Termékek élelmiszerek és (171)



Gelatin is a type of natural protein that is soluble in water and is obtained by partial hydrolysis of collagen from animal or fish bones, skin, and tendons. Gelatin is composed of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline and is available in two basic types: food-grade gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen. The shelf life of Gelatin is 12 months, and it is available in 25 kg bags. Gelatin is a transparent and odorless substance. It is a popular food ingredient that acts as a stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier. Gelatin is a versatile substance used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It can thicken and stabilize foods, form a protective film on the skin, and be used in the manufacture of capsules. It also has a positive effect on the health of bones and joints.
Vital búzagluten

Vital búzagluten

Vital Wheat Gluten is made from wheat flour by activating and extracting the gluten, which is then dried and ground into powder. When properly stored in airtight packaging in a cool, dry warehouse, it has a shelf life of up to 24 months. Foodcom S.A. offers Vital Wheat Gluten in 25 kg bags. Vital Wheat Gluten is a valuable binding agent due to its elasticity and texture-enhancing properties. It helps baked goods made with whole wheat flour or coarse grains bind gas and steam, giving them a light, voluminous texture. Sweet and savory dishes can be made fluffier with Vital Wheat Gluten. Additionally, it is an excellent source of vegetable protein and can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian cooking. Seitan, a popular meat substitute, is made from Vital Wheat Gluten. It is also used in the production of pet food and in feeds for fish, calves, and piglets.
Fagyasztott Vaj

Fagyasztott Vaj

The name butter is reserved for products without vegetable fat admixtures with a specific milk fat content - at least 82% (not more than 16% water and 2% dry non-fat milk). It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. The product is rich in vitamins A, D, K.
Üvegek 190 ml

Üvegek 190 ml

We offer high-quality glass jars of various capacities at the best prices on the market. Minimal order: • Full truck quantities Price (includes delivery costs to the customer in Poland): • 190 ml jar - 0.069 eur/pcs. Method of packaging: • Bulk - 6,498 pieces per pallet, 26 pallets per truck; The jars can be mixed, you can get the full product offer from us, just ask! Certificates: • Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety. VAT: • We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction. We cordially invite you to cooperate! Minimal order:26 pallets VAT Invoice:We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction Certificates:Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety
Natív kukoricakeményítő

Natív kukoricakeményítő

L'amido di mais è ampiamente utilizzato nella produzione di dolci, prodotti dolciari, fast food, salsicce, marinate, sugo, glassa, zuppe secche, premiscele per salse e piatti pronti. Inoltre, l'amido di mais viene applicato nell'industria della carta, dei tessuti, del cartone e degli adesivi. Negli usi farmaceutici e medici, l'amido di mais viene utilizzato ad es. come lubrificante per guanti chirurgici. Nell'uso cosmetico, il prodotto può essere un sostituto del talco nella merce per neonati. Altri usi includono il segmento della nutrizione animale per bestiame, pollame e mangimi per pesci.
Üvegek 350 ml

Üvegek 350 ml

We offer high-quality glass jars of various capacities at the best prices on the market. Minimal order: • Full truck quantities Price (includes delivery costs to the customer in Poland): • 350 ml jar - 0.121 eur/pcs. Method of packaging: • Bulk - 2,860 pieces on a pallet, 26 pallets on the truck; • Shrink-wrapped. The jars can be mixed, you can get the full product offer from us, just ask! Certificates: •Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety. VAT: •We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction. We cordially invite you to cooperate! Minimal order:26 pallets VAT Invoice:We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction Certificates:Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety


La maltodextrine est produite par l'hydrolyse enzymatique d'amidon végétal, le plus souvent issu du maïs, mais aussi du riz et du blé. Le produit final est une poudre blanche pelucheuse à haute solubilité. Il augmente la valeur nutritionnelle de nombreuses recettes. En raison de ses propriétés, la maltodextrine peut aider à réguler l'humidité et à prolonger la durée de conservation des produits.


La gelatina è una proteina solubile naturale ottenuta dall'idrolisi parziale del collagene di ossa, pelle e tendini di animali. È composto da glicina, prolina e idrossiprolina. La gelatina si ottiene mediante il processo di idrolisi per rompere i legami tra le singole molecole di collagene. L'acqua calda o gli acidi vengono utilizzati per isolare le molecole isolate. Viene quindi filtrato, sterilizzato ed essiccato.


Maltodekstryna jest otrzymywana w drodze enzymatycznej hydrolizy skrobi roślinnej, najczęściej z kukurydzy, ale także z ryżu i pszenicy. Produkt końcowy to puszysty biały proszek o wysokiej rozpuszczalności. Podnosi wartość odżywczą wielu przepisów. Dzięki swoim właściwościom maltodekstryna może pomóc regulować wilgotność i wydłużyć okres przydatności do spożycia produktów.
Borsófehérje 80% - Élelmiszer minőség

Borsófehérje 80% - Élelmiszer minőség

La proteína de guisante se utiliza en muchos productos vegetarianos y veganos, así como en la nutrición deportiva. Se puede utilizar en productos como batidos y mezclas de batidos, sustitutos de la carne de origen vegetal, helados veganos y alternativas al yogur. La proteína de guisante también es popular en el sector de la panadería y como componente de comidas preparadas. Se puede texturizar para hacer análogos de la carne y aumentar el contenido de proteínas de los sustitutos de la carne.
Halőrlemény 71%

Halőrlemény 71%

La farina di pesce 71% è ottenuta da pesce crudo o ritagli di pesce – sottoprodotti della preparazione per il consumo umano. La materia prima viene cotta a circa 80-90°C, pressata in una torta, e successivamente essiccata e macinata grossolanamente. La farina di pesce offerta da Foodcom è prodotta da pesci come aringhe e spratti coltivati nel Mar Baltico. Il prodotto finale si presenta sotto forma di farina sfusa e marrone. Forniamo anche farina di pesce 60% e 65%. La farina di pesce offerta da Foodcom è prodotta da pesci come aringhe e spratti coltivati ​​nel Mar Baltico. Il prodotto finale si presenta sotto forma di farina integrale sfusa.
Napraforgó liszt BIG BAG-ben, házhoz szállítással

Napraforgó liszt BIG BAG-ben, házhoz szállítással

Granulirana sončnična moka v Big Bagu težke 1 tone. Parametri izdelka: • Beljakovine: 39% • Vlažnost: do 10,4% • Maščobe: 1,4 % • Vlaknine: 22,8 % Minimalno naročilo 22 ton - polne tovorne količine, plačilo po dostavi blaga. Dodatne informacije: • Prenosljivi certifikati in več fotografij izdelkov najdete na naši spletni strani: www.atwork.com.pl/; • Ponudba prihaja od poljskega podjetja; • Možnost izstavitve DDV računa. Minimalno naročilo:23 tony DDV račun:Za vaše podjetje izdamo račun z DDV, kar zagotavlja popolno transparentnost transakcije Certifikati:Naši izdelki imajo ustrezne certifikate kakovosti, ki zagotavljajo visoko kakovost in varnost
Üvegek 720 ml

Üvegek 720 ml

We offer high-quality glass jars of various capacities at the best prices on the market. Minimal order: - Full truck quantities Price (includes delivery costs to the customer in Poland): - Jar 720 ml - 0.14 eur/pcs. Method of packaging: - Bulk - 2,304 pieces on a pallet, 26 pallets on the truck. The jars can be mixed, you can get the full product offer from us, just ask! Certificates: •Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety. VAT: •We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction. We cordially invite you to cooperate! Minimal order:26 pallets VAT Invoice:We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction Certificates:Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety
Natív kukoricakeményítő

Natív kukoricakeményítő

La producción de almidón de maíz comienza cuando la materia prima de maíz se limpia de escombros y materias extrañas y luego se muele con agua. Más tarde, se lleva a cabo la separación del gluten y el almidón y la suspensión de almidón se seca para luego procesarla en polvo. El producto final es un polvo blanco fino y suelto con sabor y olor neutros. No OMG de maíz europeo (maíz). El almidón de maíz se usa ampliamente en la producción de dulces, productos de confitería, comida rápida, salchichas, adobos, salsa, glaseado, sopas secas, premezclas de salsas y comidas preparadas. Además, el almidón de maíz se aplica en la industria del papel, textil, cartón y adhesivos. En usos farmacéuticos y médicos, se usa almidón de maíz, p. como lubricante para guantes quirúrgicos. En uso cosmético, el producto puede ser un sustituto del talco en la mercadería infantil. Otros usos incluyen el segmento de nutrición animal para ganado, aves de corral y alimento para peces.
Hidrolizált búzaglutén

Hidrolizált búzaglutén

Aus Weizenmehl wird hydrolysiertes Weizengluten gewonnen. Dabei wird das Klebereiweiß von der Weizenstärke getrennt. Dieses Protein wird vor der Trocknung enzymatisch in kleine lösliche Proteine und Peptide hydrolysiert. Das hydrolisierte Weizengluten hat eine Haltbarkeit von 2 Jahren. Das Produkt sollte in trockenen, kühlen Lagerhäusern ohne Zugang zu Wärme oder Wasser gelagert werden. Foodcom beliefert seine Geschäftspartner mit hydrolysiertem Weizengluten in 20-25-kg-Säcken, Big Bags oder Silo-Lkw.
Mononátrium-glutamát (MSG)

Mononátrium-glutamát (MSG)

MSG olarak da bilinen monosodyum glutamat, en bol bulunan amino asitlerden biri olan glutamik asidin sodyum tuzudur. MSG, nişasta, şeker kamışı, şeker pancarı veya melasın fermantasyonu ile elde edilir, ancak alg suyunda ve birçok sebze, peynir ve mantarda da bulunur. MSG, glutamik asitten tek bir amino asit içerir ve ham protein içeriği olarak kabul edilmez. Yaygın organik çözücülerde de çözünmez ve higroskopik değildir. Pişirildiğinde ayrışmadığı için işlemeye iyi yanıt verir. Şeker varlığında yüksek sıcaklıklar da uygulandığında rengini kahverengiye çevirir. Genellikle mono-hidrat, beyaz kristal toz, kokusuz ve suda çözünür olarak bulunur.


La gélatine est une protéine naturelle soluble obtenue à partir de l'hydrolyse partielle du collagène des os, de la peau et des tendons des animaux. Il est composé de glycine, de proline et d'hydroxyproline. La gélatine est obtenue par le processus d'hydrolyse pour rompre les liaisons entre les molécules de collagène individuelles. De l'eau chaude ou des acides sont utilisés pour isoler les molécules isolées. Il est ensuite filtré, stérilisé et séché.
Natív Burgonyakeményítő

Natív Burgonyakeményítő

Native Potato Starch is a gluten-free powder that is derived from potatoes through a process of rinsing, cleaning, drying, and sieving. This product is suitable for individuals who are sensitive to gluten and can be used to modify the texture of food without altering its taste. Native Potato Starch has excellent binding and moisture-retaining properties, making it a popular ingredient in the bakery industry. It should be stored in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area and has a shelf life of up to 5 years. Foodcom S.A. supplies Native Potato Starch in 25 kg packs and Big Bags. Native Potato Starch is a versatile ingredient and food additive that can be used in various food preparations, including meat and deli items, canned vegetables, bread and flour products, desserts, soups, sauces, puddings, and jellies.


Il sorbato di potassio è un conservante alimentare altamente efficace, sicuro e non tossico. Sebbene il sorbato di potassio sia uno dei tanti conservanti presenti sul mercato, è uno dei migliori perché è innocuo e versatile. Il sorbato di potassio è in gran parte prodotto sinteticamente. È una polvere insapore e inodore. Secondo la FDA, è considerato sicuro da usare perché si scompone nel corpo in acqua e anidride carbonica. È nell'elenco dei conservanti che possono essere utilizzati nei prodotti cosmetici con restrizioni. La sua concentrazione massima consentita nel prodotto finale è dello 0,6%, calcolata come acido sorbico. Funziona meglio in un ambiente acido, altrimenti le sue proprietà sono molto più deboli.
Vital Búzagluten

Vital Búzagluten

Vital Wheat Gluten wird hergestellt, indem dichtes Weizenmehl hydratisiert wird, um das Gluten zu aktivieren, und dann die hydratisierte Masse verändert wird, um die Stärke zu eliminieren und nur das Gluten zu extrahieren. Das Gluten wird dann getrocknet und zu einem Pulver zurückgemahlen.
Hidrolizált Búzaglutén

Hidrolizált Búzaglutén

Il glutine di frumento idrolizzato si ottiene dalla farina di frumento. Nel processo, la proteina del glutine viene separata dall'amido di frumento. Questa proteina viene idrolizzata enzimaticamente in piccole proteine e peptidi solubili prima dell'essiccazione. Il glutine di frumento idrolizzato ha una durata di conservazione di 2 anni. Il prodotto deve essere conservato in magazzini asciutti e freschi senza accesso a fonti di calore o acqua. Foodcom fornisce ai suoi partner commerciali glutine di frumento idrolizzato in sacchi da 20-25 kg, big bag o camion alla rinfusa.


Vainillin to wysoce aromatyczny organiczny związek chemiczny (glukozyd waniliny) odpowiedzialny za wyjątkowy i pyszny waniliowy zapach i smak, który występuje naturalnie w lasce wanilii. Jest organicznym związkiem chemicznym składającym się z pierścienia benzenowego zastąpionego trzema grupami funkcyjnymi: aldehydową, hydroksylową i metoksylową. Jest jednym ze składników zapachu waniliowego. Syntetycznie otrzymywana z gwajakolu, wanilina jest otrzymywana z ługu wytwarzanego przy produkcji papieru. Smak jest najważniejszą cechą odróżniającą wanilinę od wanilii. Syntetyczny substytut wanilii ma bardziej intensywny smak niż naturalny owoc rośliny. Ma postać drobnych białych do lekko żółtych kryształków.
Vitaminok - Termékek az élelmiszer-, kozmetikai és gyógyszeripar számára

Vitaminok - Termékek az élelmiszer-, kozmetikai és gyógyszeripar számára

- Beta carotene (100% natural) - Biotin - Cyanocobalamin USP - D-biotin - D-Ribose - Methylcobalamin (B12 Coenzyme) - Natural vitamin E succinate - Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (P5P) - Sulbutiamine - Thiamine disulfide - Vitamin B12 - Vitamin E - Vitamin E Natural Powder 30%


BACKENZYME: Amylasen EC Cellulasen EC Glukose-Oxidase Lipasen EC Lipoxygenase Protease EC Transglutaminase MILCHENZYME Chymosin EC Laktase EC Pepsin EC Lipasen EC
945 ml Üvegedények ingyenes szállítással

945 ml Üvegedények ingyenes szállítással

Nabízíme kvalitní skleněné dózy různých kapacit za nejlepší ceny na trhu. Minimální objednávka: • Kompletní množství nákladních vozů Cena (zahrnuje náklady na doručení zákazníkovi v Polsku): • Sklenice 945 ml - 0,76 PLN/ks. Způsob balení: • Hromadné - 1 729 kusů na paletě, 26 palet na kamion; • Smršťovací fólie. Sklenice lze míchat, kompletní nabídku produktů získáte u nás, stačí se zeptat! Kontaktujte nás: +48 503 577 909 Certifikáty: •Naše produkty mají příslušné certifikáty kvality, zaručující vysokou kvalitu a bezpečnost. KÁĎ: •Pro vaši společnost vystavíme fakturu s DPH, čímž zajistíme plnou transparentnost transakce. Srdečně Vás zveme ke spolupráci! Minimální objednávka::26 palet Káď:Pro vaši společnost vystavíme fakturu s DPH, která zajistí plnou transparentnost transakce Certyfikaty:Naše výrobky mají příslušné certifikáty kvality, zaručující vysokou kvalitu a bezpečnost


La vainillina es un compuesto químico orgánico altamente aromático (glucósido de vainillina) responsable del exclusivo y delicioso aroma y sabor a vainilla que se produce naturalmente en la vaina de vainilla. Es un compuesto químico orgánico formado por un anillo de benceno sustituido por tres grupos funcionales: aldehído, hidroxilo y metoxilo. Es uno de los componentes de la fragancia de vainilla. Derivada sintéticamente del guayacol, la vainillina se obtiene de la lejía producida en la fabricación del papel. El sabor es la característica más importante que distingue a la vainillina de la vainilla. El sustituto sintético de vainilla tiene un sabor más intenso que el fruto natural de la planta. Se presenta en forma de finos cristales de color blanco a ligeramente amarillo.
Hidrolizált búzagluten

Hidrolizált búzagluten

Hydrolizowany gluten pszenny otrzymywany jest z mąki pszennej. W tym procesie białko glutenu jest oddzielane od skrobi pszennej. Białko to jest enzymatycznie hydrolizowane do małych rozpuszczalnych białek i peptydów przed suszeniem. Hydrolizowany gluten pszenny ma okres przydatności do spożycia 2 lata. Produkt należy przechowywać w suchych, chłodnych magazynach bez dostępu do ciepła i wody. Foodcom zaopatruje swoich partnerów biznesowych w hydrolizowany gluten pszenny w workach 20-25 kg, big bagach lub ciężarówkach luzem.
Borsófehérje 80% - Élelmiszer minőség

Borsófehérje 80% - Élelmiszer minőség

Pea Protein is obtained from yellow or golden peas by dry and liquid methods. In the dry method, the shell of the peas is removed mechanically, they are ground to obtain pea flour, and the proteins are separated and collected by centrifugation. Pea Protein contains a high concentration of protein, iron and amino acids, which makes it a popular ingredient in various diets due to its non-allergenic properties and easy digestibility. Pea Protein also has functional properties such as water binding capacity, foaming, emulsification and stable gelation. It appears as a beige powder with a clean taste. Its shelf life can be up to 24 months if kept in cool and dry storage away from light. Pea Protein is available in 20 or 25 kg bags or Big Bags. Pea Protein is commonly used in vegetarian and vegan products, sports nutrition, baked goods, and as an ingredient in prepared foods. It can also be texturized to make meat analogs and increase the protein content of meat substitutes.


Vainillin ist eine hocharomatische organische chemische Verbindung (Vanillin-Glucosid), die für den einzigartigen und köstlichen Vanille-Duft und -Geschmack verantwortlich ist, der in der Vanilleschote natürlich vorkommt. Es ist eine organisch-chemische Verbindung, die aus einem Benzolring besteht, der durch drei funktionelle Gruppen ersetzt ist: Aldehyd, Hydroxyl und Methoxyl. Es ist eine der Komponenten des Vanilleduftes. Synthetisch aus Guajakol gewonnen, wird Vanillin aus der Lauge gewonnen, die bei der Papierherstellung entsteht. Der Geschmack ist das wichtigste Charakteristikum, das Vanillin von Vanille unterscheidet. Der synthetische Vanille-Ersatz hat einen intensiveren Geschmack als die natürlichen Früchte der Pflanze. Es hat die Form von feinen weißen bis leicht gelben Kristallen.


Das Kartoffelprotein wird später gereinigt, gedämpft und geschält. Die Stärke wird dann mit Wasser extrahiert, um eine proteinhaltige Aufschlämmung zu bilden, die mit Säure behandelt und dann getrocknet und pulverisiert wird. Kartoffelprotein ist ein feines, lockeres Pulver, hellgrau oder gelbgrün und hat einen typischen getrockneten Kartoffelgeruch. Der Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Kartoffeleiweiß sind Stärkekartoffeln polnischer Herkunft.