Termékek élelmiszerek és (1369)

Plus Pulyka - Plus Pulyka élelmiszer-minőségű hús alapanyagokból készült...

Plus Pulyka - Plus Pulyka élelmiszer-minőségű hús alapanyagokból készült...

Produktinformationen "Pute Plus" Beckers Beste Pute 200g Plus Pute ist eine aus lebensmitteltauglichen befundenen Fleischrohstoffen hergestellte Vollkost, die für Katzen aller Rassen frisch hergestellt wird. Sie wird nur aus ausgesuchten Fleischabschnitten und leckeren Innereien produziert. Plus Pute wird extra schonend kalt abgefüllt, sodass die natürlichen Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente möglichst erhalten bleiben, um so die Gesundheit und Vitalität Ihrer Katze ein Leben lang aktiv zu unterstützen. Plus Pute wird ohne Formfleisch, Tier- und Knochenmehl, Getreide und Soja produziert. Zusammensetzung: 35% Pute, 19% Rind und 15% Geflügel, 30% Fleischbrühe von der Pute, Rind und Geflügel, 1% Mineralstoffe Analytische bestandteile: Rohprotein 10%, Rohfett 6,1%, Rohfaser 0,3%, Rohasche 1,9%, Feuchtigkeit 80%
Könnyű Bio Agávészirup

Könnyű Bio Agávészirup

"The sweet Mexican Agave syrup comes from the blue-grey Agave Tequilana plant from Mexico. Production of light Agevesiroop Agave syrup is made from the juice in the core (piña) of the agave plant. This juice is heated and concentrated into a syrup. Depending on the degree of heating and concentration, this results in a light to dark amber syrup. Agave syrup Light applications Agave syrups are used as a sugar substitute, as a honey substitute (by vegans) and in various cereal bars as a binder. The light-colored agave syrup has a mild and almost neutral taste and is therefore often used in delicate-tasting dishes and drinks. Healthy properties of agave syrup Agave syrup is high in fructose, which has a low glycemic index. This means that it is processed slowly by your body. So consuming agave syrup does not cause your blood sugar to fluctuate so quickly. However, consuming too much fructose is not so healthy, so use in moderation."
Bio Baobab Por

Bio Baobab Por

"Baobab powder The baobab is the fruit of the baobab tree also called the Adansonia Digitata or monkey bread tree. The last name the tree owes to the many species of monkeys that live off the baobab fruits. The tree can grow very old and is the largest tree in Africa. Not only the fruit is useful for life in Africa. Almost all parts of the tree are useful so it is popularly called ""Tree of Life"". A nice example is that it uses its trunk as a water reservoir. During the rainy season, the monkey loaf tree provides sufficient reserves so that it can survive the dry periods. The tribe is then used by the population as a shop, cattle shed or bus shelter. The fruit has a very high antioxidant content. Baobab powder is also an excellent source of calcium and very rich in vitamins and minerals. After the fruit is processed into powder it consists for about 50% of fiber (pectin) which works as prebiotics. An extraordinary power food<…"
Banánchips - Szárított banánchips

Banánchips - Szárított banánchips

Produktinformationen "Bananenchips" Bananenchips 100g Bananen haben einen hohen Ballaststoffgehalt und viele Vitamine und Mineralstoffe wie Kalium, Calcium und Magnesium. Zusammensetzung: 99,98% Bananen, Honig Inhaltsstoffe: Rohfaser 8,80% Rohprotein 16,50% Fütterungsempfehlung Pferd: Großpferde täglich ca 30-50g Kleinpferde/Ponys täglich ca 15-30g Fütterungsempfehlung Hund: Als Leckerli zufüttern
Fagyasztva Szárított Fekete Ribizli BIO - Egyéb Fagyasztva Szárított Gyümölcsök

Fagyasztva Szárított Fekete Ribizli BIO - Egyéb Fagyasztva Szárított Gyümölcsök

100% gefriergetrocknete BIO Johannisbeeren, schwarz. Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel. Für 100 g gefriergetrocknete BIO Johannsibeeren werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt.
Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai

Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai

"Premium Psyllium Husk Powder 99% Organic Psyllium Husk Powder 99% Organic from VehGro is an organic certified product of premium quality. Thanks to this certificate, you know that what you buy has been created with an eye and care for people and nature. VehGro stands for products that are healthy and of the highest quality. The (organic) natural products we have selected come from various regions of the world. All products are checked in Europe and often also packaged there. The Organic mark stands for 100% controlled organic and reliable. These ingredients are guaranteed to be free of all sorts of additives such as sugars and fats and meet all European requirements with regard to pesticides. The quality of our products is regularly checked. Looking for a wholesaler or importer of Psyllium Husk Powder 99% Organic? VehGro is wholesaler of Psyllium Husk Powder and thousands of other organic ingredients that we as single ingredients or in a mix."
Sváb Füstölt Só 1-1,6 mm

Sváb Füstölt Só 1-1,6 mm

"Origin Our Swabian smoked salt is produced according to centuries-old recipes in a small smokehouse on the Swabian Alp, in the heart of Brandenburg. With a great deal of love and experience, traditionally harvested sea salt is smoked for 6 to 7 days at a temperature between 15°C and 23°C. This is how Schwabisch smoked salt is created. The result is smoked Schwabisch salt with an intense taste experience. A maximum of 150 kg can be smoked per smoking cycle. This can be done 2 to 3 times, after which the entire installation must be dismantled and cleaned so that all deposits such as tar and soot can be removed. This is very important to prevent these particles from being found in the final product. Taste and use A mixture of spruce and beech wood provides the intensive smoke aroma. Schwabian smoked salt harmonises perfectly with egg dishes, stews and typical Schwabian dishes such as lentils and sausages. Our smoked salt is a natural product. Natural vari…"


"What is MSM Powder? MSM is the abbreviation of Methylsulfonylmethane which looks like a pure white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in liquid substances. It is produced by evaporating small particles from the ocean. The evaporated dust rises to the upper atmosphere after which it returns to the earth via the rain. By means of MSM powder you can replenish the required sulphur content in a natural way. MSM is found naturally in rainwater, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and the richest source; mother's milk. When processing this food (heating) MSM will quickly disappear. MSM powder has a taste that takes some getting used to."
Csicseriborsó Chips - Pirított Csicseriborsó

Csicseriborsó Chips - Pirított Csicseriborsó

Die “runden Chips” sind ein toller Knabberspaß. Sie sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Die perfekte Wahl für Nussallergiker. Snack it!
Bio napraforgómag

Bio napraforgómag

"Flower named after the sun The sunflower is native to North Central America. The sunflower blooms from July to October. On sunny days the flower head turns with the sun. Nutrients in Sunflower Seeds The sunflower seed is the fruit of a sunflower. They are edible when removed from the shell. Sunflower seeds contain mainly vitamins B and E, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and the powerful antioxidant selenium. Consumption of sunflower seeds Eat these healthy seeds out of hand or mix them with other seeds and kernels into a superfood mix, which you in the yogurt or sprinkle on your salad."
Himalája Kristálysó Rózsaszín Granulát 4-8 mm

Himalája Kristálysó Rózsaszín Granulát 4-8 mm

"Original Himalayan Crystal Salt This crystal salt originates from the salt range in Pakistan. The salt range belongs geologically, but not geographically, to the Himalayan massif. Himalayan crystal salt is a natural table salt that is about 250 million years old. Salt without chemical additives and fluxes that is extracted as it has been done for hundreds of years.Himalayan Crystal Salt formed more than 250 million years ago during the disappearance of the original ocean. It is harvested by hand on the Tibetan high plains. Salt from the Himalayas used to be called ""salt of the king"" because the very high quality salt was sold only to the local nobility. The pink colour comes from the minerals that the salt has absorbed such as sodium chloride, magnesium and calcium. This Himalayan salt is fine crystal salt that is unrefined and still has all the good properties that salt possesses. Most of the salts available in the market have been processed, which has washed…"
Organikus Matcha Superfood Ital

Organikus Matcha Superfood Ital

"In comparison to conventional superfood/energy drinks, the Matcha Magic Superfood Drink has neither the typical jelly beans smell or taste, but pleasant freshness of mango and citrus. Natural caffeine and antioxidants in our Matcha Energydrink increases the ability to concentrate for hours. It ensures for clarity and alertness while serenity. This superfood version contains less energy than the Energy Drink version, but twice as much Matcha. The natural power is guaranteed up to 6 hours, and all without caffeine. In cans of 250 ml."
Bio Moringa Por - Bio Moringa Por

Bio Moringa Por - Bio Moringa Por

"Oorsprong De Moringa boom, ook wel bekend als de drumstick boom, komt uit India, Nepal en Pakistan. Tegenwoordig wordt hij ook buiten deze gebieden gekweekt. Het is te vinden in tropisch Afrika, Zuid-Amerika, Midden-Amerika, het Caribisch gebied en een groot deel van Zuidoost-Azië. Moringa oleifera is vooral bekend als een belangrijke voedselbron. Hij wordt beschreven als de 'natuurlijke voeding van de tropen'. De boom heeft vele toepassingen in de traditionele geneeskunde in Azië en West-Afrika, en produceert eetbare peulen, die qua smaak lijken op asperges. Verwerking De moringa bladeren worden geoogst van biologische bomen in India. De bladeren worden gesorteerd, hierna gewassen, uitgelekt en in de schaduw gedroogd. De bladeren worden als laatste vermalen tot een heel fijn poeder. Smaak en gebruik Deze moringa poeder uit India heeft een felle groene kleur en een frisse smaak. De smaak is vergelijkbaar met de smaak van spinazie. Morin…"
Super Shots – Prebiotikus Shot - Szuperélelmiszer

Super Shots – Prebiotikus Shot - Szuperélelmiszer

Der Prebiotic Shot besticht durch sein säuerliches Aroma. Der Prebiotic Shot enthält 2000mg Inulin, das das Wachstum und die Aktivitäten nützlicher Bakterien im Darm fördern kann.
Bio hántolt kendermag

Bio hántolt kendermag

"Origin and History Hemp Seed Henp seed, related to the mulberry tree, is one of the oldest known medicinal plants in the world. Unlike the rest of the hemp plant, such as marijuana, it has no psychoactive effect. The seed is considered the most easily edible and digestible form of protein due to its high percentage of Edestin. It has a subtle nutty flavor that can also be described as creamy. Production Process Hemp Seed Hence production begins with the cultivation of Cannabis Sativa. The cannabis that is grown contains almost no psychoactive substances. In fact, the plants without these substances have a much higher fiber content. Healthy Properties Hemp Seed and Applications Henp seed contains many amino acids and is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. The essential amino acids in the hemp seed are very important for your body and you can only get it from food. Hempseed is one of the richest and best vegetable source of proteins, vitamin…"
Árpa Fű Por (EU) Bio - Árpa Fű Por (EU) Bio

Árpa Fű Por (EU) Bio - Árpa Fű Por (EU) Bio

"Oorsprong en geschiedenis Gerstegras Gerstegras is een grassoort die groeit in de EU. Oogst Gerstegras Als de plant zich klaar maakt voor de reproductieve fase, hopen alle voedingsstoffen zich op in de scheuten. Dat is het moment om te oogsten. Deze voedzame scheuten verwerken wij tot ons tarwegras poeder. De gersteplant wordt al duizenden jaren verbouwd en was een van de eerste gewassen die voor menselijk gebruik zijn gedomesticeerd. Het is gebleken dat de oude Egyptenaren zowel de gerst als de jonge scheuten oogstten en er zijn verwijzingen naar het gebruik van de gersteplant als een belangrijk religieus offer in de bijbel. Gezonde eigenschappen Gerstegras en toepassingen Gerstegras is rijk aan vezels, eiwitten, ijzer, koper, aminozuren, enzymen en chlorofyl. Eiwit draagt bij aan de groei en onderhoud van spiermassa en de instandhouding van sterke botten. Koper transporteert zuurstof door het lichaam, maar ondersteunt ook de cognitieve func…"
Kacsa Édesburgonyával és Narancssal - Prémium száraz tápunk 50% kacsát, édesburgonyát és narancsot tartalmaz.

Kacsa Édesburgonyával és Narancssal - Prémium száraz tápunk 50% kacsát, édesburgonyát és narancsot tartalmaz.

nte mit Süßkartoffel von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung ein Leckerbissen, den Dein Hund lieben wird. Unser hochwertiges Trockenfutter mit 50% Ente, Süßkartoffel und Orange ist mehr als nur eine schmackhafte Komposition, es erfüllt optimal die täglichen Nährstoffbedürfnisse Deines Hundes. Mit 50% Ente im Futter ist unsere Zusammensetzung eine optimale Kreation. Optimal zusammengesetzte Nährstoffe liefern Deinem vierbeinigen Hausgenossen alles was er sich zum Wohlfühlen wünscht. Getreidefreie Produkte Unsere getreidefreien Produkte enthalten eine Auswahl von feinsten, frisch zubereiteten, nahrhaften und hoch verdaulichen tierischen Proteinquellen. Das Produkt wurde mit Süßkartoffeln und Orangen formuliert für Hunde mit Getreide-Unverträglichkeit / Empfindlichkeit. Alle Produkte von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung sind ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Farb-, Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffe. Unsere Konservierung erfolgt ganz natürlich in der eigenen Kochbrühe.
Egész Bio Lenmag

Egész Bio Lenmag

"Origin of flaxseed Linseed is the seed of flax, a plant which has been cultivated for a long time. Linseed is grown as a food and fibre crop in regions with a temperate climate. The most suitable soils for flax, besides alluvial ones, are deep loamy soils with a high content of organic material. Flax often grows just above the water line in cranberry bogs. Heavy clay is unsuitable, as are gravelly or dry sandy soils. Production process of whole flax Flax grown for whole flaxseed is allowed to mature until the seed capsules are yellow and just beginning to split, then it is harvested. This can be done by cutting only the heads of the plants or the whole plant. After harvesting, the line seeds are cleaned and ready to be packaged. Healthy properties of Flaxseed Linseed contains vitamins B1 and 2, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In addition, linseed for a vegetable product contains many different and essential…"


In the current strongly competitive food world, every product must be shown to its best advantage to win the attention of the end-consumer and end up in the shopping trolley. Apart from quality and functionality, appearance also plays a decisive role. KolorFox ® Colour enhancement and product protection The meat industry is not alone in its preference for an intense natural red colour. The consumer too often associates this colour with high quality and freshness. Sweets, dairy products or meat products – a new fresh colour is available for them all with KolorFox®. The following variants are available: KolorFox® CPS for boiled sausage products, dry sausage products, liver sausage, fish, sweets, meat salads and yoghurt also gives the item a much more consistent red colour, and is heat-stable too. KolorFox® C for boiled sausage products, dried sausage products, liver sausage, sweets, meat salads and yoghurt gives a heat-stable red colour.
Csomagolási lehetőségek

Csomagolási lehetőségek

From standard packs to customer-specific solutions. Aseptic containers, big bags, foil pouches, dip cups, sachets, plastic drums and much more. We have the right packaging for your products. Do get in touch.
Kala Namak Só Granulátum 2-5 mm

Kala Namak Só Granulátum 2-5 mm

"Herkomst en geschiedenis Kala Namak, ook wel zwart zout genoemd, is een zout granulaat afkomstig uit Pakistan. Dit zout is natuurzuiver en ongeraffineerd vulkanisch mineraalzout en wordt volgens een eeuwenoude tradities bewerkt. Het zout kenmerkt zich door een hoog gehalte aan watersulfide en ijzer. Traditioneel werd dit zout gewonnen uit mijnen in Pakistan. De grondstof moet 24 uur lang in een fornuis worden verhit terwijl het samen met houtskool in een afgesloten keramische houder zat. Tijdens deze 24 uur wordt het natriumsulfaat omgezet tot waterstofsulfide en natriumsulfide, dit geeft Kala Namak een donkere kleur. Na de verhitting werd het afgekoeld, opgeslagen en gerijpt. Smaak en gebruik Kala Namak geeft voedsel een zwavelachtige smaak dat vergelijkbaar is met de smaak van gekookte eieren. In de Indische keuken is dit zeer gewenst en wordt Kala Namak gebruikt als smaakmaker voor fruitsalades, chutneys of in de populaire Raitas. Het zout wordt v…"
Fagyasztva Szárított Savanyú Cseresznye - Egyéb Fagyasztva Szárított Gyümölcsök

Fagyasztva Szárított Savanyú Cseresznye - Egyéb Fagyasztva Szárított Gyümölcsök

Kirschen wecken bei vielen Menschen Kindheitserinnerungen. Bist Du auch in den Kirschbaum des Nachbarn geklettert und hast ein paar Kirschen vom Baum stibitzt? Im Gegensatz zur Süßkirsche, ist die Sauerkirsche (natürlich) etwas säuerlicher im Geschmack. Da die Saison für frische Kirschen recht kurz ist, sind diese gefriergetrockneten Sauerkirschen eine tolle Ergänzung für Dein Müsli und Smoothie, im Porridge oder auch als Snack. Dank des wiederverschließbaren Beutels lassen sich die Früchte optimal aufbewahren.


Produktinformationen "Adult" Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Adult - Erwachsene Hunde Gesundheitsfördernde Inhaltsstoffe ist die Grundbasis einer gesunden Ernährung mit Leinsamen, Muschelextrakt (grüne Lippmuschel), Yucca Schidigera und zuzüglich unserer Spezial-Kräutermischung! Frei von chemischen Konservierungs-, Farb- und Geschmackstoffen und ohne tierische Nebenprodukte: Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Adult ist ein hochwertiges, sehr gut verdauliches Alleinfuttermittel für ausgewachsene Hunde. Reich an nahrhaften Hühnchenproteinen, fördert es eine gute Verdauung und einen ausgezeichneten Körperzustand. Angereichert mit allen notwendigen Vitaminen und Mineralien. Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Adult ist für alle Rassen geeignet und zeichnet sich durch eine ausgewogene Zusammensetzung aus. Natürliches Vitamin C und E fördern ein zuträgliches Immunsystem. Das natürliche Prebiotikum Yucca Schidigera fördert auf hervorragende Weise die Konstitution des Darmes und vermindert Geruch.
Bio Kakaóvaj Blokk

Bio Kakaóvaj Blokk

"History and Origins Cacao (Theobroma) was first harvested by the Olmecs in Mexico as early as 1000 B.C. At that time it was mainly used for fortifying drinks. Over the years, the Mayas and the Aztecs adopted this use in their cultures. Cocoa became part of ceremonial rituals and cocoa beans were a means of payment. In the 16th century, the Spanish brought cocoa to Europe. In the mid-17th century, it became a popular drink. Cocoa trees were introduced to Asia and West Africa through colonies of various European countries, as there was a rising demand for chocolate in Europe. The cocoa bean is the raw material used in the production of chocolate. These cocoa beans originate from the tropical climates of South America (Ecuador). The Theobroma cacao tree is sacred to the Mayans and Aztecs. The cacao beans from the tree are harvested by hand and the raw beans are then cleaned in natural water and selected for the best quality. This process ensures that the nutritio…"
Bio Citromfű Por - Bio Citromfű Por

Bio Citromfű Por - Bio Citromfű Por

"Oorsprong Citroengras, ook bekend als Sereh, is een tropische plant uit Zuidoost Azië met een sterke citrussmaak en -geur. Het kruid wordt veel gebruikt in de Indonesische, Thaise, Surinaamse en Vietnamese keuken. Deze citroengraspoeder is afkomstig uit Egypte. Gebruik Citroengras (Cymbopogon citratus) wordt veel gebruikt in soepen en curries, maar smaakt ook heel lekker bij gevogelte, rundvlees en vis. Het geeft een friszure smaak, die diepte geeft aan pittige of zoete gerechten. Door de stengels van de plant te drogen en vermalen ontstaat een zachtgroen poeder. Gemalen citroengras is geconcentreerder en sterker van smaak dan verse citroengras, dus pas op met de hoeveelheid poeder en voeg het voorzichtig toe aan je gerecht. Ook kun je van citroengras thee zetten. Op Curaçao wordt deze thee al decennia lang gedronken. Daarnaast verfrist citroengras je adem enorm!"
Kelta tengeri só Gros Sel de Guerande Durva száraz 2–4mm

Kelta tengeri só Gros Sel de Guerande Durva száraz 2–4mm

"Origin Celtic sea salt Celtic sea salt is mined in France, Brittany. The salt is very rich in minerals and magnesium. The salt has large gray crystals. The light gray colour is created by the absorption of the minerals from the clay on the salt fields. Production process Celtic sea salt After extraction, the salt is dried, but not completely. The salt retains about 5% moisture, this contributes to the character. Healthy properties product and applications Celtic sea salt contains a very important mineral, magnesium (because it is not washed), which keeps your blood pressure down. It stimulates the production of your stomach acid. Stomach acid is essential for good digestion. Celtic sea salt helps you absorb vitamins better. Make sure you eat enough healthy fats every day."
Bio Citromhéj Por

Bio Citromhéj Por

"Origin Lemon peel powder is made from the peel of the lemon. The lemon is a fruit of the lemon tree (Citrus Limonum). The lemon is native to Asia, but is now common around the Mediterranean and America. This lemon peel powder comes from Chile. Lemon peel contains up to 10 times more essential nutrients than the juice of the lemon. Nutrients and uses The lemon peel powder contains vitamins A and C and also minerals like magnesium and calcium. In addition, the lemon peel also contains potassium and beta-carotene. Both the yellow and white parts of the lemon peel are used in this powder, which can give it a bitter taste. The high vitamin C content in combination with the present flavonoids ensure that this product is a healthy addition to any meal. This lemon peel powder can be added to many different dishes such as salads, in desserts, in bakery dishes and in meat dishes. This fresh spice is also frequently used in tea."
Auricularia kivonat, por és kapszulák - Táplálékkiegészítőként vagy funkcionális élelmiszerként

Auricularia kivonat, por és kapszulák - Táplálékkiegészítőként vagy funkcionális élelmiszerként

Auricularia auricula judae is a versatile medicinal mushroom that feels at home on the dinner plate, as a dietary supplement, or as food ingredient. From us you can buy it as extract, powder and extract or powder capsules. Auricularia extract is standardised for 30% polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are extracted from the chitin cover in the mushrooms using hot water. Compared with the powder, the extract has around 10 times the concentration of polysaccharides. Our powders are gained from the gently dried fruiting body of the mushroom by grinding it finely. The grain size < 0.125 mm is a sign of quality. All raw materials are tested for 250 parameters and aromatic hydrocarbons. The corresponding lab analyses and certificates are supplied to you with every batch. Extract MOQ:1 kg Powder MOQ:5 kg Capsules MOQ:2000 pcs
Gyömbérdarabok 3-6 mm Bio

Gyömbérdarabok 3-6 mm Bio

"Origin and history of ginger Ginger is a cultivated root. This means that it does not occur naturally in the wild. Yet ginger has been around for a very long time. It was first cultivated by the Austronesians in maritime Southeast Asia, around 3000 years before Christ. Thanks to a prehistoric migration by sea, the Austronesians extended their territories from Madagascar to Hawaii until 1500 BC. And during these migrations the ginger root came along. Around the first century BC, ginger first arrived in Europe via India. Nowadays most of the world ginger production takes place in India. Properties of Ginger Ginger is related to Turmeric, Cardamom and Galanga. Ginger is used as a herbal medicine and a versatile spice. It is used in teas, as a flavoring for vegetables, in candy and alcoholic beverages, but also processed in vinegar (such as pickles). h2>Healthy properties of Ginger Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory effect and its positive effec…"
Fagyasztva szárított Mangó - Fagyasztva szárított Mangók

Fagyasztva szárított Mangó - Fagyasztva szárított Mangók

100% gefriergetrocknete Mango, Stücke. Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel. Für 100 g gefriergetrocknete Mango werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt.