TSL29 est un principe actif spécifiquement formulé pour le traitement des cultures par application foliaire, hydroponique et/ou application sur les semences. TSL29 contient des hormones de croissance, des bétaïnes, des acides aminés, des oligosaccharides et tous les oligo-éléments essentiels.
Ce produit est utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement ment CE 834/2007. AMM
N° 1200295
CALMAG ist eine gemischte Lösung aus Calcium- und Magnesiumsalzen, die aufgrund des spezifischen Mangels dieser beiden Mesoelemente wirksam bei der Vorbeugung und Heilung von Physiopathien ist. Die Anwendung von Magnesium und Kalzium in der empfohlenen Dosierung verhindert Dissektion und Nekrose von Pflanzen und Früchten. Insbesondere beugt Kalzium Kalziummangel-Physiopathien vor (fauler Apfel, faule Tomate, Austrocknung, Salatnekrose, physiologisches Austrocknen der Melone und Knacken von Früchten) und verbessert die Qualität, Konsistenz und Haltbarkeit der Früchte; Magnesium hingegen stimuliert die Bildung von Chlorophyll und
Verbessert die photosynthetische Aktivität, erhöht die Zuckerkonzentration und verbessert die Farbe von Blättern und Früchten. CALMAG ist mit Molybdän angereichert, das die Austrocknung reduziert, Stress reduziert und freie Radikale bekämpft. CALMAG wird besonders für Kulturen der vierten Reihe empfohlen.
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of legumes and pulses.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
Peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, chickpeas, fodder beans, lupins, mung beans, peanuts, cowpeas, etc.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Floranova will be used dissolved in water both foliar and irrigation in all types of crops at the indicated doses.
It is compatible with most fertilizers and phytosanitary products.
It is not recommended to mix with oils, sufocalcium mixtures or products with a strong alkaline reaction.
It is recommended to do a small test before mixing in the tank.
Les machines de concassage de pierres Agromeks Leopard sont des équipements agricoles de qualité supérieure conçus pour créer un environnement agricole productif en purifiant les terres agricoles des effets négatifs des pierres, tout en enrichissant les sols en termes de minéraux . Nos modèles avec différentes largeurs de travail (150 cm, 170 cm, 200 cm) vous permettent de broyer les pierres de votre terrain et de préparer le sol .
Ces machines peuvent être utilisées dans un large éventail d'applications, telles que les champs, les vergers, les serres, les vignobles, les plages et les zones industrielles non agricoles.
Les dents du broyeur en carbure de bore (carbure) offrent des performances supérieures en garantissant un fonctionnement durable et ininterrompu.
Le châssis et la carrosserie Hardox maximisent la durabilité et garantissent un fonctionnement sans erreur, même dans les conditions d'exploitation les plus difficiles.
Largeur de travail:170 cm
Puissance requise:Min. : 95 ch
Fonctionnalité requise du tracteur:Équipement Super Creep
Profondeur de travail du sol:Maximum : 20 cm
Vitesse de travail:0,3-2km/h
Caractéristique de la lame du broyeur:Carbure de bore
Revêtement intérieur de machine:Hardox
Vitesse de l'arbre de prise de force:540 tr/min
Position de la lame du broyeur:Hélix
capot arrière de la machine:Hydraulique
Engrais liquide naturel pour Tomates et Potirons, Melons, Aubergines, ... - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire.
Dieser organische Dünger vereint die Vorzüge von Falter BIO Naturdünger und Falter BIO Schafwolldünger. Bio Schafwolldünger mit KALI-Power besteht aus 50 % Schafschurwolle und zu 50 % aus Nebenprodukten der Energiegewinnung. Dier organische Mischdünger wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Gemüsebaubetrieben entwickelt. Bio Schafwolldünger mit KALI-Power wird nachhaltig und klimaneutral erzeugt. Die Stickstoff liefernde Schafschurwolle lockert die Erde auf, erhöht die Wasserspeicherfähigkeit und wirkt der Versauerung des Bodens entgegen. Durch die Zugabe von Naturdünger ist der Phosphat-Gehalt erhöht und der Kaliumanteil deutlich erhöht - perfekt also für alle Pflanzen, die auf Kaliumdünger und Stickstoffdünger angewiesen sind. Erhältlich als Granulat und als Pellets.
pH-Wert (CaCI₂): 8,5
87 % Organische Substanz i.d. TS
6,8 % N – Gesamt Stickstoff
1,9 % P₂O₅ – Gesamt Phosphat
7,9 % K₂O – Gesamt Kaliumoxid
Verpackungsgrößen 850 g bis 900 kg
Gesamt Stickstoff:6,8 % N
Gesamt Phosphat:1,9 % P₂O₅
Gesamt Kaliumoxid:7,9 % K₂O
Enmienda orgánica natural concentrada sólida.
Procedente de Leonardita Americana de alta pureza y calidad.
Mejora las características físico-químicas y biológicas del suelo.
Mejorar la estructura del suelo.
Aumenta la capacidad de intercambio catiónico.
Favorece la vida microbiana.
Mejora la fertilidad general del suelo.
Favorece el desarrollo radicular y el crecimiento de las plantas.
Evita la retrogradación de cationes.
SUBJECT: Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids)
We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters:
Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00%
Organic matter - 90,00 %
Unikey LeoNPK (TR)
Kimyasal gübrenin içeriğinde ki Azot'un uçma ve yıkanma özelliği bulunmaktadır. Toprakta maksimum kalıcılık süresi 14 gündür ve toprakta uygun tav yoksa bitkide yanmalara yol açar ya da bitkinin kurumasına sebep olur. Akıllı Gübrelerde Azot dolgu maddeleri ile korunmaktadır, yıkanma, yakma ve uçuculuğu yoktur. Bitkinin ihtiyacı olduğunda Akıllı Gübrenin içeriğindeki Azot bitki tarafından alınabilir.Toprak altı gübresi olarak kullanımı tavsiye edilir, üst gübre olarak kullanımında bir zararı yoktur. İçeriğinde yeterli seviyede Azot,Fosfor ve Potasyum da barındırır. Suni Gübre kullanıldığında, suni gübrenin de etkisini arttırır.Yavaş salınımlı Azot Fosfor Potasyum oranı olarak en kuvvetli gübrelerinden biridir. Yavaş Salınan Azotlu,Fosforlu ve Potasyumlu akıllı gübremizdir.
%33 Organik Madde, %14 Organik Carbon, %3 Azot ve %4 Su da Çözünür K2O içermektedir. İçerisinde köklenmeyi teşvik edici hormonlar asgari oranda bulunmaktadır. organik köklendiricidir. dikimden sonra uygulamaya başlayabilirsiniz. dekara 2-3 lt ve 3-4 uygulama yeterli olacaktır. bitkilerinizin hem köklenmesine ve hem de toprağınızın organik madde ihtiyacını karşılamaya yardımcı olacaktır.
COMPLEXFLUIDE has been specially designed to induce and stimulate optimal plant development for faster and more effective metabolism results. It is fast acting and highly compatible with foliar application mixtures.
The synergy formed between PHC and NPK macroelements favours the assimilation of these nutrients, improving the photosynthetic process, which contributes to greater vegetative growth and higher quality fruiting.
Packs of:
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Total nitrogen (N) :6% p/p
Ureic nitrogen (N):4% p/p
Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :2% p/p
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in water:6% p/p
Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water:6% p/p
Chloride (Cl):<0,3 p/p
PH:6,5-7 p/p
Density (gr/cc):1,19 p/p
We are a manufacturer company in Turkey. We are a Ministry licensed direct manufacturer.
** Increases nutrient intake.
** Increases frost resistance.
** It prevents soil erosion.
** By solving the hardening in the soil, it enables the plant to root more easily, encourages root growth and provides aeration of the soil.
** It regulates and facilitates the movement of water and air in the soil.
** It removes the excess sodium (Na) in the soil and removes the aridity. It regulates the pH by dissolving lime in the soil.
** By increasing the ion exchange in the soil, it frees the phosphorus, calcium and trace elements of clay minerals and enables them to be used by plants.
** It makes the existing nutrients in the soil chelated and facilitates their absorption by plants.
** Increases microorganism activities in the soil.
** Increases the flower setting rate of the plant.
** Extends the shelf life of the product.
• It ensures soil water retention and prevents dehydration when the plants
get stressed due to unbalanced irrigation conditions.
• When applied on foliage it improves protein synthesis, controls
respiration and chlorophly formation and with seepage application
it ensures the conditions for the plant to get phosphorus and trace
elements at most.
• It regulates Ph in soil and stimulates the biologic activity in the root of
the plants.
• It is a perfect root developer.
Bitkilerde klorozun kaynağı ne olursa olsun giderilmesine yardımcı olur.
Tomurcuk ve çiçek oluşumunu arttırır. Çiçek dökülmesini, meyvede gelişim geriliği ve küçük meyve oluşumunu engeller.
Kaliumsulfat 52 (+45)
52 % K2O wasserlösliches Kaliumoxid
45 % SO3 wasserlösliches Schwefeltrioxid
- Im Vergleich zu anderen Kaliumquellen weist hortiSUL ® einen sehr niedrigen Salzindex (46) auf.
- hortiSUL® stellt Kalium und Schwefel in einer direkt pflanzenverfügbaren Form zur Verfügung.
- hortiSUL® ist nach der EG-Verordnung 834/2007 und der EG-Verordnung 889/2008 zum Einsatz im ökologischen Landbau zugelassen.
- hortiSUL® ist als Blattdünger und für die Anwendung in der Fertigation geeignet.
- hortiSUL® ist anwendbar im Freiland und im geschützten Anbau (boden- und substratbasierte Kulturen).
- hortiSUL® lässt sich gut mit anderen Düngemitteln mischen (Ausnahme Ca beinhaltende Produkte, Risiko von Gipsausfällungen).
Zulassung im ökologischen Landbau
hortiSUL® wird aus natürlichen Rohsalzlagerstätten gewonnen, die durch Verdunstung von Meerwasser im jetzigen Europa vor mehreren Millionen von Jahren entstanden sind.
Product details:
Accelerates the intake of nutrients to the plant and increases their use efficiency
Enhances the fungicidal and growth-stimulating properties of soil microflora due to the introduction of beneficial microorganisms
Activates the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in plants
Increases the resistance of plants to negative environmental factors
Stimulates the growth and development of plants
Increases yield and quality of agricultural products
Active substance: potassium salts of humic and fulvic acids;
complex of microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium var. p hosphaticum, Bacillus muciloginosus, Bacillus macerans, Paenibacillus polymyxa;
biologically active substances (amino acids, peptides); succinic acid; polyethylene glycol; micronutrients (sulphur, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, copper, silicon, molybdenum, cobalt).
Organic certification: Product is certified by Organic Standard
SUPLAGRAN – to naturalny, bezpieczny, ekologicznie czysty nawóz wapniowy o wysokiej zawartości CaCO3 ok. 90%, CaO min. 52%, poddane nowoczesnemu procesowi granulacji. Otrzymuje się go poprzez mielenie kamienia wapiennego o najwyższej reaktywności, co skutkuje rozpuszczalnością produktu na poziomie 98%. Produkowany na bazie mielonej kredy. Na wszystkie nasze produkty posiadamy atesty i certyifkaty jak również certyfikat dla gospodarstw ekologicznych.
PRESTO DURPES, UAB provides peat and prepares various peat mixes.
Block Peat:
Fraction: 0-7 mm; 7-15 mm;
15-30 mm; 25-40 mm.
Physical characteristics:
Raw material: sphagnum white peat
Harvesting: block peat
Decomposition: H2-H4
Chemical characteristics:
EC<0,2 mS/cm
pH 2,5-3,5 (H2O)
General characteristics:
Profesional material used to manufacture seeding and potting substrate. Packing Big Bale 6,0-7,0 m3.
Urea, also known as carbamide, is a nitrogen-rich compound widely used as a fertilizer in agriculture and in various industrial applications. Its high nitrogen content, typically around 46%, makes it one of the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizers available, promoting plant growth and enhancing crop yields. Urea is highly soluble in water, allowing for easy absorption by plants and efficient nutrient delivery.
Beyond agriculture, urea is used in industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. It is a key component in the production of resins, plastics, and as an additive in diesel exhaust systems to reduce emissions. Its versatility and cost-effectiveness make urea an essential resource for both agricultural and industrial applications, supporting sustainable practices and contributing to global food security.
High-quality 46% urea is used as an agricultural fertilizer and is of paramount importance in improving the quality of agriculture as it gives 46% nitrogen.
L’objectif d’un minéral est d’associer en quantité et en qualité les éléments indispensables au bon fonctionnement du métabolisme bovin.
L’optimisation de la valorisation de la prise de minéraux passent par l’utilisation d’ un minimum de chélates*. Un minéral entièrement composé de Sulfates ne peut pas garantir une valorisation suffisante.
Un bon rapport sulfateschélates permet d’obtenir de bons résultats en gardant un coût abordable.
* On appelle chélateur une substance formée de molécules qui se lient étroitement à des atomes de métal (des minéraux). Cette technique permet d’optimiser la valorisation du minéral.
MicroMix , bitkilerin mikro besin maddeleri (iz element) ihtiyacına kısa sürede cevap veren zengin içerikli özel bir üründür.
MicroMix , özel organik şelatlama teknolojisi ile suda kolayca çözünür, çökme yapmaz. Geniş pH aralığında etkinlik gösterir.
Fitotoksik etki göstermez , kalıntı bırakmaz.
Topraktan ve yapraktan uygulanabilir özellikte bir ürün olup maksimum kalitede çiçek ve meyve yapısı elde edilmesini sağlar.
Tavsiye edilen dozlarda uygulandığında pek çok zirai ilaç ve gübre ile karışabilir. Karışım tankına aktarılmadan önce ön deneme yapılması tavsiye edilir.
En parfumerie fine et en cosmétique, c’est un ingrédient essentiel des accords chyprés. Il est utilisé dans les notes de fond de nombreux parfums pour créer une atmosphère chaude, boisée et moussue et surtout pour améliorer la tenue dans le temps. II peut être utilisé dans tous les accords de parfums.
Tripack Flora Series
Purpose: fertilizers
Type: organic
Application: vegetation
Impact: Flora Series Fertilizer Starter Kit
Grow type: bioponics \ aeroponics \ hydroponics \ soil \ coconut substrate
Release form: liquid / powder
In the process of growth, the plant goes through several stages from seed to fruiting, and it is very important that at each stage the plant receives important trace elements in the right proportions, intended for its growth period. We present to you the Flora series of fertilizers, which consists of 4 bottles, each of which has its own individual composition of microelements.
A fully working plant fertilizer should come in sets of two or three bottles. This is also due to the fact that it is not possible to combine all the necessary macro- and microelements in one bottle, because they immediately begin to react with each other and precipitate. Therefore, to fully nourish your favorite plants, you must separate them.