With its characteristic ovoid shape and its skin that can vary from smooth to ridged, it is an inexhaustible source of culinary possibilities. Its juicy yellowish pulp is divided into segments, and although it is recognized for its acidic flavor, it is also a carrier of multiple health benefits, including a considerable dose of vitamin C. In addition, Zayma is committed to ensuring that its lemon is harvested under sustainable practices. , respecting natural cycles to maintain quality without compromising the future. On the other hand, Zayma understands that this fruit is not only part of cuisine, but also of a culture of well-being. It is used not only as a culinary ingredient but also in home remedies, enhancing its value beyond the kitchen. Because the distributor values tradition and innovation, she makes sure to provide lemons that meet the expectations of the most demanding chefs and modern homes.
”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
Pilot – breakfast – mango – orange – apple – banana is a refreshing and nutritious breakfast drink that combines the tropical flavors of mango and orange with the classic taste of apple and banana. This drink is perfect for starting your day with a burst of energy and flavor, providing a delicious and convenient way to enjoy a healthy breakfast on the go.
Made with high-quality ingredients, Pilot – BREAKFAST is designed to deliver a satisfying and refreshing taste experience. It is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, making it a healthy choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet. Whether you're rushing to work or enjoying a leisurely morning, Pilot – BREAKFAST is sure to provide the energy and flavor you need to start your day right.
Golden raisins, also known as white raisins or golden raisins, are a light-colored variety of dried grape berries. It has a sweet flavor and soft texture, making it a popular ingredient in baked goods, salads, porridges and other culinary dishes. Golden raisins are often used when you want to add sweetness, but at the same time maintain the light color of the product.
Fournisseur Grossiste Plants Fraisier Frais à prix Producteur Bio et Conv - Fraisiverse vous propose la plus large gamme variétale de fraisiers en France, incluant des fraisiers Frigo, Motte, Waiting Bed et Tray, le tout à prix producteur.
Spécialiste de la vente en ligne, nous livrons partout en Europe toute l’année. Notre rapport qualité-prix est imbattable, avec un large choix de plants bio et conventionnels pour satisfaire fraisiculteurs et jardiniers. Nous offrons des devis gratuits et des conseils personnalisés pour vos projets de plantation. Notre service commercial est réactif et disponible 24h, avec un SAV de qualité. Faites confiance à Fraisiverse, votre partenaire fiable pour un approvisionnement continu et une expertise professionnelle.
Site web : https://plantsfraisiers.com/
Fraisier Candiss, Capella, Capriss:Fraisier Charlotte, Chloe, Ciflorette
Fraisier Cigaline, Cijosee, Cirafine:Fraisier Cireine, Dream, Gariguette
Fraisier Gorella, Mara des Bois, Portola:Fraisier Rubis des Jardins, San Andreas, Senga-Sengana
Fraisier Alba, Allegro, Aprica:Fraisier Asia, Bravura, Clery
Fraisier Dahli, Daroyal, Darselect:Fraisier Dely, Elegance, Elsanta
Fraisier Faith, Falco, Favori:Fraisier Flair, Florence, Florentina
Fraisier Florice, Glorielle, Hademar:Fraisier Honeoye, Joly, Korona
Fraisier Lambada, Lola, M.Centenary:Fraisier Magnus, Malga, Malling Centenary
Fraisier Malwina, Marieka, Murano:Fraisier Ostara, Parlando, Polka
Fraisier Renaissance, Rendezvous, Rendez-vous:Fraisier Rosaria, Rumba, Salsa
Fraisier Senga Sengana, Seraphine, Sibilla:Fraisier Sonata, Sonsation, Symphony
Fraisier Twist, Verdi, Magnum:Fraisier Belrubi, Cirano, Earliglow
Fraisier Favette, Gento, Mme Moutot:Fraisier Pajaro, Rabunda, Reine des Vallées
Fraisier Surprise des Halles, Talisman, Vicomtesse Héricart de Thury:Fraisier Cantaliss, Cijosée,
Our decorations are made from very high-quality resin and are weather-resistant. If your decorations are intended for permanent outdoor use, we recommend applying an additional varnish.
Reference: FFTD2104R
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 40 cm
Hochwertige Papiertragetaschen für den Transport von Obst und Gemüse. Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen und Ausführungen, bedruckt mit Motiven wie 'Happy-Kartoffel' und 'Spargel'. Ideal für den Einzelhandel und saisonale Artikel.
Une huile sublinguale pratique pour calmer le stress
Retrouvez un peu de sérénité grâce à cette huile de CBD Hemp+ Drop ! Enrichie à hauteur de 5, 10, 20 ou 30% en huile de chanvre broad spectrum, elle est facile et discrète à consommer. Son bouchon en forme de pipette vous permet de prélever la quantité de produit qui vous convient. Reconnu pour ses bienfaits, le cannabidiol est une molécule aux effets antioxydants, anti-inflammatoires, anxiolytiques et analgésiques. Elle peut également être consommée sous forme d'infusions de CBD ou de bonbons au CBD.
Les avantages de l'huile CBD Hemp+ Drop
Ce flacon de 10 ml deviendra rapidement un véritable allié pour préserver votre bien-être quotidien. Petit, il se glisse aisément dans un sac, une poche ou un tiroir. Son arôme gourmand de fruit rouge reste en bouche pour une prise agréable. Après un effort intense ou une journée mouvement ou bien avant un événement stressant, cette huile sublinguale au CBD vous apaise et vous soulage
Shelf Life and Storage
Refrigerated shelf life for product in unopened packages is 12 months. Product is packaged at ambient temperature, and may have a core temperature
above 40°F upon delivery. However, to maintain color and flavor, it must be stored below 40°F and below 65% humidity, away from product with strong
odors. Freezing will extend shelf life. Morning Star Packing cannot guarantee the shelf life of product that has been stored or shipped at temperatures
above 40°F.
Shelf Life and Storage
Refrigerated shelf life for product in unopened packages is 12 months. Product is packaged at ambient temperature, and may have a core temperature
above 40°F upon delivery. However, to maintain color and flavor, it must be stored below 40°F and below 65% humidity, away from product with strong
odors. Freezing will extend shelf life. Morning Star Packing cannot guarantee the shelf life of product that has been stored or shipped at temperatures
above 40°F.
100% pure Guava leaves. Less than 0.05% stems, 4-5% broken leaves, hand picked
20kg in polypropylene bags or paper bags as per request
Guava leaves are known for their medicinal properties and are commonly used in herbal teas and supplements. They have a mild, earthy flavor and are rich in antioxidants, making them a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. At Caliph Trade, we offer high-quality guava leaves that are carefully dried to retain their natural potency. Our guava leaves are perfect for those seeking a natural remedy for various health issues.
Incorporating guava leaves into your wellness routine can help support digestion, boost immunity, and promote healthy skin. Our guava leaves are sourced from trusted farms, ensuring that you receive a product that is both effective and safe. Choose Caliph Trade for your guava leaves needs and experience the benefits of this powerful herb.
La nuez de Castilla, también conocida como nuez común o nuez inglesa, es un fruto seco con una cáscara dura y un interior lleno de sabor suave y ligeramente amargo. Este fruto es ampliamente utilizado tanto en la repostería como en la cocina salada, aportando una textura crujiente y un valor nutricional significativo. Es rica en ácidos grasos omega-3, antioxidantes, y nutrientes esenciales como el magnesio y el hierro, lo que la convierte en una excelente opción para una alimentación saludable. Además, la nuez de Castilla es un ingrediente clave en recetas tradicionales, destacando por su versatilidad y sus beneficios para la salud cardiovascular y cognitiva.
AMAZONAS Naturprodukte Handels GmbH ist ein Direktimporteur von Acai und Hersteller, Produzent sowie Großhändler von Acai-Pulver und Acai-Tabletten. Wir bieten unsere Acai-Sortimente in Großmengen oder verpackt (mit oder ohne Etikett) an.
Acai (Euterpe oleracea) ist eine kleine dunkelrote bis schwarze Beere, die in großen Trauben an 25 m hohen Acai-Palmen wächst. Diese wildwachsenden Bäume sind in der gesamten Amazonasregion zu finden. Besonders während geistiger und extremer körperlicher Anstrengung ist eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Antioxidantien wichtig, die hochwertige Naturprodukte wie Acai enthalten. Unser Acai enthält mindestens 3000 mg Polyphenole (Antioxidantien) pro 100 g Acai-Fruchtpulver-Extrakt.
Unser B2B-Vertrieb liefert Acai-Pulver und Acai-Produkte an Händler, Großhändler zum Wiederverkauf und Großverbraucher im Lebensmittel- oder Industriesektor. Als Produzent von Acai bedienen wir die gesamte Lieferkette für Acai-Produkte, von der Rohstoffbeschaffung über Produktentwicklung und -herstellung bis hin zu Verpackung und Vertrieb an Wiederverkäufer oder Verbraucher.
Gewicht: 80 g Dose
Herkunft: Brasilien und Bolivien
La corne broyée, est un engrais naturel très riche en azote (14 %) à libération lente qui agit progressivement et de manière plus durable.
Recommandé pour favoriser l’enracinement des arbres fruitiers.
Enfoui dans la terre au pieds des végétaux, il suffira de seulement 50 g/m² de ce produit pour nourrir les plantes de massifs, directement dans les semis de printemps et le rempotage des plantes vertes
200 g aux pieds des arbres, des arbustes et des fruitiers
50 g dans le trou de plantation des tomates
100 g / m2 au démarrage des nouveaux gazons (favorise l’enracinement)
100 g en entretien des gazons
La corne broyée s’épand sur la terre de préférence humide : griffer afin de bien l’incorporer au sol.
Utilisation directe aux semis sans risques pour les racines et les jeunes plants.
Une concentration d’azote pour toutes les plantes et arbustes en manque.
Composition :
AZOTE (N) : 14 %
Phospore (P2O5) : 0 %
Potassium ( K2O) : 0 %
POIDS:20 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg
La qualité, c'est tout ! Les Bubble Tea sont de la même qualité que ceux que l'on trouve dans n'importe quel magasin de Bubble Tea. Le plus beau, c'est que vous n'avez pas besoin de faire la queue pour les obtenir.
Capri Sun 200ml
81x40 pack per Pallet (3240 pcs)
Flavours :
Monster Alarm
Multivitamin ZERO
SHELF LIFE : 420 days from Factory
Capri Sun 330ml
108x15 pack per pallet(1620 pcs)
Flavours :
Cherry & Pomegranate
Mango & Passionfruit
Orange & Peach
SHELF LIFE : 360 days from Factory
Fanta Exotic is a delicious soft drink that combines tropical flavors for a refreshing taste experience. Perfect for parties, picnics, or just a casual day at home, Fanta Exotic is sure to please everyone. With its vibrant color and fruity flavor, it's a fun beverage choice that adds a splash of excitement to any gathering. Enjoy the taste of the tropics with Fanta Exotic.
Fermentowane ekstrakty roślinne to innowacyjne składniki, które zyskują coraz większe uznanie w kosmetyce dzięki swoim wyjątkowym właściwościom pielęgnacyjnym. Proces fermentacji sprawia, że ekstrakty roślinne stają się bogatsze w składniki odżywcze i bioaktywne, takie jak aminokwasy, peptydy, antyoksydanty i witaminy, a ich struktura chemiczna jest rozbijana na mniejsze cząsteczki. Dzięki temu są one lepiej przyswajalne przez skórę, co zwiększa ich skuteczność i biodostępność w porównaniu do tradycyjnych ekstraktów.
Fermentacja dodatkowo wzmacnia właściwości nawilżające, regenerujące i antyoksydacyjne roślin, co sprawia, że ekstrakty te idealnie sprawdzają się w produktach do pielęgnacji skóry suchej, wrażliwej oraz wymagającej regeneracji. Przykładowo, fermentowany ekstrakt z soi działa odżywczo i wspomaga procesy naprawcze skóry, a fermentowane algi są doskonałe w walce z oznakami starzenia, poprawiając jędrność i elastyczność. Fermentowane składniki mają również właściwości kojące i łagodzące, co czyni je doskonałym wyborem dla skóry problematycznej i podatnej na podrażnienia.
Wprowadzenie fermentowanych ekstraktów roślinnych do kosmetyków pozwala na stworzenie produktów nowoczesnych i skutecznych, które odpowiadają na rosnące zapotrzebowanie klientów na naturalne, zaawansowane formuły pielęgnacyjne. Dla producentów kosmetyków to również sposób na wyróżnienie się i dostarczenie klientom rozwiązań o wysokiej jakości, które łączą w sobie tradycyjną wiedzę roślinną z nowoczesnymi technologiami biofermentacji.
The Clementina Hernandina is a variety of sweet and juicy citrus fruit, appreciated for its unique flavor and ease of consumption. These clementines are characterized by a thin and easily removable skin, bright orange in color, and tender, juicy flesh. They ripen from January to March, making them available during the winter months.
The Clementine Hernandina is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They are ideal for fresh consumption, in citrus salads, or as a healthy snack. Their natural sweetness also makes them perfect for preparing desserts and jams.
The Extra Large Crate of Logs is designed for intensive wood burners who require a substantial supply of firewood to last through the winter season. This crate offers nearly 3 cubic meters of loose logs, providing an abundant source of fuel for those who use their stoves all day long. The logs are carefully stacked to maximize volume and ensure you receive the best value for your purchase. Ideal for large spaces or multiple stoves, the Extra Large Crate is the perfect solution for those who rely heavily on wood burning for heating.
With the Extra Large Crate of Logs, you can enjoy the convenience of having a plentiful supply of firewood at your fingertips. The large volume of logs means less frequent refueling, allowing you to maintain a consistent and efficient fire with minimal effort. Whether you're heating a large home or using multiple stoves, the Extra Large Crate provides the reliability and efficiency needed to keep your space warm and comfortable throughout the winter months.