ürün Özellikleri Yüksek azot oranına (%32) sahip sıvı formda gübredir. Yüksek azot bileşimi; nitrat, amonyak ve üre formlarının kombinasyonu ile formüle edilmiştir.
Férfi termékenységi étrend-kiegészítők - TELOSTIM TERMÉKENYSÉG FÉRFI

Férfi termékenységi étrend-kiegészítők - TELOSTIM TERMÉKENYSÉG FÉRFI

Pour l’amélioration des activités de reproduction et de fertilité chez l’homme. Telostim est un complément alimentaire à base de plantes et nutriments. À consommer avec une alimentation variée et équilibrée associée à un mode de vie sain. Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants Conseil d’utilisation : 2 gélules par jour le matin, pendant 2 mois. Ingrédients pour 1 gélule : SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) Astragale 20% EXS Vit.C (acide ascorb.) Coenzyme Q10 Selenium sur levure 0,2 % Zinc citrate (31%) Vit.E-Nat 700 UI (45%) Silicium dioxyde (SIO2) Magnésium stéarate Gélule végétale HPMC


On dit que la lavande a de nombreux effets bénéfiques. La lavande est couramment utilisée contre l'anxiété, le stress et l'insomnie. Il est également utilisé contre la dépression, la démence, la douleur après une intervention chirurgicale et de nombreuses autres conditions.L'herbe est très appréciée pour les soins de la peau et de beauté et est couramment utilisée dans les parfums et les shampooings pour aider à purifier la peau. Dans les aliments et les boissons, la lavande est utilisée comme composant aromatique.: La lavande est le plus couramment utilisée en aromathérapie et en décoration et peut également être utilisée pour le thé et la cuisine. Conditionnement:250g et vrac
FFS Táska Töltőgép

FFS Táska Töltőgép

I nostri modelli di insaccatrice Compacta e Optima rappresentano l'avanguardia della tipologia FFS, possono raggiungere una produttività fino a 2800 sacchi/ora per sacchi da 5 a 50 kg. Caratteristiche principali: • Design modulare • Altamente configurabile e personalizzabile • Durevole e affidabile • Facilità d’accesso • Facilità di utilizzo e manutenzione • Componentistica di alto livello • Touch panel HMI con sinottica e risoluzione problemi • Cambio bobina automatico, su richiesta • Dispositivo per teleassistenza da remoto, su richiesta Vantaggi dell'insacco da FFS: • Economicamente conveniente • Resistente e altamente protettivo • Adatto per vari tipi di prodotti • Disponibile in bobine per un’elevata autonomia produttiva • Soffietto per una forma di sacco più squadrata per una stabile palettizzazione Accessori disponibili su richiesta: • Saldatore degli angoli K • Sistema di evacuazione aria • Piattaforma mobile • Soffiettatore • Performatore maniglia • Porta bobina idraulico • Sistema di pulizia bocca sacco • Stampante a trasferimento termico • Cambio bobina automatico
Vermgold - Növényi eredetű aminosav

Vermgold - Növényi eredetű aminosav

Amino acids directly increase the chlorphile synthesis in all plants, resulting in the formation of brighter, greener plants and a healthy physiological structure with high rates of photosynthesis. The most important amino acid types that have different mission in plants are as follows.Vermgold which contains all these most important amino acid types, all plant hormones and with a different content and innovative organic molecule compounds in multiple mixtures, is successfully and safely used in every period of plants. Vermgold is a special product containing innovative organic molec cules derived from amino acid, alginic acid, polysaccharide-oligosaccharide and red shellfish. Vermgold is a special innovative product with a rich content, produced with nanotechnology, containing a large number of molecules. It works at the atomic and molecular level in all plants, which can be taken from stoma and roots quickly highly effective contain planth origin liquid amino acids.
200 Lt Felfüggesztett Mezői Permetező - CTA 200 - Coşan

200 Lt Felfüggesztett Mezői Permetező - CTA 200 - Coşan

It is an easily adjustable and useful machine. Work efficiency is high. Our warehouses are produced from polyester and polyethylene against the harmful effects of pesticides. The water filter can be cleaned easily.Thanks to the regulator, the pressure can be adjusted according to demand. In this way, spraying can be done at the desired flow rate.It can be easily connected to the tractor with a three-point suspension system. There is an embossed and transparent level indicator on the tank. Spraying arms of standard model sprayers can be removed during loading.
Agrolive - BAKTÉRIUM, ÉLŐ SEJT, ENZIM, POLEM ÉS COMBI (Vas, bór, réz, mangán)

Agrolive - BAKTÉRIUM, ÉLŐ SEJT, ENZIM, POLEM ÉS COMBI (Vas, bór, réz, mangán)

BACTERIA, LIVING CELL, ENZYME, POLEM AND COMBI (Iron, boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc) WORKING MECHANISM = It ensures that the green parts of the plants are strong, promotes the perfect flower formation and strengthens the fruit set by fertilization thanks to the polem inside. Tillering in cereal plants increases the brix values ​​by providing the leaf width. Thanks to its activator power, it quickly absorbs the nutrients used together into the plant, completing the micro element deficiency and providing you with a quality harvest. BRIDGE (PURE MOSS): It is pure high organic matter and, due to the rich minerals it contains, it encourages the formation of worms by feeding biological creatures in the soil used. Due to the non-volatile organic nitrogen, the plant roots take maximum advantage of nitrogen in the development process and have a perfect root development and super fruit setting. used with sprinkler.
DIOACTIVE - ANIONIKUS HORDOZÓ (Botanikai Illóolajok, Organikus Növényi Kivonatok stb.)

DIOACTIVE - ANIONIKUS HORDOZÓ (Botanikai Illóolajok, Organikus Növényi Kivonatok stb.)

DIOACTIVE, organik bitkisel yağlardan ve organik asitlerden tasarlanmış özel bir üründür. Uygulamaların etkinliğini mükemmel bir şekilde artıran güçlü iyon çözücüler sayesinde bitki yapraklarının yüzey gerilimini azaltarak ilaç ve besin elementlerinin alım kapasitesini artırıcı özelliğe sahip bir üründür. DIOACTIVE, botanik bitkisel yağ ve esanslardan elde edilmiş kontak(temas) etkili mitisid ve insektisid dir. Bitkinin tamamen ürünle kaplanması önemlidir. Dioactive fitofag akarlara (bitkiyle beslenen zararlılar), yumurtalara, nimflere (yapraklardaki larvalar) karşı bitkiyi kontrol altında tutar. Ve diğer delici, emici böcekler, yaprak bitleri, unlu bit, tırtıl, tuta, trips, kırmızı örümcek ve beyazsinek gibi böceklere karşı da bitkiyi kontrol altında tutar. Yapraktan gübre ve ilaç uygulamalarında, bitki yaprak yüzeylerini temizlenmesi ve stomaların açılmasını sağlaması nedeniyle, bitkinin gübre ve ilaç alım kapasitesini artırır.
Virágzáshoz PK 13/14 Green Power

Virágzáshoz PK 13/14 Green Power

Stimulant for flowering and increasing THC Purpose: stimulant Type: organic Application: flowering Impact: allows you to get flowers and fruits of the largest size or increase the beneficial active substances and THC Grow type: bioponics \ aeroponics \ hydroponics \ soil \ coconut substrate Release form: liquid Product advantages: It is such a high-quality, popular, indispensable fertilizer for stimulating flowering that it is produced by many manufacturers around the world. If you strive to get flowers and fruits of the largest size or increase the beneficial active substances and then, Canna, Hesi, Plagron, ATA PK 13/14 is ideal for you. PK 13/14 is a blend of high quality flowering minerals. The product is easy to use and contributes to the highest yield. PK 13/14 is suitable for all types of cultivation. In addition, it only needs to be added to the nutrient solution within one week.


Phosphorous-based fertilizers which, once absorbed by plants, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. These phytoalexins are natural substances that enhance the natural defense system of plants against fungal endoparasites.
Orgapell pH Csökkentő - pH Csökkentő, Csepegtető Öntöző Nyitó, Vízkő Eltávolító

Orgapell pH Csökkentő - pH Csökkentő, Csepegtető Öntöző Nyitó, Vízkő Eltávolító

İlaçlamalarda kullanılan suyun Ph ve sertiliğini düzenler.
Termékenység - VIT A, D3, E. Termékenység

Termékenység - VIT A, D3, E. Termékenység

Premezcla vutamínica destinada a aves de jaula y exóticas, ornamentales y palomas. Preparación para antes y después del apareamiento. La carencia de vitamina E determina disminución del instinto sexual, la generación de espermatozoides y la falta de incubabilidad de los huevos. La vitamina A está relacionada con la fertilidad y la D3 es indispensable para la formación de la cáscara del huevo. Favorece la fecundación, la puesta y mejora la incubación estimulando el crecimiento y desarrollo de las crías.


Organic fertilizer based on worm compost Volume: 500 ml. Hazard Class: IV (low hazard substance) 100% accessibility by the plant. CROP: ORCHIDS Used for root nutrient solution. Activates the growth of the root system and aerial parts; improves the appearance and duration of flowering; activates orchid flowering. Homogeneous, homogeneous suspension, from dark brown to black; the presence of inclusions (stones and other foreign objects) is not allowed; not volatile; flocculates when interacting with acids, water-soluble. Amino acids: eliminate nutrient deficiency accelerate the transport of nutrients to plant cells Fulvic acids: have an antioxidant effect accelerate plant development COMPOSITION: mass fraction of organic matter is not less than 15 g/l, humic acids – not less than 30 g/l, fulvic acids - not less than 4 g/l, microelement complex. Consumption Rate Methods and Terms of Application: Spraying – 1 to 100 solution is prepared (for example: 100 ml of AgroVerm


Filling machines for liquid or powder products. Machines can be produced according to customer requests.
Információk a belső fogaskerekekről

Információk a belső fogaskerekekről

İç Dişlilerde diş profili çember dişlinin iç kısmındadır. Planet dişliler iç dişlilerin en çok kullanıldığı dişlilerdir. İç dişli düz ve helis iç dişli olmak üzere 2 çeşide sahiptir. İç Dişliler genel olarak, Paslanmaz Çelik, Dökme Demir, Bronz, Alüminyum, Delrin ve Metalik olmayan (Fenolik) malzemeden imal edilirler. Dişli imalatlarında kullanılan dişli malzemeleri; Ç 8620-16 MnCr5-Ç 3315 sementasyon çelikleri asil çelik olarak sertifikalı malzemeden kullanılmaktadır. Dişlilere Sıvı ve gaz sementasyon uygulanmaktadır. Dişli firması olarak, Dişli, ve iç dişli, dişli imalatı, çember dişli imalatı hakkında daha detaylı bilgiler için Dişli Dünyası ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.


Tirynthos - APPRICOT SPECIES:APPRICOT Origin:High vigor and side-branching behavior. Large annual production Pollinators:Self-fertile Fruit:Large size. Shape round to slightly cylindrical. The color of the fruit is light orange with pink Maturation - Harvest:June 2-5th
Unico Zinc Man - Folyékony mikro növényi tápanyag keverék

Unico Zinc Man - Folyékony mikro növényi tápanyag keverék

Unico Zinc Man is a mixture of trace elements chelated with organic acids. It is quickly absorbed by the plant and acts quickly. It can be used on plants during flowering and fruit color acquisition. It is an excellent product in terms of flower and pollen formation and also providing vibrancy in fruit colors.
Alma facsemete (Gala) - Gala

Alma facsemete (Gala) - Gala

Tree: Vigorous, Widespread Fruit: Medium-Large, Sweet, Juicy, Callous, Alluring Fruit Flesh: Cream Colored and Crisp Harvest: 1st Week of 4th September of August(125-135 Days) Shell Color: Red on Yellow Background Pollinators: Fuji, Granny Smith, Starking, Braeburn Other Features: It is one of the best varieties of mid-season. It can be used as a pollinator for many varieties.