Hollandia, Linde
...{"Matching lid(s)":{"item number":"BA R 180 fedél","Description":"Fedél 180 x 120 mm.","Pieces per box":"500","Boxes per pallet location":"20","Material":"PETG, átlátszó"},"item number":"BA 433 R 180/70","Description":"Tálca","Contents":"1000 ml.","Size":"180 x 120 x 70 mm.","Pieces per box":"500","Boxes per pallet location":"16","Material":"Polisztirol (PS)"}...
Portfólió (179)
...{"Material flow across several levels:Intermediate buffering of several products possible":"Anyagáramlás több szinten: Több termék köztes tárolása lehetséges","Vertical lifts make material flow across several levels possible and are used wherever goods need to be transported vertically - they are ideal for the vertical transport of boxes, trays, plastic containers, bundles, pallets, and bags...
Olaszország, Granarolo Dell'emilia
...{"WITHOUT SAFETY BRAKE (CONDUCTIVE)":"Kód 766","WITH SAFETY BRAKE":"Kód 760","Plastic foil wrapped pallet holding 16 cardboard boxes cm. 120x80x110h":"Műanyag fóliával burkolt raklap, amely 16 kartondobozt tartalmaz cm. 120x80x110h","BODY STANDARD COLOUR":"Alap szín: Fekete Kód 440","daN 35":"daN 35","WHEELS STANDARD COLOUR":"Futófelület alap szín: Fekete Kód 310","STANDARD PACKAGING":"SZABVÁNY...
Portfólió (44)
Magyarország, Dunakeszi
...pop-up wall) - displays, lightning boxes, light frames - merchandising gifts, representative gifts, - other branded products: pendrive, pen, umbrella, mugs, cups, - clothes: t-shirts, hoodies, shirts, caps, full caps, Technologies we use: digital printing, CNC cutting and milling, letter and foil cutting, pad printing, screen printing, offset printing, embroidery Chamber memberships: La Camera di Commercio Italiana per l’Ungheria, Hungarian British Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom...
Magyarország, Budapest
... country in the field of the electrical installation materials trading. The main profile covers qualified trading and consultation in lighting, electrical installation materials like plastic enclosures, boxes, control devices, and other electrical equipments.In the lighting field We are making direct importation from Italian, German, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Korean & Chinese manftrs. We are able to offer competitive quality product on Industrial-, Sport- & Area Lighting, IEC 309 distribution boards, etc. - see www.gewiss.com.Hoping to start a fruitful co-operation we are waiting for Your kind reply...
Portfólió (1)
Magyarország, Budapest
... containers, bins and big boxes of different types and purpose. We export our products to several European countries and overseas as well, such as Australia, South Africa. Our staff is ready to design and develop personalised solutions according to our customers’ requirements. We also undertake production on lease/contract work basis of plastic articles of small and big sizes with our machinery...
Egyesült Királyság, Kingston On Thames
Európa legnagyobb műanyag dobozainak és tárolóinak választéka. Téglalap alakú, négyzet alakú, teleszkópos vagy kerek, merev vagy rugalmas műanyagból, kiállításhoz és kiskereskedelmi csomagoláshoz, promóciókhoz, csomagoláshoz, szállításhoz vagy tároláshoz. Zsanéros fedél, csúszó fedél, csúszó fedél vagy csavaros kupak. Átlátszó vagy színes műanyag. Nyomtatás is elérhető. Anyagok: polisztirol, polip...

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